Those INNOCENT faces at the shelter .....


Active Member
I get someone wanting a full breed who may be into hunting, showing, that kind of thing. But just as a pet, I wonder what people are thinking when they drive to Georgia or somewhere rather than save a shelter dog or even go through a breed specific rescue.

Both our dogs are rescues, and you just get that extra amount of love back from them because they know what you did for them. I would never have anything other than a rescue.


Adopt me please !
Actually some people think that shelter dogs all have problems and that's why they were taken to the shelter (not true in most cases), or they have no clue that there are so many dogs being put down at the shelter, or they think the shelter doesn't get good quality dogs? I don't think most people realize how bad the pet over-population really is. Then some people just don't care enough to care about homeless pets. I mean look at the people who leave their pets intact and when they reproduce they just sell or give the offspring away - lots of those folks obviously too.

They (rescues) DO seem to be more appreciative don't they? Can't wait to pick up my new addition tomorrow. I just found out we *may* be getting a poodle in soon for placement so I'll update that when I know for sure.

I get someone wanting a full breed who may be into hunting, showing, that kind of thing. But just as a pet, I wonder what people are thinking when they drive to Georgia or somewhere rather than save a shelter dog or even go through a breed specific rescue.

Both our dogs are rescues, and you just get that extra amount of love back from them because they know what you did for them. I would never have anything other than a rescue.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
You know I don't understand how judgmental people get here about how others acquire their animals. I got my Aussie down here in Texas from a local cattle rancher and breeder in Stockdale whose dogs were actually working cattle dogs. They sold off the pups who they didn't feel had the aggression or mindset to work cattle. I didn't pay the extra $$$ to register him, got him fixed when the vet recommended and he is an excellent family dog. He and his line were not show dogs but he is smart, handsome, and loyal. My vet tried to get him from me after we kenneled him there during vacation he liked him so much. I knew I wanted an intelligent Aussie and not a mutt, I didn't want to show, breed, or rescue a trauma case. I wanted a solid pup to raise as a mentally stable member of our family. You might consider these people backyard breeders because they don't show but I guarantee you their dogs were intelligent useful working animals which to me trumps beauty pageant dogs any day. He keeps an eye on my little horse and pony herd by day, keeps the place safe at night, and herds my kids even. I wouldn't rather have some snickerdoodlerotlabterrier craptastic mix just because it's there and pitifully in need of a home.

Now that being said, my cats are always rescues. I think cat intelligence, personality, and aggression has a lot less to do with breeding.
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Adopt me please !
he's here !

He's such the sweetest dog! Picture attached ....

Actually some people think that shelter dogs all have problems and that's why they were taken to the shelter (not true in most cases), or they have no clue that there are so many dogs being put down at the shelter, or they think the shelter doesn't get good quality dogs? I don't think most people realize how bad the pet over-population really is. Then some people just don't care enough to care about homeless pets. I mean look at the people who leave their pets intact and when they reproduce they just sell or give the offspring away - lots of those folks obviously too.

They (rescues) DO seem to be more appreciative don't they? Can't wait to pick up my new addition tomorrow. I just found out we *may* be getting a poodle in soon for placement so I'll update that when I know for sure.


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Adopt me please !
thanks - he has white on the tip of his tail too. I have a feeling that the lady at the shelter who fell in love with him, and liked walking him, is sad right now, but sort of the joyful type of sad you know? She really wanted to see this one find a good home and he was on death row ..... she hoped he would be saved and it happened.

He is a cutie pie. I like how his paws look like he dipped them in white paint.


New Member
thanks - he has white on the tip of his tail too. I have a feeling that the lady at the shelter who fell in love with him, and liked walking him, is sad right now, but sort of the joyful type of sad you know? She really wanted to see this one find a good home and he was on death row ..... she hoped he would be saved and it happened.

Looks like he found a great home. :yahoo:


Well-Known Member
Some of you already know ... for those that don't .... I lost my special rescue Rottie Quinn last week. I am so totally shocked by his fast decline - the week before he was jumping around as usual - then I find him dead after a few days of not feeling his usual perky self (probable kidney failure per vet). SO when I went to drop off donations to the Tri-County Shelter on Saturday morning, I took a look at the dogs they had there. Then on Monday I went to the new P G County shelter and I was impressed with the facility, except that we all knew what would happen right? Yes they CAN house MORE animals in the larger facility, but what always happens at EVERY facility? They become full and the killing begins.

It hurt me so much to know that many of those faces in the shelters will be no more, and it doesn't take long for them to be put down because so many new ones come in DAILY (strays/owner surrenders), and they have to make room, so the next up on death row gets put down. Granted sometimes the ones being put down may not have been ideal pets (maybe needed re-training), but they are just innocent victims. Some of the dogs I saw were scared and shaking, some were happy, some appeared depressed.

I was there to find another life to save, and I was faced with a scared dog that was going to probably be put down that day, but I was only there to pick 2 dogs and he wasn't one of them unfortunately. I almost feel responsible for his death because I could have saved him. I looked into the eyes of almost every dog there and it's heartbreaking!

I will forever be dedicated to finding homes for homeless critters, big and small. Please, if any of you reading this can help save a life, please visit your local shelters. Tell others about the shelters and how much those critters NEED us to come save them. They give so much yet require so little from us in return. I am willing to help anyone who wants help finding a critter. I know a lot of people who can help us look for whatever you want to find be it canine, feline, equine, or any other critter. Thanks for listening, I truly appreciate it!

PRECISELY why I CANNOT watch that Sarah McLachlan commercial; the one with her song in the background. If it comes on TV, I change the channel.


Well-Known Member
You know I don't understand how judgmental people get here about how others acquire their animals. I got my Aussie down here in Texas from a local cattle rancher and breeder in Stockdale whose dogs were actually working cattle dogs. They sold off the pups who they didn't feel had the aggression or mindset to work cattle. I didn't pay the extra $$$ to register him, got him fixed when the vet recommended and he is an excellent family dog. He and his line were not show dogs but he is smart, handsome, and loyal. My vet tried to get him from me after we kenneled him there during vacation he liked him so much. I knew I wanted an intelligent Aussie and not a mutt, I didn't want to show, breed, or rescue a trauma case. I wanted a solid pup to raise as a mentally stable member of our family. You might consider these people backyard breeders because they don't show but I guarantee you their dogs were intelligent useful working animals which to me trumps beauty pageant dogs any day. He keeps an eye on my little horse and pony herd by day, keeps the place safe at night, and herds my kids even. I wouldn't rather have some snickerdoodlerotlabterrier craptastic mix just because it's there and pitifully in need of a home.

Now that being said, my cats are always rescues. I think cat intelligence, personality, and aggression has a lot less to do with breeding.
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That dog looks almost EXACTLY like the border collie/?? that my Mom got as a puppy around the time I was born. I would lay on top of this dog and pull her ears and her tail (I was a baby) and she NEVER snapped at me or bit me. She PROTECTED me.....from Mom & Dad. Mom told me about it a long time ago. I got a chuckle out of it. :lmao:


Adopt me please !
Awww - I see so many beagles at the Tri-County Shelter - when I drop off donations I go look to see what dogs/cats are there - I tell people what I saw in hopes that someone will be inspired to go adopt (or tell someone they know).

We had a beagle when I was growing up and he was such a joy.

I know how you feel. When I was looking for a shelter dog four years ago - after I lost my airedale terrierI would take my lunch break from work and drive everywhere. I did go to the pg county one when it was in forestville. It was heartbfreaking and I was fighting tears. I ended up finding one at fishing creek - my dear sweet Tinker who is an old beagle.