Three day diet



I got peer pressured into it.
I read the info on the internet, and everyone attacking it, as they do most fad diets... but i thought,"what the hell"

So far I've lost 10 pounds.... So what can I say.... I'm going to stick with it for a while and see what happens.

Wondering if anyone else here has done it before.
I got peer pressured into it.
I read the info on the internet, and everyone attacking it, as they do most fad diets... but i thought,"what the hell"

So far I've lost 10 pounds.... So what can I say.... I'm going to stick with it for a while and see what happens.

Wondering if anyone else here has done it before.

Well, crap. Wait 'til Chasey finds out she's working so hard at eating right and going to the gym and all she had to do was just a 3 day diet. She's gonna be mad...:frown:


Well, crap. Wait 'til Chasey finds out she's working so hard at eating right and going to the gym and all she had to do was just a 3 day diet. She's gonna be mad...:frown:

Well I think that everyone finds something that works for them. This is just working for me :lmao:

The gym part comes next after my hectic life calms down a tad.


You're a LOON :)
Details?? :lol: I have been working out with others every single morning and then again every afternoon and evening. I am worked out.


Details?? :lol: I have been working out with others every single morning and then again every afternoon and evening. I am worked out.

Just google "3 day diet"

you eat like a rabbit very specific food for three days. The other 4 days you eat your normal food.

Like i said, I only did it cause my co-workers are and they hounded me.

But the scale shows 10 pounds down in 3 weeks.... so I like it.


New Member
I got peer pressured into it.
I read the info on the internet, and everyone attacking it, as they do most fad diets... but i thought,"what the hell"

So far I've lost 10 pounds.... So what can I say.... I'm going to stick with it for a while and see what happens.

Wondering if anyone else here has done it before.

doing what?


Maybe you should s-p-e-l-l i-t o-u-t...:lmao:


Anyways... here is the diet i follow.

Day 1

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1/2 grapefruit or juice
1 piece toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter

1/2 cup tuna
1 piece toast
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal

3 ounces any lean meat or chicken
1 cup green beans
1 cup carrots
1 apple
1 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Day 2

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1 egg
1/2 banana
1 piece toast

1 cup cottage cheese or tuna
8 regular saltine crackers

2 beef franks
1 cup broccoli or cabbage
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Day 3

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
5 regular saltine crackers
1 ounce cheddar cheese
1 apple

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1 boiled egg
1 piece toast

1 cup tuna
1 cup carrots
1 cup cauliflower
1 cup melon
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream


i personally would never do that type of diet. If I were to diet I would do weightwatchers as you can eat what you want and it teaches you portion control.


Obama destroyed America

Anyways... here is the diet i follow.

Day 1

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1/2 grapefruit or juice
1 piece toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter

1/2 cup tuna
1 piece toast
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal

3 ounces any lean meat or chicken
1 cup green beans
1 cup carrots
1 apple
1 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Day 2

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1 egg
1/2 banana
1 piece toast

1 cup cottage cheese or tuna
8 regular saltine crackers

2 beef franks
1 cup broccoli or cabbage
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Day 3

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
5 regular saltine crackers
1 ounce cheddar cheese
1 apple

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1 boiled egg
1 piece toast

1 cup tuna
1 cup carrots
1 cup cauliflower
1 cup melon
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream
Well no wonder it works. My cats eat more food than that a day! :faint:
i personally would never do that type of diet. If I were to diet I would do weightwatchers as you can eat what you want and it teaches you portion control.
I just started counting calories with a site Chasey posted. It's working well for me. I eat what I want, just in smaller amounts. Had 3 pieces of halloween candy last night and still beat the target calorie count. This is only my 3rd day just for the record. Not looking to drop 60 lbs. in 3 months. 1-2 lbs. a week and I'll be happy.


New Member

Anyways... here is the diet i follow.

Day 1

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1/2 grapefruit or juice
1 piece toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter

1/2 cup tuna
1 piece toast
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal

3 ounces any lean meat or chicken
1 cup green beans
1 cup carrots
1 apple
1 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Day 2

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1 egg
1/2 banana
1 piece toast

1 cup cottage cheese or tuna
8 regular saltine crackers

2 beef franks
1 cup broccoli or cabbage
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Day 3

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
5 regular saltine crackers
1 ounce cheddar cheese
1 apple

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1 boiled egg
1 piece toast

1 cup tuna
1 cup carrots
1 cup cauliflower
1 cup melon
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

I have been on this diet several times ( you would have thought I would have learned the first time) I have never lost one pound. I know quite a few women who have tried it with the same results. My dad on the other hand swears by it. He lost 40lbs in a little over a month. How healthy was that?...dunno. I'm glad to hear it hasworked for at least one woman. :) The diet was originally developed for generals in the military then it was tweeked a bit and is also now being used for heart patients before they have to go in for surgery ( assuming they are overweight of course) to drop quick lbs so that the surgery isn't as risky. Or thats what I was told. Who knows how true that is either. Glad it worked for you...wish it had for me...sigh :-/


My 401K is now a 201K
It might be a good way to 'kick start' a weight loss plan; but I think in the long run it's not going to be sustainable, even with the 4 days of normal eating.

I found this at WebMD:

Following a plan with fewer than 1,000 calories a day concerns Moore. "The plan yields about 1,000 calories a day which has the ability to lower metabolism so when you revert back to normal eating, you regain weight even quicker."
Moore adds that the diet "sets up a vicious cycle of being hungry during the restrictive three days and most likely overeating on the off days."

The 3 Day Diet

I went on a very low carbohydrate diet years ago; lost lots of weight, but put it back on within a year. The only true way to lose weight & be healthy is to eat right, eat in moderation & exercise.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The breakfasts and lunches look skimpy but the dinners are a lot of food. You'd think it would be the other way around - the big huge meal (and 3-5 cups of food is a big meal) at breakfast, then eat the grapefruit and toast at dinner.


The breakfasts and lunches look skimpy but the dinners are a lot of food. You'd think it would be the other way around - the big huge meal (and 3-5 cups of food is a big meal) at breakfast, then eat the grapefruit and toast at dinner.

I actually find myself spreading it out more than sitting down and eating all at one meal. When I get home from work I might munch on the carrots or whatever.

I've been trying to lose a few pounds for so long now, and this is actually working. Going to stick with it till I'm ready to move to something else.

Actually thinking about ordering the P90X