To all who have purchased Walmart flip flops!!! PLEASE READ!!!


New Member
she did an experiment with latex gloves to see if they create the same reaction. After an hour, there was no reaction. she said she is going to try wearing them for seven hours like she wore the shoes.


Big Poppa
But she is comparing a sterile latex glove to a synthetic rubber. Shes an idiot, even if the shoe thong was made from the same latex, putting a set of sterile gloves on to prove the reaction was not from allergies is pointless. Those flip flops touch so many different machines, are shipped here from china, shipped to the main warehouse then to the stores, and then a store employee touches them and put them on the shelves. There are alot of variables. Not to mention that the chemical makeup is not pure latex or rubber.


New Member
Simple answer - If you allergic (obviously you are) don't wear them!
Everywhere there is someone, somewhere that is allergic to something.
Now you know, stay away from it.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
barncat said:
After I had my baby the latex in the VS thigh highs burned my thighs and I only wore them for a few hours before I couldn't take the burning any longer. My burning was mild compared to hers, more like large welts.

:huggy: Aps had the same problem with his thigh-highs.


Well-Known Member
mdgirlie said:
Funny how this happened to both my feet, but not as bad. I bought my flip flops from Payless Shoe story about 2 months ago. The brand name was American Eagle. My feet broke out pretty bad and finally are now scabbing over. This was a royal pain...the itching was terrible! My doctor said that I was having an allergic reaction to the shoe thong, experiencing dermatitis, but maybe it was this chemical additive.

of course, some things effect people different, but i have several pairs of the same brand from payless and still wear them with no problem. i just didn't see her continuing to wear them especially where the thong imprint is on her feet, which tells me more than likely the shoe was problem


Big Poppa
It all comes down to how much money can she get out of them. If i got a burn on me that looked like that from wearing something i would stop wearing it, plain and simple. She continued to wear them even after the burns started. Its like grabbing a hot stove you dont pull back when it burns and then put your hand back on.


Well-Known Member
blazinlow89 said:
It all comes down to how much money can she get out of them. If i got a burn on me that looked like that from wearing something i would stop wearing it, plain and simple. She continued to wear them even after the burns started. Its like grabbing a hot stove you dont pull back when it burns and then put your hand back on.

there's no amount of money that i want that i will risk my feet looking like that; she don't know what could or will result in her decision to continue to wear them

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
aps45819 said:
It was horrible :bawl:
all the guys in the bike club were laughing at me
Vince burned his on his pipes. His dismount was not so good due to the stilletos.


Well-Known Member
blazinlow89 said:
It all comes down to how much money can she get out of them. If i got a burn on me that looked like that from wearing something i would stop wearing it, plain and simple. She continued to wear them even after the burns started. Its like grabbing a hot stove you dont pull back when it burns and then put your hand back on.

:yeahthat: The flops in the pic looked well worn. If her feet started burning, she shouldn't have worn them anymore. Sorry, but I doubt her feet went from A-OK to burnt to a crisp in 5 minutes. :rolleyes:


I hate flip flops :barf:, and find it annoying hearing other peoples feet squish, squash, squish, squash, squish, squash by me :barf: Its like a bottom of the feet sucking sound.. :barf: I guess its a shoe peeve, kind of like how Kwillia feels about crocks :lol: I do LOVE my crocs though! :yay:


Big Poppa
Cowgirl said:
:yeahthat: The flops in the pic looked well worn. If her feet started burning, she shouldn't have worn them anymore. Sorry, but I doubt her feet went from A-OK to burnt to a crisp in 5 minutes. :rolleyes:

Il agree that it probably didnt happen within 5 mintues. And she even says that in her report. But if something causes discomfort or pain wouldnt you stop using it. She even said that her feet where red after wearing them, that a-means there to small, or b- something else is wrong and they will continue to hurt.

And on another note if these are chemical burns caused by cheap chinese rubber, wouldnt there be more than a few people with the problem.
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The new liver I just bought from China burns everytime I drink a mai-tai:shrug:


Well-Known Member
dems4me said:
I hate flip flops :barf:, and find it annoying hearing other peoples feet squish, squash, squish, squash, squish, squash by me :barf: Its like a bottom of the feet sucking sound.. :barf: I guess its a shoe peeve, kind of like how Kwillia feels about crocks :lol: I do LOVE my crocs though! :yay:

flip-flops are not the only shoes that make noises; i hate when i can hear when someone's not picking up their damn feet :jameo: