Tornado Warning !!!



It's 9:26 and despite a very impressive storm map we got nothing more than a 10 minutes steady rain. Very sad.


New Member
A friend of mine, who lives in St. Leonard, called me when the tornado warning was issued. She was afraid I was doing homework (which I was) and didn't have the TV on to see the warning (which I didn't). Having lived in Oklahoma (or Okla-blow-me, as I like to call it) for 6 years, first thing I did was walk outside and look at the sky. Some pretty wicked looking clouds that were sure trying to develop into something, but yeah... no tornader.


Salt Life
vraiblonde said:
It rained HARD here for a good hour or two. But my grass and plants say "thank you".
Same with us. Our yard is comletely brown and hard and just horrible looking. The only green part is along the driveway and that's just from washing the vehicles once a week. :lol:


We lost power for 2-3 hrs last night. When the power come back on I ran outside to throw dinner on the grill and it started to freakin pour down again :lmao:


My Sweetest Boy
I bet we had 10 minutes of light rain. :rolleyes:

It was raining this morning when I let the dogs out around 4:45. It rained most of the way into DC ...a nice steady rain.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Jameo said:
We lost power for 2-3 hrs last night. When the power come back on I ran outside to throw dinner on the grill and it started to freakin pour down again :lmao:
Was everyone down there without power?


New Member
I have metrocast internet and that is out. I hate unreliable service. When they came to install it last week the modem they gave the installer didn't work. I had one so we used that and I was up right away, but it was a bad omen.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dn0121 said:
I have metrocast internet and that is out.
Mine went out yesterday afternoon when the lightening started. This morning I reset the modem and router and it came right back on.


New Member
I wish mine was that easy, usually that is all it is. Although I didn't try to do that this morning again. At least I know I wasn't the only one.
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