To all the ignorant Amish people.


No Use for Donk Twits
You know what I find ammusing? A 55 year old anchor chucker who acts like a 12 year old on a message board. And to top it all off, your own friends can't even trust you because you have a big mouth. You lack integrity. My guess is that you were an outcast amongst your own Chiefs mess. Most CWO's I've worked with are that way. Reading some of your posts I can easily categorize you in the same way.

I post here because there are quite a few folks that can logically debate. Your characterizations are based on what, your vast experience in my field? Sorry the CWOs you worked with are that way, but in our field we have to lead from the front.


New Member
I post here because there are quite a few folks that can logically debate. Your characterizations are based on what, your vast experience in my field? Sorry the CWOs you worked with are that way, but in our field we have to lead from the front.

You strike me as someoene who was led from your own behind.


Your a crazy #####. So I miss spelled a word on a forum.... Big Deal. Get a life.


And, it would not be a big deal at all ... if you didn't make it such a point to portray yourself as intellectually superior to everyone else.

But it simply looks like you're just another drooling idiot who's just as dumb, or dumber, than the people by whom you're surrounded.

You poor inbred bastard, you.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Sure you read them....

And you are correct, you're not an ET1, you're an FC1 and were stationed in Dahlgren either way I find it ammusing that you still post on a SOMD forum from San Diego. get a life!

Why is that amusing? Just because you move doesn't mean you stop talking to people.


New Member

And, it would not be a big deal at all ... if you didn't make it such a point to portray yourself as intellectually superior to everyone else.

But it simply looks like you're just another drooling idiot who's just as dumb, or dumber, than the people by whom you're surrounded.

You poor inbred bastard, you.

Great! Then I should start fitting in around here just fine.


New Member
You strike me as an angry young boy, acting out to get attention.

How pathetic....

That would make you even more pathetic than you already are if it were true... What kind of grown man argues with a little boy on a public forum?

have you ever heard the expression "arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics... Even if you win you're still retarded.

How about this one.... "Never argue with an idiot, they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

You win!


No Use for Donk Twits
Sustaining friendships is most likely something GH is not use to. Peeps just stopped talking to him...even when he didn't move...:whistle:

Oh, he's not from around here? I got the impression he graduated locally from an Amish home school and got a job at one of the bases policing the sharps.


Still reading and responding to my posts I see.

"Why does anyone even respond to his posts?"

I assume that it has a lot to do with the part of the brain that makes people want to punch the monkey in those webpage ads.

Everyone knows what's going to happen when you click the ad, but there's still some little part of you wants to punch the ####ing monkey, because the ####ing monkey needs to be punched, and maybe - JUST MAYBE - your punch will be the one that destroys him with a satisfying gore-filled explosion.