Tough time putting this fire out...


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
Most think that AIDS passed into the human sphere from humans *eating* infected monkeys.
Not likely if the AIDS virus gets killed with cooking, or are you referring to a different meaning for "eating"?


Well-Known Member
2ndAmendment said:
Not likely if the AIDS virus gets killed with cooking, or are you referring to a different meaning for "eating"?
No - do some research on this, from medical journals online. It's more than simple conjecture. There are continued cross-over viruses coming from apes that are *documented* as having arrived through the eating of ape meat - and they're NOT HIV. This is something that's verifiable. You also can't mathematically account for the spread of the disease so quickly if it was simple bestiality, unless every man, woman and child in Africa were getting it on with monkeys. Further, eating of contaminated animal meats is the main avenue for cross-over diseases.

Plus, if you've ever been around monkeys or apes much, you'd realize that even if you wanted to, it's close to impossible, and I don't just mean the size thing.


I'm Rick James #####!
rack'm said:
I personally thought that story was hysterical……I love it when the sickos die from their deviant behavior. :killingme :killingme

The video was absolutely rib hurting funny.....:roflmao::roflmao:

There was a VIDEO?! :killingme