Tiger Woods......


I bowl overhand
Woody had a indefinite leave of absence of the brain fooling around on a stunning looking woman as his wife. What a idiot. Hopefully she is smart enough to take him to the cleaners.

If the situation was reversed I bet he would have pulled an OJ and knocked her off.

Maybe she wasn't capable of doing the things Mike Rowe does..

He had to go find someone else to do the "Dirty Jobs"


Dancing Up A Storm
In the http://forums.somd.com/sports/195677-tiger-19-a.html thread Larry had me convinced Tiger is some sort of upstanding guy. It was the media (how strange) that exploited Tiger's misdeeds on the course. I argued about Tiger's temper and lack of discipine. But he had me convinced that, for the most part, Tiger was an honorable man and the media's excessive focus on him was the reason we saw so much of his missteps.

Not anymore. The man is a slug of the lowest form. He had everything set up perfectly in his life: the greatest golfer ever, al the money anyone could ever need, the perfect family (so we thought). He was built up as the epic sportsman and had the perfect personal life. This wasn't enough for him. He is just like the rest of those young arrogant, me, me, me people. He was propped up to be larger than life and it apparently went to his head. He, just like so many other "vicitms" in this sports/entertainment world, live in their own little bubble; where they think that above it all and can't be touched.

Then reality comes crashing down. He is everything I thought he was. A sad example of a sportsman, family man, and human being. He has no honor.

There is a part of me, that has to agree with you, although I wish it weren't so. After all these years, I have, or had, found myself, growing more and more, to be a fan of Tiger. He's a winner, no doubt about it.

Positives? Well, he seemed to me to be a thoughtful kind of guy. When he won an event, he celebrated, as anyone would, depending on the worth, or value of the importance of the event he just conquered, but I didn't see, or notice anything overboard, about his display of emotions.

He won, dammit! Is that wrong?

Win after win - he was the guy who seemed to be the most capable of pulling out the victory. And he did!

But, something wasn't quite there. Something was escaping him, or so it would seem. He was a winner at the links, but not apparently, at his home.

I hope he can get it all together, eventually, because we will miss him.


There is a part of me, that has to agree with you, although I wish it weren't so. After all these years, I have, or had, found myself, growing more and more, to be a fan of Tiger. He's a winner, no doubt about it.

Positives? Well, he seemed to me to be a thoughtful kind of guy. When he won an event, he celebrated, as anyone would, depending on the worth, or value of the importance of the event he just conquered, but I didn't see, or notice anything overboard, about his display of emotions.

He won, dammit! Is that wrong?

Win after win - he was the guy who seemed to be the most capable of pulling out the victory. And he did!

But, something wasn't quite there. Something was escaping him, or so it would seem. He was a winner at the links, but not apparently, at his home.

I hope he can get it all together, eventually, because we will miss him.

Same here. Being far younger than me he did have a carry to him that I thought had a maturity beyond his years. And he is, on the golf course, far more a gentleman than I gave him credit.

However, “thoughtful”? No! I look at the whole person. There is nothing thoughtful about committing adultery; especially at the level alleged at Tiger. And he’s not denying any of it. He ruined a family. He ruined a fan base. I’m sorry to say I may never hold the respect for him that I may have had in the past. At this point I don’t care one iota if he ever wins another tournament. It’s always going to be in my mind: “If he was really an honorable man he would have never done this, but if he had even the smallest level of honor he would have realized after the first affair that he was doing something wrong and reconciled with his wife.” It wasn’t until he got caught that he realized he did something wrong. He has handled this no differently than any of our other infamous public figures. Not until they got did they realize the woes of their ways. There is no honor in this at all.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
In the http://forums.somd.com/sports/195677-tiger-19-a.html thread Larry had me convinced Tiger is some sort of upstanding guy.

Be nice to be referenced in context. I said;
Tiger has an awful lot to overcome. An awful lot.

And my arguments supporting Tiger where in reference to you doubting his sportsman ship, on the course. And I am sure not going to defend his dual life. Tiger didn't cheat and fess up. He had ongoing relationships and, clearly, had no intentions of stopping.

You got me on Tiger. :buddies:


Be nice to be referenced in context. I said;

And my arguments supporting Tiger where in reference to you doubting his sportsman ship, on the course. And I am sure not going to defend his dual life. Tiger didn't cheat and fess up. He had ongoing relationships and, clearly, had no intentions of stopping.

You got me on Tiger. :buddies:

Actually I wasn't being completely fair on that Larry. I started becoming comvinced that perhaps Tiger wasn't as bad as he was being portrayed in the media. Just as he is put out there far more than any other golfer I thought maybe the media was also going on a tabloid witch hunt on his alleged affairs.

I believe you're right about his golf play, with the exception that I add up the entire person on and off the field of play. I'm really disappointed things turned out this way. So self-destructive. Apparently so unprepared to handle the big life he built for himself.


Dancing Up A Storm
I'm wondering if Tiger Woods can come back from all this emotional stress. He's HAD to have heard the commentary, read the news, concerning all lof his supposed exploits. How does one deal with all that bad news?

One of the things I learned, playing the game of golf, is that it's a venue where you can't let your mental emotions interfere with the physical part of your game.

"Don't let the highs get too high, and the lows get too low."

Can he overcome the stress he has obviously had to put up with, and be a frontrunner again?


One thing is for certain Tiger is stupid. There is no way on earth the super wealthy, super famous, can go around throwing pipe to 10,11, 13 or however many hot chicks and think that everyone would keep it secret and it would never come out and blow up.



One thing is for certain Tiger is stupid. There is no way on earth the super wealthy, super famous, can go around throwing pipe to 10,11, 13 or however many hot chicks and think that everyone would keep it secret and it would never come out and blow up.


Well, in all fairness - even though Tiger hasn't denied any of it - we have no clue how many of them are false and just looking for easy money and publicity.


I am so very blessed
Where in the world did Tiget get the time to mess with all of these women? He must never sleep, watch tv, eat, or anything else that requires any amount of time.


Dancing Up A Storm
Where in the world did Tiget get the time to mess with all of these women? He must never sleep, watch tv, eat, or anything else that requires any amount of time.

What is amazing is, that prior to what(?) 2 weeks ago, nobody had said anything about his supposed exploits.

You mean, nobody noticed any of these 6, 8, or 10 trysts before now?? Come on, the guy is rather noticeable. If he's with someone other than his wife, acting all cutesy, etc., nobody noticed anything, huh? I can't buy it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What is amazing is, that prior to what(?) 2 weeks ago, nobody had said anything about his supposed exploits.

You mean, nobody noticed any of these 6, 8, or 10 trysts before now?? Come on, the guy is rather noticeable. If he's with someone other than his wife, acting all cutesy, etc., nobody noticed anything, huh? I can't buy it.

See, that's a great point. All this commentary and hand wringing and no one wants to touch those questions. No one is asking how this couldn't possibly be known about before by the reporters and people who dealt with him all the time, other players, agents, caddies, etc. Certainly it was. So, then, given that, obviously, everyone knew about it, no one is asking why all the sports writers never reported on it before. No one is asking why this was OK with all the advertisers before. No one is asking who else on tour is living the same type life style. No one is asking how many reporters are behaving similarly. No one is asking how many of the decision makers at the sponsors live the same type life style.

Everyone who has made money off of Tiger now wants to pretend that Tiger Woods constantly cheated, constantly had girlfriends around, constantly lived this lifestyle in a vacuum and, gee whiz, had we only known!


oh no!!!!! What is Tiger going to do???? After all of this is said and done he's only going to have like....600-700 MILLION DOLLARS! I hope he can afford to take a season off!

The masses never cease to amaze me.....everytime someone in the spotlight shows themselves to be less than the perfect image that we created we act shocked and appalled....and we feel oh so sorry for his poor wife...who was in such pain and sadness she made sure to renegotiate her prenup to ensure she got more money immediately after this happened....screw taking some time to grieve!

This hiatus is probably just a way for his sponsors to make even more money on the GINORMOUS return of Tiger Woods to the PGA Tour...then we can have 50 threads of everyone swinging off his Pro V1s



New Member
See, that's a great point. All this commentary and hand wringing and no one wants to touch those questions. No one is asking how this couldn't possibly be known about before by the reporters and people who dealt with him all the time, other players, agents, caddies, etc. Certainly it was. So, then, given that, obviously, everyone knew about it, no one is asking why all the sports writers never reported on it before. No one is asking why this was OK with all the advertisers before. No one is asking who else on tour is living the same type life style. No one is asking how many reporters are behaving similarly. No one is asking how many of the decision makers at the sponsors live the same type life style.

Everyone who has made money off of Tiger now wants to pretend that Tiger Woods constantly cheated, constantly had girlfriends around, constantly lived this lifestyle in a vacuum and, gee whiz, had we only known!
I used to know a guy who played on the tour back in the late 80's/early 90's. He was a customer of mine after he stopped playing professionally. He told me many times how the tour was nothing but a big party circuit filled with cocaine and adultery.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
This hiatus is probably just a way for his sponsors to make even more money on the GINORMOUS return of Tiger Woods to the PGA Tour...then we can have 50 threads of everyone swinging off his Pro V1s


Nike with the new latex core. :fixed:


I read an article in Maxim or FHM several tears ago that said pretty much the same thing as what Zguy28 posted. It said that Eldrick would was a big time puzzy hound after he got off the course. I figured :shrug: here he was in his mid 20's SINGLE and richer than hell, I wouldn't blame him. The crap he pulled after getting married though is inexcusable.
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Nike with the new latex core. :fixed:


I read an article in Maxim or FHM several tears ago that said pretty much the same thing as what Zguy28 posted. It said that Eldrick would was a big time puzzy hound after he got off the course. I figured :shrug: here he was in his mid 20's SINGLE and richer than hell, I wouldn't blame him. The crap he pulled after getting married though is inexcusable.

first....good one on the nike!

second...why is it inexcusable? Have you invested anything personally into Tiger's personal life? I think people in general get way too involved in all of this....my personal thought is that I am a big Tiger fan because of his play...that is it. I am not a big fan of Tiger for his personal life, and I wouldn't be a big fan of Tiger if he sold hot dogs, insurance, etc. All I care about is seeing him do unbelievable things on the course...breaking records, and winning...

He's a professional athlete...not only that, he is argueably the most dominating professional athlete of all time....I'm not suprised at all by this....the overwhelming majority of rich famous people do it...I don't understand why people are shocked and appalled...I mean it's not like other people in his peer group are calling him out (well none that didn't introduce him to his wife)...just the opposite....Jack is even on his side, saying he'll figure it out..and that he respects his privacy...

Why? probably because he's been there...and he's just glad TMZ wasn't around in his day...


Nothing to see here
first....good one on the nike!

second...why is it inexcusable? Have you invested anything personally into Tiger's personal life? I think people in general get way too involved in all of this....my personal thought is that I am a big Tiger fan because of his play...that is it. I am not a big fan of Tiger for his personal life, and I wouldn't be a big fan of Tiger if he sold hot dogs, insurance, etc. All I care about is seeing him do unbelievable things on the course...breaking records, and winning...

He's a professional athlete...not only that, he is argueably the most dominating professional athlete of all time....I'm not suprised at all by this....the overwhelming majority of rich famous people do it...I don't understand why people are shocked and appalled...I mean it's not like other people in his peer group are calling him out (well none that didn't introduce him to his wife)...just the opposite....Jack is even on his side, saying he'll figure it out..and that he respects his privacy...

Why? probably because he's been there...and he's just glad TMZ wasn't around in his day...



They call me ... Sarcasmo
second...why is it inexcusable?

Cheating on your spouse is inexcusable. *My opinion* I think it says a lot about your integrity, or lack thereof and that goes for ANYbody. Does it effect me? No. Does it change my opinion of Tiger as a golfer? No. Does it change my opinion of him as a person? Yes.


Dancing Up A Storm
More BS.....

The local authorities in Florida, near Tiger's estate, apparently have sent agents from the DCF(Dept. of Child and Families) to investigate if there was infact, a domestic disturbance - two weeks ago - and if the two children of Tiger and Elin, were involved in the dispute.

Right! More noseying around, to see if anymore dirt can be dug up. Sure, give the MSM something else to talk about! :smack:

Cheating on your spouse is inexcusable. *My opinion* I think it says a lot about your integrity, or lack thereof and that goes for ANYbody. Does it effect me? No. Does it change my opinion of Tiger as a golfer? No. Does it change my opinion of him as a person? Yes.
