To the parents in St Clements Shores


Thats how them b*tch's R
To the person who sent me karma (good) you didn't sign it so I can't reply directly to you. I don't know of John's last name but there is a Home Paramount truck in his driveway and he works on race/street rods or something. He also has a son with the same first name. Is that who you mean? If so, yes I know him but we do NOT speak. Very rude to my mom - n - law once and that's all it took. Sorry if you guys are friends.

And why would I want to say :yum: to his :banana: ? LOL.
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SoftballCrazy said:
I heard that too...I don't know what exactly has been going on though...Got any details??

Guy on Archer St causing problems.
SoftballCrazy said:
I heard some kid (16 yr old boy) got busted up by some boys in his head from being hit w/ a bat? Not 100% sure if thats a true story.

Heard the same but I think it was something personal rather than something random.


New Member
workin hard said:
Heard the same but I think it was something personal rather than something random.
Personal or random, still makes a parent worry if their kid could be in the wrong place at the wrong time...You just never know anymore...


Thats how them b*tch's R
SoftballCrazy said:
I heard some kid (16 yr old boy) got busted up by some boys in his head from being hit w/ a bat? Not 100% sure if thats a true story.

I haven't heard that story. I live 3 streets down, hhmmmm.... :shrug: