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its allahu akbar... which means something along the lines of "praise God" the same God we (christians, jews, etc...) worship. Allah can be broken into 2 partsHessian said:http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=43245
That's a grim view of what will likely happen as the Iranians near completing their first nuclear bomb. Allah Akbar! There is no god but Allah and Muhammed is his Messenger. (that is what we will hear just after the boom).
Al which makes the word proper
and ilah which means god
edit: after further looking into that article, im not sure how much credibility i would give it, looks like a very pro-christian news thing...
Why was maryland founded? as a catholic refuge... Protestant vs Catholicism was the all-to-common fight going on in Europe, many were killed because of this. Many people were killed for saying the Catholic church was wrong about things (earth being the center of the universe, etc...). Divine Right of Kings? What a wonderful system that was... The Pope crowning kings, having extreme influence on monarchs... Those were the good ol' days!Hessian said:"Im not arguing that hardcore religious governments arent good, our own history shows us this."
Care to elaborate?
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