Time to child proof our house


New Member
thank you calvert newbie. It was a terrible traggedy in the family, and as hard as it was it was a valuable lesson that you can never feel too safe ..even with the products on the market to stop children from getting to things. so while my kids were growing up, all chemicals were on top of the fridge. swingsets were cemented into the ground, and blind cords were put on the top of the curtains.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Everytime I think our home is sufficiently baby-proofed, she finds something else that might kill her!!! :jameo: :jameo: :jameo:
Everytime I think our home is sufficiently baby-proofed, she finds something else that might kill her!!! :jameo: :jameo: :jameo:
See solution below.


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The pediatrician said that our son will be crawling in no time. It's about time to start child proofing. I know there are checklists online and in the parenting magazines that I'll take a look at.

Other than the obvious outlet covers, cords out of reach, baby gates, cabinet/drawer/door knob locks, is there anything you experienced parents didn't think of at first that could help us keep our little boy safe? Obviously, constant supervision. Guess I better make sure the dog & cat bowls are out of his reach too. :lol:

Get deadbolts that have key-locks on both sides.

My oldest quickly learned how to unlock the deadbolt from the inside, and took a few early morning strolls at 5AM.

After you get those deadbolts, bolt their windows shut from the outside.

If you have a stick-shift, never "park" your car simply by leaving it in gear. ALWAYS use the parking break.

The most important thing I've learned: never underestimate your child's ingenuity when it comes to circumventing any safety precautions you take, in order to place themselves in danger and give you a freaking heart-attack.
Get deadbolts that have key-locks on both sides.

My oldest quickly learned how to unlock the deadbolt from the inside, and took a few early morning strolls at 5AM.

After you get those deadbolts, bolt their windows shut from the outside.

If you have a stick-shift, never "park" your car simply by leaving it in gear. ALWAYS use the parking break.
The most important thing I've learned: never underestimate your child's ingenuity when it comes to circumventing any safety precautions you take, in order to place themselves in danger and give you a freaking heart-attack.

Wheel chocks. :yay: