Tim Tebow


They're out to get us
I am not sure WTF Denver is doing... It does not make sense! You trade a trouble maker who is a stud. I understand they can't control him.

You trade Jay Cutler last year why I have no idea. You trade for Brady Quinn who I think got the short end being drafted by the Browns. And now they draft Tebow???

I see the WILDCAT coming in Denver!!! Everyone say it with me WILDCAT!!!

As for the Cowboys when will they learn what character means??? Dez is a stud, but I think he is a time Bomb waiting to Happen!! Maybe the next TO!!!
so the Broncos are dumb for getting rid of troublemakers, but the Cowboys are dumb for drafting troublemakers? Yeah that makes a ton of sense.

Cutler was causing trouble and being a prima donna. He is a hotshot know-it-all and that new coach didn't want to deal with him. I don't necessarily think the Broncos have gone the right way with their dealings since I think the coach is an idiot.

As for Bryant, I don't see him as a character issue. He's like Randy Moss but with fewer problems. All he did was lie because he was freaked out thinking he committed a violation by mistake, but he hadn't! If he had told the truth nothing would have happened, but the kid didn't realize that at the time. He was trying to cover his ass. Anyone else would have done the same.

Rookie.... What did Marylands WR do last season? Just saying.
Nothin, but he wasn't that great in college either and didn't really belong in the first round, let alone top 10. That was a joke of a pick.

You have sparked my interest... Who? BTW, PLEASE no J. Russell references!!! :killingme:
Good player on a bad team? I'll just throw out this unknown guy named Barry Sanders for starters. :coffee: