This woman...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
But of course....

Kerad said:
When motivated, I can engage any one of you in debate, supported by the many references and documentation you love to give extra credit for. I just don't have the desire to do so on a regular basis. There is entirely too much self-important drivel for me to attempt to combat. I pick and chose.
Then again...contrary to what is evidenced by many here....a sense of humor is a postive thing.

...why bother when you can Kerad and interject your own self improtant drivel?

I have a sense of humor. I'm laughing right now.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

SamSpade said:
Possibly. I have no love for the guy. But I would READ what he said before making a comment on it. On another forum this morning, I had a lengthy discussion about the legalization of drugs and got a VERY long article pretty much repudiating everything I said.

I read all of it.

Why would I do that? Pretty much following the basic approach I always have, being at heart a scientist - I'm *always* willing to admit I am wrong, provided that I'm given an intelligent, rational and well thought out argument. I admit my bias, and my inertia to an opposing idea - but I've been dead wrong about stuff before, and so I'm always willing to at least listen.

I also realize that when you're trying to discuss an issue with someone who litters their posts with language like "those red-state redneck m*f*ckers voted for that lying Chimp and his Nazi cronies" - I realize that their opinion really ISN'T worth listening to. Rational, logical, reasoned - I'll listen. Bullsh!t stuff, I don't have to entertain. I only have so much time.'ve never been much of a Kerader.