To the parents in St Clements Shores


"Typical White Person"
wv4x4 said:
Sit down with your teens tonight and show them the first part of American History X because the next time something gets stolen from my house thats whats gonna happen to them. I have found a new use for my hunting camera. Heaven help them if they are brave enough to come inside the house!

I would never suggest boobie traps on a public forum, but if one was inclined to do a little searching on the internet I'm sure he could find some useful "deterents"

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
hotmomma said:
If that was the bakery in Waldorf, it was 2 years ago or a lil more
No, it was a very old facility that sat on top of the hill next to where the community beach was that many dances, parties, movies took place and basketball was played. I think it burned down sometime around 1980.


24/7 Single Dad
AK-74me said:
I would never suggest boobie traps on a public forum, but if one was inclined to do a little searching on the internet I'm sure he could find some useful "deterents"
:smack: :nono: just got this months American Motorcyclist (AMA mag), big article on folks that have been booby trapping trails to "deter" people from riding dirt bikes and 4-wheelers. One guy is doing 12 years for stringing a line across a trail that caught somebody in the neck.


New Member
AK-74me said:
I would never suggest boobie traps on a public forum, but if one was inclined to do a little searching on the internet I'm sure he could find some useful "deterents"

Im not boobie trapping. I have a camera that I use for deer hunting. It detects motion and snaps a picture. I'm simply gonna have it in a spot where they have stolen stuff, place some bait, and then it will snap a picture.


New Member
aps45819 said:
:smack: :nono: just got this months American Motorcyclist (AMA mag), big article on folks that have been booby trapping trails to "deter" people from riding dirt bikes and 4-wheelers. One guy is doing 12 years for stringing a line across a trail that caught somebody in the neck.

Reason # 101 this country is fawked up! Put the guy in jail that is protecting his property and the guy thta tresspasses gets nothing.

THE AMERICAN WAY! :buttkick:


Thats how them b*tch's R
Ken King said:
No, it was a very old facility that sat on top of the hill next to where the community beach was that many dances, parties, movies took place and basketball was played. I think it burned down sometime around 1980.

I didn't know that either. There's a house on the left and to the right of the beach now.


"Typical White Person"
aps45819 said:
:smack: :nono: just got this months American Motorcyclist (AMA mag), big article on folks that have been booby trapping trails to "deter" people from riding dirt bikes and 4-wheelers. One guy is doing 12 years for stringing a line across a trail that caught somebody in the neck.

That is why I prefaced with "I would never" but anyway if, I did ever, it would be spiked jacks or something along those lines in strategic places.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
getbent said:
I didn't know that either. There's a house on the left and to the right of the beach now.
I first moved to the shores in 1963 when there were only about 50 full time residents and all roads except for Lady Baltimore were dirt. I left this past May and except for a 12 year stretch in the Air Force have lived in the same house.


Lived in Compton, but not St Clements Shore. John Lynch Road or as it's called now Ben Morgan Rd, not a bad walk..:lol:


Thats how them b*tch's R
Ken King said:
I first moved to the shores in 1963 when there were only about 50 full time residents and all roads except for Lady Baltimore were dirt. I left this past May and except for a 12 year stretch in the Air Force have lived in the same house.

Awesome. Where at (were you living in Shores)?


Thats how them b*tch's R
Cool. It's amazing how the place has grown. My hubby moved to the shores apprx. 20 yrs ago and he said there were very few families living there. Mostly retired/summer homes.


New Member
lovinmaryland said:
Which one? There is a house on that st. for sale that my parents are interested in while there beach house is being built.
It's the 2nd on the right if you turn right from Lady Balt. Ave. It was so well kept when I had it.

Looks like Sanford and Son own it now. :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
Mikeinsmd said:
It's the 2nd on the right if you turn right from Lady Balt. Ave. It was so well kept when I had it.

Looks like Sanford and Son own it now. :ohwell:
I know which one you are talking about now :lol: That is not the one for sale though. There are a lot of really cute houses in the shores but there are a few that are a little run down.