Three 10 week old ducklings need a home


Adopt me please !
Greetings everyone living on farms ...... we are hoping someone out there will be interested in adopting 3 ducks that came into rescue yesterday. We don't know their story but assume they were part of an Easter purchase and they changed their minds pretty fast about being able to care for the little darlings. The ducklings may have been traumatized? They panic and try to escape if a person gets close to them.

Two are Blue Swedish (smallest ones) and the other is a Peking. We will consider splitting them up with the 2 smaller ones staying together but a home that could accept all 3 would be preferred. They huddle together so I am sure they find each others presence comforting.

We were told these ducklings are 10 weeks old. I am hoping it isn't too soon for them to be outside as that is where they are in a cage today with a cover to protect from rain. We have no experience with ducks, but I was told they can eat the same starter/grower feed as chickens do? That is what they have for now.


Adopt me please !
Here is a picture of them (a bit fuzzy):


  • ducklings.jpg
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New Member

I would definitely be interested. I raised 11 wild ducklings a couple of years ago when the mom rejected them. All are still alive.


Adopt me please !
I would definitely be interested. I raised 11 wild ducklings a couple of years ago when the mom rejected them. All are still alive.

Sounds great! I was a bit uneasy about leaving them outside in the cage because it appears the smaller ones don't have feathers yet? It feels like "fluff". I hope the age I was told is correct, otherwise their lives could be in danger if they get too cold too early in life.

I just KNEW someone here would welcome the new additions. I am hoping to get a pond in place later this year. Maybe then I'll have a few ducks? We'll see.

I'll get with you in a PM <G>.


Well-Known Member
if it doesn't work out with dachsmom let us know. I have a friend who lives on a farm who may be interested.


Adopt me please !
We have been so over-whelmed this week with various things and we have yet to make arrangements to discuss the offers to take the ducks. We did get them settled into a confined area with a baby/toddler pool. I am sure they are ready to have a "regular" duck life somewhere.

Basically what we are looking for is someone who has a pond or other water source available and hopefully can keep an eye on them to help them out if needed? I don't have much duck knowledge so I am not sure at what age ducks can function solo w/o Mom?

These 3 seems to be attached to each other so I expect they will be duckie buddies for some time? We will get with those that offered via PM or whatever method they have provided us. I know I got a call from one lady already this week and I need to call her back. Hopefully these ducks can go to their new home this weekend.