Tips for Democrat's on July 4th


Lovin' being Texican
Ah, Grasshopper...

Let me type this nice and slow for you:


Now, onto your pety little book.

Richard Clarke led Bush's anti-terrorism wing for years. He released a book saying Bush made decisions based off partisan politics alone. You righties say Clarke and McLellan have no credibility. Then, you post a link to a book by someone who had just as much a role in Clinton's White House as Clarke did in Bush's regime.

At the least, you're a hypocrite. :lol:

Would you like to recheck your facts before standing behind this post? What a stupid embarrassement for the Public School System for Charles County.


Lovin' being Texican
Ah, Grasshopper...

Yep, is biased. :killingme:killingme:killingme:killingme

You heard it here first, folks. :roflmao:

You righties never dissappoint me. :buddies:

...I am getting carpal tunnel typing responses to your monumental stupidity on just this single forum topic. It's too bad you don't read your post before you hit the *sendit* button. But, then, you are quite stoopid anyway, so why not enjoy the ride, huh?


Lovin' being Texican
But, Grasshopper....

It's useless.

All this will go :whoosh: and Bann will just say your sources are biased, because it's not :killingme

...we don't have to claim your sources are biased. We only have to point out how monumentally stupid your posts are becoming.

Go take a sh!t, maybe that'll clear your brain.


New Member poor neglected product of the Charles County Public Schools. You make Frosty appear even more credible by failing to read ANY of the document you post as a slam-dunk proof of your point. Had you bothered you would seen that talks about killing bin-Laden and equivocating over whether Klinton and Kompany received the offer. The "righties" tell you they Sudanese offered OBL for arrest and transfer to the U.S.A. You even have Klinton admitting to the substance of this offer *though he tried the "I didn't inhale" defense* when pinned down before the biased 9-11 commission.

Why don't you sign up for remedial reading this summer since the BOE obviously doesn't need you at work (you contiue to post and watch the news on gubmint time anyway)?
And, for the 9,000th time, there was no proof that he had committed any crimes against American citizens, he would've had to have been let go, in accordance with international law, U.S. law and the Geneva Convention.



New Member
Ah, Lenny's broke down and is dishing out cheap shots. Now I know I'm right and I see I've proven my point.

My work here is done. :coffee:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
In this particular instance though, it's one person's word against the other.

When confronted with information about bin Laden, Bann resoted to this book and said it is absolute fact. Bann thinks I should spend $35 for someone's book because they think it's fact.

Mind you, the book claims Democrats were never focued on National Security and Terrorism.

Richard Clarke says Bill Clinton was committed to anti-terrorism than Bushie was and Bushie only got concerned about it after 9-11.

Bann immedaetly would write off Richard Clarke, even though a few other people to come out of the White House have basically said Bushie's a partisan hack and that Clarke's right.

When it comes to evidence, a few people on here only believe what suits their agenda (just like the people over at the DU). Anything else is either biased mis-information or is a lie.

And, as numerous websites have noted, back in 1996, there was nothing we could do about Bin Laden. Even if Clinton nabbed him, we didn't have enough evidence to hold him. And, if we did hold him anyways, you know every Rightie would be out there with their pitchforks calling for Clinton's impeachment.

Yet, numerous sources said Bush also sat back and did nothing, up until 9-11. Again, what's to believe?

The righties will believe anything that suits their agenda, those of us real conservatives (like you and I) would rather hold back from partisan flaming and find out what the truth is. :buddies:

:nono: Bann did not say, nor does she think you should spend $35.00 on a book. I said my 12yo checked out the book (as in from the library) and read it. I personally DID buy the book when it came out (2003, I think) and then probably sold the darn thing on eBay and got some money back out of it!

Anyway - whatever. The man was there. He is credible. He has firsthand knowledge and has evidence to back it up. The foreword was written by Casper Weinberger, but I'm sure that means nothing to you. It's not a crime for someone who worked for someone in an administration to write a book. He's not the first and won't be the last. ALL kinds of people have written books from SS agents to cabinet members. Tell me they broke a "code".

If you don't agree with the information IN the book - fine. But since you didn't read it how do you even know whether you agree or not?

Your idea and your level of discourse in these discussions always resorts to name calling and insults. It's tedious and I don't tolerate that kind of talk from my children - why would I want to engage in it with you? OTOH, if you want to behave like a snitty child, then - - -


New Member
:nono: Bann did not say, nor does she think you should spend $35.00 on a book. I said my 12yo checked out the book (as in from the library) and read it. I personally DID buy the book when it came out (2003, I think) and then probably sold the darn thing on eBay and got some money back out of it!

Anyway - whatever. The man was there. He is credible. He has firsthand knowledge and has evidence to back it up. The foreword was written by Casper Weinberger, but I'm sure that means nothing to you. It's not a crime for someone who worked for someone in an administration to write a book. He's not the first and won't be the last. ALL kinds of people have written books from SS agents to cabinet members. Tell me they broke a "code".

If you don't agree with the information IN the book - fine. But since you didn't read it how do you even know whether you agree or not?

Your idea and your level of discourse in these discussions always resorts to name calling and insults. It's tedious and I don't tolerate that kind of talk from my children - why would I want to engage in it with you? OTOH, if you want to behave like a snitty child, then - - -
If his information is true, that credible and is of something of such importance like this, why did he write a book that was published soley for profit?

I'm sorry, but when these people who seek to inform us of stuff do so in a for-profit book aimed at getting money, they've lost all credibility in my book (which is avaliable free of charge). :coffee:

Hell, the 9-11 Commission Report, free. CNN Live, free., free. New York Times online, free. FOX News- free. WTH, I'll be fair and balanced; HumanEvents, FREE. Clinton bashing book, $35.

Debating with righties on the RU Community Forums - PRICELESS. :buddies:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I've tried taking the high road, but you can't argue that a liberal is right about something and take the high road here.

High road? :lmao:

Seriously, you should go read some of the threads on here where Larry & CWO Webb, Pete, SamSpade, et. al. (too numerous to mention them all) are posting. You would learn a thing or 2 about taking the high road. Every now and then a few zingers to a post - yeah, sure - no biggie. But as I said before- your constant personal attacks & insults to each and every post written here is simply tedious.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
If his information is true, that credible and is of something of such importance like this, why did he write a book that was published soley for profit?

I'm sorry, but when these people who seek to inform us of stuff do so in a for-profit book aimed at getting money, they've lost all credibility in my book (which is avaliable free of charge). :coffee:

Hell, the 9-11 Commission Report, free. CNN Live, free., free. New York Times online, free. FOX News- free. WTH, I'll be fair and balanced; HumanEvents, FREE. Clinton bashing book, $35.

Debating with righties on the RU Community Forums - PRICELESS. :buddies:

Way to take the high road. :high5:


Lovin' being Texican
And, for the 9,000th time, there was no proof that he had committed any crimes against American citizens, he would've had to have been let go, in accordance with international law, U.S. law and the Geneva Convention.


That is not the contention and that is a red-herring defense of an indefensible position. Back to school, kid.


Well-Known Member
Hell, the 9-11 Commission Report, free. CNN Live, free., free. New York Times online, free. FOX News- free. WTH, I'll be fair and balanced; HumanEvents, FREE. Clinton bashing book, $35.

You realize this is an absurd comparison, correct?
And that the in print version of the 9-11 Commission Report is NOT FREE, just as any number of government periodicals are not.

The rest are web sites which are not "free" at all - they're paid for by advertisement.

It's not unusual to publish a book and charge for it, no matter who you are. If the basis for its credibility has to do with whether or not you must PAY for it, I can easily outright dismiss just about anything anyone has written.

Hell, why didn't my professors just GIVE their books away? What were THEY up to, anyway?


New Member
"not unusual to publish a book and charge for it"

so immoral, and why earn any money just give it to the IRS. Thats why AndyLIES

can you change your name fits what you say....