Top 10 Toughest Football Players


I bowl overhand
Cletus_Vandam said:
Where is Brett Farve in this list? I kind of associate him to football like Cal Ripkin is to baseball. Look at the number of games Farve has started consectutively. He is a true Ironman.
Ooh please.. the rules were changed HOW many times to protect the prima Donna QB's?? Lets go back tot he 60's and 70's, no flak jackets, helmets were a hollow shell, pads were a minimum if at all, they played OUTSIDE, and they play hurt.. WHO the hell sat out a game because they hurt there pinky or for a thumb sprain in the 60's??


kom526 said:
Obviously the people who voted were not too bright.
Where is Pat Fisher, Sammy Baugh or Sam Huff? Yeah, they were all Redskins but they were all tougher in practice than Eddie George ever was. JMHO
:yeahthat: That was my first reaction McNabb :confused:


New Member
itsbob said:
Ooh please.. the rules were changed HOW many times to protect the prima Donna QB's?? Lets go back tot he 60's and 70's, no flak jackets, helmets were a hollow shell, pads were a minimum if at all, they played OUTSIDE, and they play hurt.. WHO the hell sat out a game because they hurt there pinky or for a thumb sprain in the 60's??

I bet if someone mentioned Tom Brady as being a tough guy you'd be right there in line to hand him th award though...


I bowl overhand
Cletus_Vandam said:
I bet if someone mentioned Tom Brady as being a tough guy you'd be right there in line to hand him th award though...
AS far as tough goes?? Not even....

Remember when quarterbacks LOOKED like football players.. crooked noses, missing teeth.. now they look like they came off of a hollywood film set.. NONE of the current players would rate in the top 100.. Hel!, when was the last time you've seen ANY blood on a players uniform, and in most cases, when was the last time you've seen DIRT on a QB's uniform??

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Couldn't disagree more...

itsbob said:
AS far as tough goes?? Not even....

Remember when quarterbacks LOOKED like football players.. crooked noses, missing teeth.. now they look like they came off of a hollywood film set.. NONE of the current players would rate in the top 100.. Hel!, when was the last time you've seen ANY blood on a players uniform, and in most cases, when was the last time you've seen DIRT on a QB's uniform??

...there are plenty of players playing today, including Favre, who would have played and belonged in any era, including being actual life or death gladiators.

I'd also argue that todays players face more hurdles than their forefathers. Steroids and extreme, year round training have made the modern football player to big and strong for his bones and tendons. Two thirds of players today will suffer an injury(s), mostly knees, that are career threatening.

I think any list of who is toughest needs to come from the players. In a world populated by nothing but very tough people, only when you are side by side, day after day, do you know who is very, very tough.

In any event, it's still an optional career where you get paid pretty well, even in the old timers day so, just to play along, I'd like to see one name added.

Pat Tillman.


Well-Known Member
For the record, I was born and raised a Patriots' fan and no, Tom Brady does not belong in the top 100. But one player I think they missed was Jack Youngblood(Rams DE). Played the Super Bowl on a broken leg for God's sake.


Well-Known Member
Forgot one:

For you Real Skins' fans out there. The guy whose autobiography was titled
"I always Get Up." Larry Brown. If it hadn't been for George Allen Brown probably could have played for five more years.


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
...there are plenty of players playing today, including Favre, who would have played and belonged in any era, including being actual life or death gladiators.

I'd also argue that todays players face more hurdles than their forefathers. Steroids and extreme, year round training have made the modern football player to big and strong for his bones and tendons. Two thirds of players today will suffer an injury(s), mostly knees, that are career threatening.

I think any list of who is toughest needs to come from the players. In a world populated by nothing but very tough people, only when you are side by side, day after day, do you know who is very, very tough.

In any event, it's still an optional career where you get paid pretty well, even in the old timers day so, just to play along, I'd like to see one name added.

Pat Tillman.

I would give you Pat Tillman, and can't believe not ONE other followed in his footsteps.. shows you how TOUGH NFL players are.... only one answered the call...


donbarzini said:
For the record, I was born and raised a Patriots' fan and no, Tom Brady does not belong in the top 100. But one player I think they missed was Jack Youngblood(Rams DE). Played the Super Bowl on a broken leg for God's sake.
Hell yea and Hacksaw Reynolds (Rams):cheers:
I am not a redskins fan but with out a doubt Riggo .The diesel was one of the toughest SOB's I ever watched play the game.


I know it was in college but who can forget Byron Leftwich's performance his senior year at Marshall when he had to be carried down field by teammates between plays.


Set Trippin
As a child I remember watching Earl Campbell run over defenders like a freight train, no fancy moves or jukes, just right over top of em....

Had Derrick Thomas not died much too young he would have ultimately made this list...:sad:


New Member
Ok, it was Steve McNair on the list, not Eddie George... that's two totally different worlds when you're talking about playing through injuries...

McNabb shouldn't be on the list for one game he played on a broken ankle. I'm thinking they just threw people in at the last minute to meet a deadline...

Ditka was on the list because, as he says in his Levitra commercials, he just doesn't go down...

About Favre, playing well over half a season with a broken thumb on his throwing hand should be enough, but let's throw in that he's been involved with injuring linebackers, has played his entire career with the same medical condition in his hip that ended Bo Jackson's career, and if all that's not enough, throw in there that he's still throwing for 200-300 yard games after all the crap that's happened to his family the last 3-4 years (you can't take painkillers for emotional distress), and if none of that's enough, there's always the consecutive start streak.

BTW, Mark Schlereth was an honorable mention for having kidney stones surgically removed, and being back on the field the next day, and *heh* Bill Gramatica was a dishonorable mention for blowing out his knee while celebrating a field goal.


I bowl overhand
sigma_1932 said:
BTW, Mark Schlereth was an honorable mention for having kidney stones surgically removed, and being back on the field the next day, and *heh* Bill Gramatica was a dishonorable mention for blowing out his knee while celebrating a field goal.
When was this? If it was the last ten years, there really isn't "surgery" to remove Kidney Stones. At least no incisions, stitches or scars. Sound waves are used to break up the stone, and the dust and pieces are passed normally, not really that big a deal. now if he played WITH the kidney stones.. THEN I'd be impressed. That's some painful sh!t right there.


New Member
Can Rich Gannon be added to this list. I watched Seattle knock him out cold and on the next set of plays he was back out playing...