Thoughts on businesses that don't allow children


Well-Known Member
A facebook post from my hometown got very heated about a mom not being allowed to bring her 3 children into a nail salon while she had an appointment. Some people said they liked the policy because they were there to relax and didn't want to hear a bunch of rowdy kids. Others said they would not patronize the business because they did not like the policy. Thoughts?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
A facebook post from my hometown got very heated about a mom not being allowed to bring her 3 children into a nail salon while she had an appointment. Some

I can't think of a reason why anyone would do that besides they're an entitled dumbass.

I've seen FB threads where some Karen is all pissed because a high end restaurant says no to kids. It doesn't occur to these dipshits to either get a sitter or go to a different restaurant - they always have to pitch a fit.


Well-Known Member
When I had a young child he went everywhere with me or his dad. That said, we didn't go places that weren't appropriate for kids or were meant for adults and not kids, such as a nail salon. Just because I loved being with my kid, didn't mean everyone loved having kids around. I think businesses should be able to make their own rules and if you don't like them, don't go there. But I also don't think you should put them on blast because you don't like their rules. It seems so many people feel everything should be catered to them and them only. So that mom who wanted to take her kids there feels her rights are more important than the woman who wants a quiet relaxing experience when she gets her nails done.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
When I had a little and going out to dinner, it was usually around 5, before the dinner rush for adults. She also learned proper restaurant etiquette. Except for the time she complained of a tummy ache and proceeded to barf all over the floor in the waiting area and Ruby Tuesday. 😂
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
When I had a little and going out to dinner, it was usually sound 5, before the dinner rush for adults. She also learned proper restaurant etiquette. Except for the time she complained of a tummy ache and proceeded to barf all over the floor in the waiting area and Ruby Tuesday. 😂
That gets a pass. I’m pretty sure a lot of people barfed at Ruby Tuesday.


Well-Known Member
My kid was well-behaved or else we left. He also threw up once in Applebees right onto his plate. I felt horrible for those near us and we left immediately.


Well-Known Member
So blessed am I to have found a hair salon that only takes one customer at a time in her shop. Was so funny when she told me I can talk about whatever I want...even Trump.

  • Haha
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Well-Known Member
A facebook post from my hometown got very heated about a mom not being allowed to bring her 3 children into a nail salon while she had an appointment. Some people said they liked the policy because they were there to relax and didn't want to hear a bunch of rowdy kids. Others said they would not patronize the business because they did not like the policy. Thoughts?
Exactly how was she going to control her kids while getting her nails done. I would imagine they were very young and had attention span of a nat. Would have been very disruptive to the business.


Well-Known Member
When my daughters were little, we went to dinner maybe once or twice a month. I was blessed, they were very good and listened if I had to discipline them, which was rare. We actually had a few people compliment us on well behaved they were. That said, I believe it should be up to the businesses. Some people think the nail salon or the hair salon is a playground for their kids. I've also seen it in the grocery stores, doctors waiting rooms and department stores. If I owned a business, I would definitely have a no kids policy. If the parents cant control the child, the business owner certainly cant.


Well-Known Member
I guess it seems that a NORMAL person would understand, there are some places where bringing kids along is not only inappropriate, but clearly an excuse for the customer NOT to have someone watch them. Like bringing them to the gym (and I mean, a workout place) or to your workplace (if it's an office) or to your lawyer's office. Stuff like that. If you're a high-end restaurant, with cocktails and pianos playing.

THAT, I completely get. If I went to a place like that, and they allowed kids there, I might not return, and I have kids and have had them all very young at one time. Even though they were very well behaved then - and I am not bragging - I can't imagine frequenting a place that WASN'T a family restaurant with kids screaming, whining, or worse - running around (one of my best friends did that - let his child run around the restaurant when the kid was finished eating).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well I frankly admit my kids were terrible when I'd take them out in public. They bickered and fought constantly, embarrassed the hell out of me. They weren't allowed to run around the restaurant or make a big mess, but they'd get bored and resort to their favorite form of amusement: tormenting each other.

I'd have never dreamed of taking them out to eat at somewhere other than McDonalds. They could go one at a time and be fine, but together was a big fat nope. Not a restaurant, not the grocery store, not Kmart. Certainly not a nail or hair salon.

Taking a child somewhere that will not interest them is just asking for it. Maybe other people's kids could sit quietly and behave, but not my heathens.


Well-Known Member
Well I frankly admit my kids were terrible when I'd take them out in public. They bickered and fought constantly, embarrassed the hell out of me. They weren't allowed to run around the restaurant or make a big mess, but they'd get bored and resort to their favorite form of amusement: tormenting each other.

I'd have never dreamed of taking them out to eat at somewhere other than McDonalds. They could go one at a time and be fine, but together was a big fat nope. Not a restaurant, not the grocery store, not Kmart. Certainly not a nail or hair salon.

Taking a child somewhere that will not interest them is just asking for it. Maybe other people's kids could sit quietly and behave, but not my heathens.
That's it though, you knew the limits of your kids and acted accordingly. A lot of people don't or won't acknowledge that their kids are heathens.

My kids were well behaved in most places and were complimented for it often. But, just because they would behave in any restaurant doesn't mean I would take them to one where it wasn't geared towards families.

As a stay at home mom without family close by, or at times, close friends, I had to take my kids everywhere I went during the day. Doctors, stores, dentists, banks, you name it, they went. I even took my oldest to a job interview when she was an infant, and got offered the job!