Tiger is...


And every time he throws his club or cussing someone or something, or takes a huge gouge out of the ground when he slams his club down I say "Give me a break".

What’s sophomoric is throwing your club into the gallery possibly injuring someone (and not even apologizing for it). What’s sophomoric is time and time again damaging greens and tee boxes from slamming his club into the ground. What’s sophomoric is yelling at the gallery for so much as making a peep when he lines up to hit.

It doesn’t much matter what Tiger did for the sport, it’s quickly becoming what he’s doing TO the sport now. And it will be about who he was when he went out. He is nothing more than a spoiled brat throwing tantrums on the course at almost every turn. If he could get his act together this could change that. He is fast losing respect across the PGA and I think it’s a shame.

This isn’t about him kicking his club in the Masters. It’s about a string of childish incidents that only puts him in the forefront for being remembered as that guy that – once again – lost his temper on the course, rather than being remembered as that guy that actually respected the game. Tell me what sort of message is he sending our youth?

He didn't throw his club into the gallery, he kicked it off the teebox, no one was in danger...come on man.

As far as the message to the youth, he's an athlete. It's a parents job to raise a child, not his.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Oh for god's sake, he kicked a club in frustration. It's not like he shot anyone or grabbed his crotch at the crowd.

Yes, he should get whatever penalty you get for fits of mild temper - like they get in football for taunting and excessive celebration :)rolleyes:) but let's don't get too carried away vilifying him for something so petty.

Ok. First, who is vilifying him?

Second - how would you penalize him? Those violations you mentioned above are handled and enforced on the field, during the course of the game. Should an offender in a premier golf match be penalized, say, two shots instantly on his card for being a jerk in the genteel, gentlamanly/gentlewomanly game of golf?

Eldrick Tont (I just looked up his real name to make sure I was spelling it correctly) showed his bare butt, probably the real him, to the golfing world, frustrated or not. Whatever happened to the Mr. Cool, ice-in-his-veins, never loses focus, steel nerves, etc.?

Every other player out there had very bad shots. Only Eldridge displayed such a reaction, as far as I can tell.

Poor baby.

He lost his aura when his wife beat him, righteously so, with his 9 iron or wedge or whatever that night a few years ago in Orlando.

He is what he is. Right now, that is an also-ran.

Good for him and his faithful follwers.
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No Longer the Kid
So what you are saying is, Tiger acts 95% of the people you see on a daily basis at any other golf course....... but since he is in the top 300 in the world, he has to act like a prude....

gotcha :yay:

Wasn't McIlroy laughing and carrying on, hugging the other guy and what not while still playing? Where is the outrage?

Doesn't John Daly smoke on every hole?

How many of them grab their junk on LIVE TV right before they squat down to line up a putt?

Also, you say - he smacks his club in the ground, others have to play through that... have you ever seen 2 guys hit the ball in the EXACT same spot watching the PGA? He isn't bashing holes in the green for crying out loud....


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
NO. Woods needs to be professional at all times on the course, just like every other player. Smoking is still allowed. Joking around is allowed. Talking to fans is allowed. That's what professionalism is.

In the real world of business, and golf at that level is really nothing but a business, a cutthroat business. Try throwing your presentation across a business table because it did not end up the way you wanted it to, during a client meeting and see how well that goes over.

Eldrick is a prima donna. Made into that by the media, along with his skills in the mid 90's, even before he ever hit his first golf ball as a pro. He was perfect. He was "what the game needed". He could do no wrong. A lot like the current occupant of the WH.

Yeah, right.


NO. Woods needs to be professional at all times on the course, just like every other player. Smoking is still allowed. Joking around is allowed. Talking to fans is allowed. That's what professionalism is.

In the real world of business, and golf at that level is really nothing but a business, a cutthroat business. Try throwing your presentation across a business table because it did not end up the way you wanted it to, during a client meeting and see how well that goes over.

Eldrick is a prima donna. Made into that by the media, along with his skills in the mid 90's, even before he ever hit his first golf ball as a pro. He was perfect. He was "what the game needed". He could do no wrong. A lot like the current occupant of the WH.

Yeah, right.

Smoking is professionalism....check

Did you just compare Tiger to Obama?????:killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ok. First, who is vilifying him?

Second - how would you penalize him? Those violations you mentioned above are handled and enforced on the field, during the course of the game. Should an offender in a premier golf match be penalized, say, two shots instantly on his card for being a jerk in the genteel, gentlamanly/gentlewomanly game of golf?

Eldrick Tont (I just looked up his real name to make sure I was spelling it correctly) showed his bare butt, probably the real him, to the golfing world, frustrated or not. Whatever happened to the Mr. Cool, ice-in-his-veins, never loses focus, steel nerves, etc.?

Every other player out there had very bad shots. Only Eldridge displayed such a reaction, as far as I can tell.

Poor baby.

He lost his aura when his wife beat him, righteously so, with his 9 iron or wedge or whatever that night a few years ago in Orlando.

He is what he is. Right now, that is an also-ran.

Good for him and his faithful follwers.




No Longer the Kid
NO. Woods needs to be..........QUOTE]

I thought Tiger, Eldrick, whichever you prefer, was more black than bama :confused:

Anyway... Isn't laughing and carrying on in the middle of the course the same as smacking your club on the ground? Cause, according to your reference to professionalism/business.. They were both done in the same place, at the same time (golf course, Sunday)...

So using your comparison, if the business meeting didn't go the way I wanted, and I just started laughing and hugging everyone, that would be ok, because THAT is professionalism?? getting my arse kicked, so I just give up, not care, laugh and carry on the rest of the time


He didn't throw his club into the gallery, he kicked it off the teebox, no one was in danger...come on man.

Let's try this again...

As I mentioned, if he had landed his club in someone's eye blinding them, I believe he'd be facing some jail time. You go to these events with an expectation that you could get hit with a ball; not with a driver thrown into the gallery in anger.

As far as the message to the youth, he's an athlete. It's a parents job to raise a child, not his.

Most certainly. I'm approaching this discussion from the angle that golf has rules and ethics that forbids this kind of behavior. People should not have to worry about whether someone playing the game is going to wing a club in their direction when he loses his temper. If I were playing any public course and the marshall caught me throwing my club and it almost hit someone else they'd kick me off the course.

Vrai tried to down play this down as "he just kicked a stupid club..." The thing went 15 years. Just like when he winged his club off the tee into the crowd, he had no idea where his club might land when he kicked it. This is just unacceptable behavior, especially given it's not his first offense.
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If they accept the risk of getting hit with a ball traveling 100 mph then they accept the risk of getting hit from an errant club.

He should be fined. It's against the rules. But stop acting like its a Greek tragedy.


If they accept the risk of getting hit with a ball traveling 100 mph then they accept the risk of getting hit from an errant club.

He should be fined. It's against the rules. But stop acting like its a Greek tragedy.

Not true. You accept the risk of getting his by a ball or a club that ACCIDENTALLY slips out of a player’s hands, but from negligent temper tantrums. Will you even, at a minimum, acknowledge how childish this is for a top PGA player to behave this way in a sport like golf?

I've been on Tiger's case for years. He has over and over again, damaged tee boxes and greens (which other players have to come in behind and play on, he has spit on greens (very illegal in pro golf to leave your own loose impediment on the green), he has thrown his clubs on multiple occasions. He’s cussed out people in the gallery, camera operators. Go look at all the videos where he’s losing his temper and endlessly tossing out one expletive after another on national television. Kids are watching this stuff. I get parents need to be involved in explaining this stuff, but in these cases there should be nothing to explain. Tiger should realize he’s being watched by millions of kids and should behave accordingly; regardless of the fact that it’s just plain unethical in golf to behave this way.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Not true. You accept the risk of getting his by a ball or a club that ACCIDENTALLY slips out of a player’s hands, but from negligent temper tantrums. Will you even, at a minimum, acknowledge how childish this is for a top PGA player to behave this way in a sport like golf?

I've been on Tiger's case for years. He has over and over again, damaged tee boxes and greens (which other players have to come in behind and play on, he has spit on greens (very illegal in pro golf to leave your own loose impediment on the green), he has thrown his clubs on multiple occasions. He’s cussed out people in the gallery, camera operators. Go look at all the videos where he’s losing his temper and endlessly tossing out one expletive after another on national television. Kids are watching this stuff. I get parents need to be involved in explaining this stuff, but in these cases there should be nothing to explain. Tiger should realize he’s being watched by millions of kids and should behave accordingly; regardless of the fact that it’s just plain unethical in golf to behave this way.

Tiger h8er :razz:


No Longer the Kid
Not true. You accept the risk of getting his by a ball or a club that ACCIDENTALLY slips out of a player’s hands, but from negligent temper tantrums. Will you even, at a minimum, acknowledge how childish this is for a top PGA player to behave this way in a sport like golf?

I've been on Tiger's case for years. He has over and over again, damaged tee boxes and greens (which other players have to come in behind and play on, he has spit on greens (very illegal in pro golf to leave your own loose impediment on the green), he has thrown his clubs on multiple occasions. He’s cussed out people in the gallery, camera operators. Go look at all the videos where he’s losing his temper and endlessly tossing out one expletive after another on national television. Kids are watching this stuff. I get parents need to be involved in explaining this stuff, but in these cases there should be nothing to explain. Tiger should realize he’s being watched by millions of kids and should behave accordingly; regardless of the fact that it’s just plain unethical in golf to behave this way.

Just Tiger, not the countless NFL, MLB, Tennis, Hockey, Basketball, Soccer, NASCAR, or any other sport you can think of?

How many COUNTLESS all out brawls happen at soccer matches? And I mean players, fans, refs, everyone! Hockey fights, basketball players kicking camera men, running in the stands after fans, etc.. etc..

At the end of the day, I think you are being a bit hard on Tiger. I'm not saying the guy is a saint. But I do think there are far more worse 'pro' athlete's to go after rather than Tiga Tiga Woods!


Just Tiger, not the countless NFL, MLB, Tennis, Hockey, Basketball, Soccer, NASCAR, or any other sport you can think of?

How many COUNTLESS all out brawls happen at soccer matches? And I mean players, fans, refs, everyone! Hockey fights, basketball players kicking camera men, running in the stands after fans, etc.. etc..

At the end of the day, I think you are being a bit hard on Tiger. I'm not saying the guy is a saint. But I do think there are far more worse 'pro' athlete's to go after rather than Tiga Tiga Woods!

I don’t like it in any sport, not even hockey. I hate it when players grandstand in the end zone; making it all about them. The brawls, fights, rushing the mound, etc… I can’t stand any of it. It’s a sport. It requires sportsmanship. Respect. We’re seeing more and more at little league and school games parents getting in fights over games. It’s gotten chronically stupid; and sad.

But golf is different. It’s not called ‘the gentlemen’s sport’ for nothing. It’s such an honest sport that when a player accidentally taps a ball with his putter he will point it out even when no one saw it and take a penalty stroke. But sports are supposed to be fun to play and watch. It’s not fun watching someone as talented as Tiger completely blow his cork and allow his lack of discipline ruin his game. I was hoping like so many people that he would become the great player everyone predicted. I happen to think greatness is far more than just ability to play great.