Top 10 Toughest Football Players


Iron City
Bruzilla said:
I think that Ward is one of the best, and most underappreciated, players in the NFL. He can pass, he makes impossible catches, and he's got no fear of throwing his body in front of a charging defenseman. If there was a way to clone him and have a team of Hines Wards, no team but the Steelers would ever win a Super Bowl again.

Plus he's got one of the best personalities you're ever going to find. He's always got a smile on his face when he gets up, no matter how hard he got his bell rung.
:yeahthat: :high5:


New Member
I think if Ray Lewis is there because he is always on the way to hit somebody, How about John Lynch? Of the 2 I think John Lynch hits harder, he just is not a big name guy because he is a good role model football player, not a street thug who would be in jail already if he could not play football. Also if college play is counted Ben Roethlisberger should be there. In a bowl game he actually broke his ankle, had linemen carry him to the huddle, called the play, and threw the game winning TD pass. That is toough.

24 Karat

Lovin Life!!
I totally agree with all of the Steeler comments!!! I have met Jack Splat and Hines numerous times. Class act Hines is and everyone has told me stories about Lambert but I can personally tell you that he is a very nice guy.
Ive had drinks with at least 10 of the steelers and they all are respectful and considerate. But I have to say their is one Raider that stands out to me it was Lester Hayes. Ive been a Die hard all my life in regards to STEELERS! Heck my game room is Black & Gold and a football field on the ceiling. Now thats ate up and needs to seek professional help. If ya wanna see pics just email me and Ill be glad to send em.


My Sweetest Boy
24 Karat said:
Ive had drinks with at least 10 of the steelers and they all are respectful and considerate.

Jack Kent Cooke kissed me and grabbed my azz. :yay: But he respected me, I think.


The NFL channel did a special on Hines Ward a couple of weeks ago, and there was a great story that Tommy Maddox told about a play that he had with Ward. It was a sweep to the left, with Maddox leading the way with Ward behind him. They were about to get slammed by the defenders, but the whole time all he could hear was Ward just laughing like a kid on a schoolyard behind him. After they got tackled and pciked themselves up, Maddox went to Ward and asked him if he had in fact been laughing through the whole play, and Ward said "yeah, that was fun!"


24 Karat said:
Ive been a Die hard all my life in regards to STEELERS! Heck my game room is Black & Gold and a football field on the ceiling. Now thats ate up and needs to seek professional help. If ya wanna see pics just email me and Ill be glad to send em.

Sorry, but you've been beat. There's a guy who lives over in Eagle Harbor down here who's entire house (and it's about a $500,000 house, which translates to about a $900,000 in MD/VA) is black and gold. During football season Sundays he's got dozens of Steelers flags, banners, pennants, etc., hanging all over the black and gold house, and then we all go over to the local Turn4Wings to watch the game with about 300 other fans. It's a blast.

The best thing I've seen yet is still the Jaguar/Steelers game from last December. There was so much black and gold in the stands that Channel 4, the local station that broadcasts the Jags games, wouldn't show any crowd shots. We had over half the parking lot filled up with Steelers tailgaters, and there were about a dozen Jaguar folks there. It was sad. We're all getting "Welcome to Jacksonburgh" signs and shirts made up for this year. :lmao: Even if the Steelers aren't playing here we can still rile the Jags fans.


Bruzilla said:
Sorry, but you've been beat. There's a guy who lives over in Eagle Harbor down here who's entire house (and it's about a $500,000 house, which translates to about a $900,000 in MD/VA) is black and gold. During football season Sundays he's got dozens of Steelers flags, banners, pennants, etc., hanging all over the black and gold house, and then we all go over to the local Turn4Wings to watch the game with about 300 other fans. It's a blast.

The best thing I've seen yet is still the Jaguar/Steelers game from last December. There was so much black and gold in the stands that Channel 4, the local station that broadcasts the Jags games, wouldn't show any crowd shots. We had over half the parking lot filled up with Steelers tailgaters, and there were about a dozen Jaguar folks there. It was sad. We're all getting "Welcome to Jacksonburgh" signs and shirts made up for this year. :lmao: Even if the Steelers aren't playing here we can still rile the Jags fans.
I was there! On the west side 50 yard line about 30-40 rows up i think. STEELERS BABY! (or at least that day) :lmao:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
Jack Kent Cooke kissed me and grabbed my azz. :yay: But he respected me, I think.
The Indian tried to feel me up and I got groped by a few Hogettes! :high5:

VERY respectful gentlemen. :yay:


K_Jo said:
The Indian tried to feel me up and I got groped by a few Hogettes! :high5:

Thats because they tend to like slop.... :roflmao:

j/k :huggy: Couldn't resist :lol: :smooch:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
By "tough", did Fox mean "impervious to pain" or "aggressive and intimidating"? If it's the latter, I think some of the original Oakland Raiders belong on that list. Those guys were demented.

No, that's on the list of "Worst Performances by Sports Stars in TV Commercials." :lol: No. 1 would probably be Muhammed Ali for D-Con.

Remember when all of the rock stars were doing commercial advocating abstinence from drug use??? And football players were advocating for a literacy campaign??? :killingme


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
:bawl: please don't :frown: :flowers: I meant slop in a good sortta way... honest :biggrin: were calling me the good, complimentary kind of slop? :love:

Sorry for jumping to conclusions. :huggy:


K_Jo said: were calling me the good, complimentary kind of slop? :love:

Sorry for jumping to conclusions. :huggy:

Sweetest Lady On Planet :biggrin:


Baseball Player
well, whoever did this, is wrong cuz Mcnabb should'nt even be on the list.....wheres Emmit smith...or Patrick took some hits last year!!!


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Smurf566 said:
well, whoever did this, is wrong cuz Mcnabb should'nt even be on the list.....wheres Emmit smith...or Patrick took some hits last year!!!
:yeahthat: And what about the entire Bears Shufflin' Crew???!!