brendar buhl said:
. This is totally backwards. God gives freely to us knowing completely that we will misuse and abuse His gifts. Giving freely and with no strings attached makes us more like God or godly if you will. This is how God acts and how we should act.
Read this sermon by one of my favorite Rabbis.
So who cares how your church/ pastor spend the money, put the blinders on, and just open your wallet? I'm sorry, I'm a thinking, sentient being, not a sheep.
God's not the one spending my money, if he was I would agree with you, but he doesn't spend it, he doesn't even need it! Man is spending it, on what they think is a deserving cause, and if they think a multimillion dollar yacht is a deserving cause I should be ok with that? Thousands of people around the world have found religion.. they've found it be a lucrative BUSINESS. They live in beautiful houses, drive expensive cars, even have private planes (SOME even have their own fleet of planes) while asking the less fortunate, the ones trying to feed their kids and pay their bills, to pay your share!! You get a welfare check? They want 10%.. or else!!
That's not what Jesus taught, whether he's a super bieng or a normal man, making money off of the downtrodden or ANYone for that matter was not in his teachings.
I thought he taught to be charitable towards your fellow man, so giving to the homeless person on the corner SHOULD as acceptable a tithe (who translated this to mean CASH??) as giving to the church... Or giving to the Red Cross, or giving to the Katrina Relief Fund.. or the AIDS fund for Africa.. but it's not. Give 10% to the CHURCH OR spend eternity burning in the flames of hell.. oh yeah, that's a christ like thought to share with your fellow man too.
This is the crux of organized religion. Some are worse then others, but MOST make more then they can spend, but find ways to spend it anyways.