Thump and his thumpers


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What? And miss out on all the salaciousness that has been provided for us here? Plus Reddit censors.

I'm tempted to steal Becky's story and post it on Reddit, then share all the responses on here. Alternately I'd change it to a Trump doll and watch the fireworks. But my account is on the DL so I can read without any of those psychos knowing I exist, and I don't want to out myself.


Well-Known Member

Do a little social experiment: make one with Trump/MAGA and see what happens.

Honestly, Becky, I'm unimpressed with your trauma. I know you did this to go, "See? Trump people suck," but the level of vitriol heaped on Trump and his supporters from *real* people who have power and influence is staggering. The news media, celebrities, elected officials... And that's not even counting the number of sociopaths on social media talking crazy. This is well known to anyone who keeps up.

I think I made a dozen elephants for people... I made two kinds. No one said anything about them... Oh wait... one lady asked if I had a donkey.

It was bad enough for Marketplace to get involved. I didn't ask for them to take the comments down. They did it on their own. I put sold the doll listing first. I guess they went to Marketplace jail... lol.

People carry concealed weapons in Arizona... even a stoner knows not to mess with them when they get upset... lol...

If I made a thump doll... and people hated it... Would you be surprised?

If the thumpers asked me to make some more elephants, I would be happy to. If the thumpers want a thump doll... well, I'd have to buy some orangish yarn for the body... but I'd do it. Maybe just a shock of yellow for the hair might work.

When someone who is known to be carrying a gun tells you to do something... you do it... lol.

I'm sorry no one saw the irony. Freedom of speech and all that.... Now there are two dolls... I tried to post a picture here but the file was too big... go to my facebook page and you'll see... there's no reason for them to hate those dolls....

I'll let you know when I finish the donkey and post it.... We'll see.



Well-Known Member
It wasn't one person.... It was pretty rough. People wanted to make my doll into a pin cushion.... Then when I got the pic of thump giving me the finger... well, that was quite enough.

I went through something similar in 2016. I made a doll with a teddy bear on the dress. I added the words "Biden/Harris... Help America Smile Again". I was thinking of all the school shootings and how I wanted them to stop. But that's not how the message was received. I took my Marketplace Ad down and never showed that doll again. Now she's sitting on my dresser.... Waiting for a new dress.

The messages I got were much worse this time. Marketplace took the comments down. I was afraid!

This doll only had the name Harris on the cap and it set them off something awful.... It was really mean!

It's a crocheted doll. It wouldn't hurt anyone, even if someone clobbered someone over the head with it... It's all yarn and stuffing. Why would anyone say or post such nasty things?

It's a problem.... but... the pot is legal... and I can get stoned and make something else. No big deal...

I just can't believe a doll can make people so mean!!!!

As someone who defended you in the past based on your religious posts.

You demonstrate why religion is losing it's place in our society.

Practice What You Preach.


Well-Known Member
I made a doll. I put a hat on the doll, and put a Harris name tag on the hat. I posted it on Marketplace.

Someone sent me a sticker of the former president giving me the finger.

Do republicans hate dolls????

So while I was working on another doll [and a donkey 'cause I've already made and sold elephants] I was thinking about that sticker I got.

So... now I am spreading the word... instead of trump and the trumpsters, I think it's more appropriate to call them "thump and the thumpers"... at least it brings a smile.... like a doll would.

Let's smile... instead of hate...

Let's say "thump and the thumpers" instead!


I bought a hat in 2019. I put the hat on my head & went out in public with it on. I was spit on & physically attacked for it.
I was called racist, Nazi, homophobic...someone stole my hat, spit on it, & threw it in the trash.

And what words of hate could've incited such actions?...Make America Great Again...what's so horrible about wanting to Make America Great Again? Can you explain why that statement is so racist & hateful?

I would say you got off easy...


Well-Known Member
I just went on my one-mile daily walk around the neighborhood. I was joined by one of my neighbors. We usually don't talk politics.... but she brought up something having to do with politics.

She is a Maga girl. She really wants to Make America Great Again... but she says... she doesn't care which party does it... She just wants it done. She's tired of all the hate she is hearing.

I just want the mass murders and the school shootings and the pepper spraying and loss of babies separated from their mothers at the border to stop. I bet that would go a long way to making America great again.

There are always going to be taxes... I plan to vote for a local measure that will raise our taxes in Arizona by a few bucks a year.... for roads. Good roads always make America great.

I am happy the Republican party took on Partial Birth Abortions and the sale of baby body parts way back when. That's the abortion after birth thump is finally upset about.

I am happy the Democrats want to allow IVF. I hope they will monitor it... so, no one will be accused of building a super-race. I can remember when WAVA was not in favor of IVF because the fetus could be killed in the process.

I am having hesitant feelings about the 2025 thing. I used to listen to WAVA 2 hours a day 5 days a week. I know what I was taught by Sekulow and Dobbs and the rest. I hope people understand it instead of just blindly hating it or loving it. There are some good things in the plan... and there are some bad things too.

For now... I guess I'll just keep my dolls to myself and put them back up for sale in time for Christmas. I may have to remove the Harris tag from the one doll.... and I'll make an elephant to sit beside the donkey. Maybe I'll make a cat and a puppy to sit between them on the table. Oh, and that wasn't political... I make a lot of dogs and cats... and teddy bears... and a frog and even a giraffe too.

Thank you all for responding. I guess I have made much ado about nothing. Remember though... I got a lot of bad press for being Anti-abortion even here on SOMD. Now... I know we have to take the mother and or the circumstances into consideration. Times change... elections happen... We will survive whichever hell whichever elected party slathers on us. Some will be happy and some will be sad.... some will stir the pot and hope happiness jumps back out.

I just don't want thump giving me the finger or someone threatening to shoot me over a doll!



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
"I am having hesitant feelings about the 2025 thing"

For the Love of GOD...STOP!

For the millionth time...Trump has nothing to do with that.

Do you know how to go to his website and read. Stop listening to the fake MSM..Liars and brainwashers.




Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I just want the mass murders and the school shootings and the pepper spraying and loss of babies separated from their mothers at the border to stop. I bet that would go a long way to making America great again.

You will never stop murders. Like, ever. We already have laws against murder and they aren't terribly effective. Murder has been happening since Cain slew Abel.

Babies are not separated from their mothers at the border. Typically those babies were kidnapped or given willingly to coyotes to be brought into the US illegally, and their moms are far far away in Mexico and Central America. And even if babies were ripped away from their mothers and....whatever you think Border Patrol does with them....that can be easily remedied by foreign nationals coming into the country legally.

I am having hesitant feelings about the 2025 thing.

That is a separate org and has nothing to do with Trump.

I am happy the Democrats want to allow IVF.

What are you talking about? IVF is already legal in all 50 states, and frequently covered by insurance.

I just don't want thump giving me the finger

You understand that Trump didn't give you the finger, right?

I plan to vote for a local measure that will raise our taxes in Arizona by a few bucks a year.... for roads. Good roads always make America great.

But you know they're not going to spend that money on roads, right? You know they're going to spend it to feed, house, educate, and medicate illegal aliens. How we know that is because if it weren't for the money AZ pisses away on illegals, they'd have plenty of money to fix the roads. "We gave all our road money to Mexicans and Central Americans who are in the country illegally. Give us more and we promise this time we'll fix the roads...."



Well-Known Member
You will never stop murders. Like, ever. We already have laws against murder and they aren't terribly effective. Murder has been happening since Cain slew Abel.

Babies are not separated from their mothers at the border. Typically those babies were kidnapped or given willingly to coyotes to be brought into the US illegally, and their moms are far far away in Mexico and Central America. And even if babies were ripped away from their mothers and....whatever you think Border Patrol does with them....that can be easily remedied by foreign nationals coming into the country legally.

That is a separate org and has nothing to do with Trump.

What are you talking about? IVF is already legal in all 50 states, and frequently covered by insurance.

You understand that Trump didn't give you the finger, right?

But you know they're not going to spend that money on roads, right? You know they're going to spend it to feed, house, educate, and medicate illegal aliens. How we know that is because if it weren't for the money AZ pisses away on illegals, they'd have plenty of money to fix the roads. "We gave all our road money to Mexicans and Central Americans who are in the country illegally. Give us more and we promise this time we'll fix the roads...."

I live here in Arizona... and yes... they were indeed taking children from parents at the border.... That stopped but there are still missing children from that fiasco. It made the local news... over and over and over again.. out here.

I understand a thumper sent the sticker of thump giving me the finger... rather giving the doll the finger.

IVF... go back and check... when ROE was turned there was a problem with IVF as well... I'm glad it's protected... y'all know my youngest daughter had ovarian cancer and she would need IVF to have a baby.

Oh and I've seen the road work they do out here.... it's inexpensive... They do their road work as good as they did it in CRE at least.

Can we at least stop kids from shooting kids in schools? Can we at least let kids be kids?

I hope by making America great again... we can at least let the kids go outside and play in the rain or the sunshine....

I hope it's peaceful....

Who gives a doll a sticker of someone [anyone] giving us the finger?????

Thanks again for letting me rant.... :)



Well-Known Member
I just want the mass murders and the school shootings and the pepper spraying and loss of babies separated from their mothers at the border to stop. I bet that would go a long way to making America great again.
And the Democrats have NO solution to that, even though there are instances where proposed solutions HAVE WORKED. They have one answer - get rid of everyone's guns, which will never pass, will always be fought against, will NEVER reduce the shootings from illegally purchased guns and cannot be done.

I am happy the Republican party took on Partial Birth Abortions and the sale of baby body parts way back when. That's the abortion after birth thump is finally upset about.
Good, because the Democrats insist that it's no big deal, because it doesn't happen as much as regular ol' abortion, so that somehow makes it OK. This is like approving occasional child sacrifices, because it's not that much. And there is of course, the instances where there's sanctioned outright infanticide in the event a child survives an abortion - I've heard Dems defend that as NOT actually infanticide.

I am happy the Democrats want to allow IVF. I hope they will monitor it... so, no one will be accused of building a super-race. I can remember when WAVA was not in favor of IVF because the fetus could be killed in the process.

I'm bewildered that it is even an issue. I don't know of poltical parties or leaders fussing over it - just a handful of persons with no political power.

I am having hesitant feelings about the 2025 thing.
And as others have said, for the love of God, he's got nothing to do with it. This is like equating a crazed assassin with an ordered HIT by Biden.
Just because Trump or Vance might KNOW someone connected to it, doesn't make it THEIR agenda, and they are both on record repeatedly saying, no, it's not theirs AND they have their OWN agenda, published on their website.

Just because the Left insists on it, it's like claiming we'll all be under Marxist/Communism under Kamala, because of her associations. Ain't never going to happen, and ain't going to be proposed. Some of the Project 2025 stuff, Trump has openly opposed.

. got a lot of bad press for being Anti-abortion even here on SOMD.
Me too. But I defend my reasons without resorting to insults or personal attacks - I defend it with reason.

I also - don't drink or smoke. And this, from someone who used to do both. I also recognize from reason and history, that outlawing them because they are a blight on society is - well - stupid and pointless. For one, you cannot compel people to refrain from a personal vice.

Abortion is like that. Like guns, really. OUTLAW it, and you will just get illegal abortions. Our neighbors and friends across the pond have found REASONABLE middle ground such that both sides can agree without making it a major political issue EVERY SINGLE ELECTION. And the number of abortions and unwanted pregnancies are down.

It's an imperfect solution, but the END RESULT is - fewer abortions. That's what people on the anti-abortion side should want.


Well-Known Member
To do anything - to stop the already OBSCENE problem with child trafficking - they cannot keep children with adults not confirmed to be family.

We do this, inside EVERY organization involving children. Participating children cannot CAMP along any older adult or older child beyond a year or two. This is to protect the child, and it works very well.


Well-Known Member
Can we at least stop kids from shooting kids in schools? Can we at least let kids be kids?
Sure - cops and resource officers in schools. People trained in such situations. Local law enforcement devoting time to protect the kids.

We've actually had some instances HERE in the last few years and oddly enough, it didn't even involve kids FROM THE ACTUAL SCHOOL.

Which is part of a larger - problem.

We have a lot of gun homicides in this country. More than half - are suicide, and many of those are young people.
Of those that remain, a majority are drug related or gang related. Those weekend shootings that happen every week in the major cities?
It is tragic that a child might get shot while going to school, but it is every bit as tragic that they might also get shot by a stray bullet while sitting on their front porch.

The instance of a lone, depressed kid going to school to shoot people is actually a very rare event that is showered with press attention - and CAN be addressed by - 1) recognizing the need for resource officers instead of huffing and puffing and insisting they cannot be in schools and just repeating the POINTLESS EFFORT to ban all guns (which cannot, cannot, ever, ever be achieved and thus is a pointless argument) - and while they insist on fighting that issue for years, more kids get shot because they won't accept a proven solution and 2) committing to it.

I don't know what kids are like in Arizona - I know that across this country, it's become increasingly difficult for teachers and educators to do ANYTHING about violence in schools. You almost cannot expel a student any more.

I think it might behoove us to look at the examples in THIS country - where it NEVER happens.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
they were indeed taking children from parents at the border

How do you know? The reports I've seen are that minors are separated from their adult escorts to determine that the kid actually belongs to the adult, and the reason they do that is because many MANY times the child is not related in any way to the person who brought them over.

IVF... go back and check... when ROE was turned there was a problem with IVF as well.

You're going to have to back that up. Kamala Harris lied and said something stupid - that Republicans are trying to ban IVF - with absolutely no proof and in fact it's the exact opposite. Republican lawmakers are overwhelmingly in favor of IVF, and Trump himself has said he'd like it to be taxpayer funded, which made the Democrats howl about cost.

Democrats are seeking to make in-vitro fertilization an election issue, with Vice President Kamala Harris declaring during the debate that “under Donald Trump’s abortion bans, couples who pray and dream of having a family are being denied IVF treatments.” But Republican candidates across the crucial swing states almost unanimously back IVF availability — with the former president even making taxpayer-paid treatments part of his platform.

The Senate failed to move forward a bill federally protecting IVF this week, 51-44 with 60 votes needed. It failed to move before, as Republicans disagree with some of its provisions — but Dems put it up to a vote again so they could make it an election issue.

Democrats themselves earlier blocked GOP Sens. Ted Cruz and Katie Britt’s legislation, the IVF Protection Act, which Britt said would protect “IVF access AND religious liberty for all.”


Can we at least stop kids from shooting kids in schools?

How do you propose doing that? By banning guns? When murder is already banned and that doesn't seem to deter anyone? Schools tried to put armed police inside schools as protection and liberals screamed about it because they didn't want cops OR guns around their kids. You can't stop crime, or criminals, or mentally ill murderers. That's what JD Vance meant when he said it's a "reality". The Democrats wailed like banshees over that, but it's true and just the way it is. So come up with a better plan.

we can at least let the kids go outside and play in the rain or the sunshine....

That already happens....just not in Democrat-run dystopian hell holes. I can look out my window every day and see kids playing basketball, swimming in the pool, and riding their bikes. If kids can't play outside in your neighborhood, you need to ask why because I assure you that's not the norm in the US.

Who gives a doll a sticker of someone [anyone] giving us the finger?????

Who tries to shoot a presidential candidate? Who calls for the kidnapping and gang rape of their political opposition's young son? Who riots in the streets and shuts down whole cities?

I mean, really, Becky, I can't get excited that someone gave your doll the finger. I can't believe I even typed those words.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And there is of course, the instances where there's sanctioned outright infanticide in the event a child survives an abortion - I've heard Dems defend that as NOT actually infanticide.

Tim Walz just vetoed a Born Alive bill in his state. He's weaseling on it saying it's not really *killing* the baby, it's just withholding care so they die on their own.



Well-Known Member
It's hard to look at what is going on in my country, and seeing those perpetrating it and smile at them.

I believe I have a great sense of humor, but I cannot see the humor of this cackling idiot actually being a force in this election.
Anyone voting for Kamala Harris is voting for the suicide of a free country.

And we all think the exact same of Trump voters.

Problem is we have 4 years of proof of Trumps ineptitude and lawlessness


Well-Known Member
Tim Walz just vetoed a Born Alive bill in his state. He's weaseling on it saying it's not really *killing* the baby, it's just withholding care so they die on their own.


If you are dumb enough to believe people are killing babies after birth you shouldn't get to vote.

Also you don't need a bill called born alive. You cant be born dead. That is a still birth. Stop letting these people manipulate you.

If you are dumb enough not to have educated yourself about the family separation policy Trumps administration argued in open court was to make families so miserable it would deter them from coming to the US. you also shouldn't get to vote.

The administration argue in court that not providing blankets, toothbrushes and not turning off the lights at night for children was all a deterrent for families to not bring children to the US.

"The government is not required to provide migrant children in custody on the border with soap, toothbrushes, or adequate bedding, a lawyer for the Trump Justice Department insisted in court Tuesday. A consent decree guaranteeing “safe and sanitary” conditions, the government argued, is too vague to be enforceable. The assertions left a panel of three judges for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals incredulous, with one stating plainly: “I find that inconceivable that the government would say that.”

You’re really going to stand up and tell us that being able to sleep isn’t a question of ‘safe and sanitary’ conditions?” Berzon asked. “You’re not really going to say that, right?”

Fabian, the Justice Department lawyer, managed a halting, sputtering response before Berzon broke in again to insist sleep is covered by the language of the consent decree. “You can’t be sanitary or safe as a human being if you can’t sleep,” she said.
