Today i almost died


I bowl overhand
Glad it did not turn out badly. Been in the same situation, very sobering. Plus 1 for defensive awareness and driving.

I've been looking for one for the Slingshot. Got a make/model?

SlingShot you'll need a waterproof one?? GoPro perhaps?? Maybe get one with a Hello Kitty Case??



I bowl overhand
Is it any good at night? Much of my commute is at night.

The one we bought isn't the most expensive (far from it) but the quality is good enough to pick up license plates and faces at night.

We had an incident driving through the minefield that is 95S through South Carolina about 3 weeks ago.. Late at night, or at least dark.. I believe it was 8:18 PM, we hit something in the road, made a hell of a lot of noise, scared the crap out of us.

We had NO idea what it was as I was in the process of changing lanes to pass a Soccer Mom in her SUV.. Scared the hell out of us. Got off the road and started reviewing video expecting it to be a road gator.. hoping it wasn't somebody's dog..

The tape revealed 2 things.. One, no way we could have EVER have seen it, the camera didn't even pick it up until about 10 feet before we hit it.. and TWO, we hit a lost construction cone sitting right on the dashed line between the lanes.

It dented our plastic bumper and ripped out the passenger side wheel well liner... but even though night we could clearly see the car in front of us, the cone, and identify it if we needed to.

Then on the way home.. (the cone happened heading TO FL) coming through Leonardtown, a spry fox jumped out in front of us, then, being stupid like a fox, it couldn't decide which way to go.. left... right.. stop.. right.. left.. THUD.. same place on the car.

Well, we did make it to the first oil change before we dented it..


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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Larry, they were in decline, right through I think 2009, then when people started driving again, the numbers came back up some. And a lot of the credit for that is the vehicles, keeping people alive through crashes that once would been sure death. People still crashing, just living through far more of them than they used to.

Yup. I tried to make sure I found data based on accidents, not deaths. The one I posted shows a bunch of supporting data put does stop at '09.


Well-Known Member
Heck, I was walking down the hallway at work one time and a guy was approaching me, fumbling with his cell phone, he kept walking toward my side of the hall. He nearly bumped into me. Never said "excuse me" or "sorry about that", he just kept walking without a care about anything but what he was doing. Next time I will likely just throw a hard shoulder at him and keep walking.
This doesn't happen only at work. Surely, you've been shopping recently. People, usually the teens+, walk shoulder-to-shoulder through wherever you might also be; look you in the eye, and keep walking. No 'Excuse me,' no attempt to avoid you, nothin'.....
SO many times, I've wanted to act the same way they act; like I don't see them and keep walking, or like you said, 'just throw a hard shoulder at them and keep walking.'


Well-Known Member
Yikes, 3CAT! Good driving on your part! Glad you are still with us!

Story. Something similar happened to me way back in 1989. No cell phone probs back then, but it was a cop. I was going up 118 from Darnestown to Germantown and rounded a curve and a cop was headed right toward me with lights and siren blazing. I jerked the wheel to the right and landed in the ditch up right, thank goodness. The cop never stopped to see if I was ok. :frown: Guess he had more important issues to attend to. I reported what happened, but got ..... crickets. I know how you felt today, and it is true about that 'flash' thing.

Actually the police officer should have stopped. There are limited circumstances where they can't such as responding to a person not breathing. Yes, they do respond to these type of calls even though they are not EMT. Most, if not all have CPR and advanced first aid training.


Well-Known Member
This doesn't happen only at work. Surely, you've been shopping recently. People, usually the teens+, walk shoulder-to-shoulder through wherever you might also be; look you in the eye, and keep walking. No 'Excuse me,' no attempt to avoid you, nothin'.....
SO many times, I've wanted to act the same way they act; like I don't see them and keep walking, or like you said, 'just throw a hard shoulder at them and keep walking.'

Yeah, I had a young lady around 20 or so run right in to me coming out of WaWa. I am 6'4" and she was about 5' and about 110 lbs. It was not until what she thought was a brick wall when she looked up. She said "saaareee". Why do I think she didn't mean it?


Active Member
My pet peeve about unthinking people.. are the ones who put up road blocks in store isles. Do you really have to turn the cart fully sideways and become oblivious to the world blocking the entire isle? And then you've got the other kind... one person is stopped shopping.. along comes another person and what do they do? stop right next to them, thereby blocking the isle. I'm going to start saying "nice roadblock" to them.
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Active Member
The one we bought isn't the most expensive (far from it) but the quality is good enough to pick up license plates and faces at night.

We had an incident driving through the minefield that is 95S through South Carolina about 3 weeks ago.. Late at night, or at least dark.. I believe it was 8:18 PM, we hit something in the road, made a hell of a lot of noise, scared the crap out of us.

We had NO idea what it was as I was in the process of changing lanes to pass a Soccer Mom in her SUV.. Scared the hell out of us. Got off the road and started reviewing video expecting it to be a road gator.. hoping it wasn't somebody's dog..

The tape revealed 2 things.. One, no way we could have EVER have seen it, the camera didn't even pick it up until about 10 feet before we hit it.. and TWO, we hit a lost construction cone sitting right on the dashed line between the lanes.

It dented our plastic bumper and ripped out the passenger side wheel well liner... but even though night we could clearly see the car in front of us, the cone, and identify it if we needed to.

Then on the way home.. (the cone happened heading TO FL) coming through Leonardtown, a spry fox jumped out in front of us, then, being stupid like a fox, it couldn't decide which way to go.. left... right.. stop.. right.. left.. THUD.. same place on the car.

Well, we did make it to the first oil change before we dented it..

I find it hard to believe that a cone was unable to be seen. Cars have headlights. Perhaps driver got too close to the back of the car before calculating that one wants to go around,
therefor the car would block vision of enough space ahead.. or perhaps driver was doing a second head check or something at the time.. or perhaps the headlights are aimed too low


Active Member
they have cheap dash cams on ebay for as low as $12. I recently picked up one on some kind of online deal that has a reverse camera in the package and you view the reverse cam on the the dash cam's screen for about $29 i think it was. I figured it'd save me gas backing up to the trailer without a spotter. i'm also amazed at how bad so many people are at spotting.


Well-Known Member
My pet peeve about unthinking people.. are the ones who put up road blocks in store isles. Do you really have to turn the cart fully sideways and become oblivious to the world blocking the entire isle? And then you've got the other kind... one person is stopped shopping.. along comes another person and what do they do? stop right next to them, thereby blocking the isle. I'm going to start saying "nice roadblock" to them.

The good news is the 600 pound women who usually "waddled" back and forth, so you couldn't pass them in the aisle no longer make an attempt to get even a little bit of exercise. They now flop their beautiful body in the electric shopping carts. At least the shopping carts beep when they back up.


Power with Control
My pet peeve about unthinking people.. are the ones who put up road blocks in store isles. Do you really have to turn the cart fully sideways and become oblivious to the world blocking the entire isle? And then you've got the other kind... one person is stopped shopping.. along comes another person and what do they do? stop right next to them, thereby blocking the isle. I'm going to start saying "nice roadblock" to them.

I like the ones who shop with three or more people and immediately spread out in the "Flying Geese" formation and travel at the speed of the slowest member of the flock........


Well-Known Member
The good news is the 600 pound women who usually "waddled" back and forth, so you couldn't pass them in the aisle no longer make an attempt to get even a little bit of exercise. They now flop their beautiful body in the electric shopping carts. At least the shopping carts beep when they back up.

Really????????This just bugs the hell out of me!!! When is being overweight considered a handicap? I know everyones disabilities are not always apparent, but, I witnessed this broad, who was a little on the heavy side, riding a scooter thru the grocery store. She wanted something off of a top shelf, I was approaching her to ask if I could get it for her, she hops off the scooter, climbs onto the bottom shelf, hoists herself up to what she wanted, sat back down on the scooter!


Well-Known Member
This doesn't happen only at work. Surely, you've been shopping recently. People, usually the teens+, walk shoulder-to-shoulder through wherever you might also be; look you in the eye, and keep walking. No 'Excuse me,' no attempt to avoid you, nothin'.....
SO many times, I've wanted to act the same way they act; like I don't see them and keep walking, or like you said, 'just throw a hard shoulder at them and keep walking.'

Not really anything new, when I was in college in the 90s not many people had cell phones. Fellow students would walk up and down the sidewalks two and three abreast when there was pretty much only room for single file traffic in both directions. I'm 6'5", and back then was about 225lbs, I would play chicken with them, most would divert at the last minute, a few I had to throw a shoulder into to make my point. Then there were the Jr High and High school kids that skateboarded on the campus and were always in the way, I threw a shoulder into quite a few of them knocking them off their boards.