Towelheads are upset


New Member
rocknroll said:
muslims are over 1/5 of the population of the earth

anyone who blames muslims in general for 9/11

or suicide bombings

or whatever

is just racist, plain and simple
How many Hindu suicide bombers were there in the last decade??
How many Christian suicide bombers were there in the last decade??
How many Taoist suicide bombers were there in the last decade??
How many Jewish suicide bombers were there in the last decade??

Shuddup dumbass!! :smack: :smack:


Lem Putt
rocknroll said:
muslims are over 1/5 of the population of the earth

some of them are bad just like some americans are bad

anyone who blames muslims in general for 9/11

or suicide bombings

or whatever

is just racist, plain and simple

Where did mike say Muslims? He said towel heads. You assumed he meant muslims. Maybe you are the bigot?


New Member
MMDad said:
Where did mike say Muslims? He said towel heads. You assumed he meant muslims. Maybe you are the bigot?
This is fun isn't it? :killingme

The more they open their mouthes, the more fun I have. :yay:


off the shelf
rocknroll said:
muslims are over 1/5 of the population of the earth

some of them are bad just like some americans are bad

anyone who blames muslims in general for 9/11

or suicide bombings

or whatever

is just racist, plain and simple

I read and re-read this thread and I didn't see anywhere at all that Mikey said anything about Muslims....The article said that "there was outrage all across the Muslim world"

You ASSUMED(shouldn't do that, makes an ass out of you) he was saying something that he wasn't?
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rocknroll said:
muslims are over 1/5 of the population of the earth

some of them are bad just like some americans are bad

anyone who blames muslims in general for 9/11

or suicide bombings

or whatever

is just racist, plain and simple
I think that's sweet, I really do. :huggy:

And while Muslims in general didn't fly into the WTC and Pentagon, they DID cheer and encourage. When a white American does something heinous, other white Americans are the first ones to publicly denounce them and bring them to justice. When a Muslim commits a crime, other Muslims say that it's America's fault and that if we'd exterminate ourselves, then this wouldn't have happened.

So don't start that crap.


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:
I think that's sweet, I really do. :huggy:

And while Muslims in general didn't fly into the WTC and Pentagon, they DID cheer and encourage. When a white American does something heinous, other white Americans are the first ones to publicly denounce them and bring them to justice. When a Muslim commits a crime, other Muslims say that it's America's fault and that if we'd exterminate ourselves, then this wouldn't have happened.

So don't start that crap.

I equate this to the KKK. Most white americans are disgusted by their antics. Whenever they act up, or show themselves in public, we take every measure we can to shut those stupid yokels up. Or even better, lock them up.

Look at the reception Wetnoodle got.

If the Muslim world doesn't want to be thought of as murdering terroists, they can clean house. Until then.......


They call me ... Sarcasmo
If the jihadists REALLY want to get offended then they need to :smack: and click on "Meet the Talibans" :killingme


Well-Known Member
In a normal civilization...

when confronted with a horrific disaster (1000 dead in the ferry sinking) Presidents would declare a day/week of mourning. Perhaps silence over the radio/TV....even a few moments of reflective silence at schools & churches. the moslem world...they riot over 4 month old cartoons and totally ignore one of the worst maritime disasters in recent history.

Our whole nation held its breath when 13 miners were trapped.
They once again proved they have no regard for life (ie the Captain fleeing after telling the passengers not to bother with life jackets).
Why do they care if they have freedom and democracy? Life doesn't hold any value except in killing Jews and infidels.

We still have not figured this out about the Eastern mindset. :whistle:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Hessian said:
when confronted with a horrific disaster (1000 dead in the ferry sinking) Presidents would declare a day/week of mourning. Perhaps silence over the radio/TV....even a few moments of reflective silence at schools & churches. the moslem world...they riot over 4 month old cartoons and totally ignore one of the worst maritime disasters in recent history.

Our whole nation held its breath when 13 miners were trapped.
They once again proved they have no regard for life (ie the Captain fleeing after telling the passengers not to bother with life jackets).
Why do they care if they have freedom and democracy? Life doesn't hold any value except in killing Jews and infidels.

We still have not figured this out about the Eastern mindset. :whistle:
I still haven't figured out about your mindset.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I still haven't figured out about your mindset.
Then let me make a few observations to help you get it:

Hessian doesn't bust on Jews. Or Hindus. Or Buddhists. Or Zoroastrians

There's no recent history of any members of those religions engaging in terrorist activity, and certainly not against the US.

There is, however, a repeat pattern of Muslims committing terrorism, including a rather spectacular attack on our own soil.

After these terrorist attacks, we are treated to news footage of their religion-mates cheering and calling for death to all Americans.

They also chop the heads off of their captives and rip dead bodies to shreds and drag them through streets and hang the parts on bridges. This behavior is met with even louder cheers from their fellow Muslims.

It is part of their religion to kill the infidel (that's us, btw, and all other non-Muslims).

Now. Does that help explain why Hessian may not be feeling particularly charitable toward Muslims?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Then let me make a few observations to help you get it:

Hessian doesn't bust on Jews. Or Hindus. Or Buddhists. Or Zoroastrians

There's no recent history of any members of those religions engaging in terrorist activity, and certainly not against the US.

There is, however, a repeat pattern of Muslims committing terrorism, including a rather spectacular attack on our own soil.

After these terrorist attacks, we are treated to news footage of their religion-mates cheering and calling for death to all Americans.

They also chop the heads off of their captives and rip dead bodies to shreds and drag them through streets and hang the parts on bridges. This behavior is met with even louder cheers from their fellow Muslims.

It is part of their religion to kill the infidel (that's us, btw, and all other non-Muslims).

Now. Does that help explain why Hessian may not be feeling particularly charitable toward Muslims?

He obviously didn't see the news reports of Egyptions crying and mourning the loss of the people on the ferry. The crowds of people mobbing the harbor trying to get information from thier government like we do when there is a plane crash. He immediatly attacks them for something that is actually comeing from another country.

I find it humorus that the same news sources that lie about our president and the war and slant so left, suddenly become undeniable fact when ic concerns moslems.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks Vrai...

I'll try a different angle:

We have been preconditioned in the west that all cultures are equal...that our point of view MUSt be put in perspective with all the others. That we are not "right" in pushing ideas of rights, liberties, and voting on other countries. We send billions of $$ of aid, technology, medical ships...we invite thousands of deprived students to have a free education on our soil and we believe we are making the world a better place.

However, the stark reality of it is that the moslem world rejects almost everything about our culture. And when we try to perceive them as civilizied, they riot in the streets and burn embassies ...because we bombed them?
we poisoned their food?...We stole all their oil? We castrated their camels?
NO...some cartoonist is now under threat of death for a silly cartoon drawing of their child-raping, racist, murdering hero.

They could care less that 1000 perished needlessly last week. What matters to them are cartoons.
If it were to happen to us (ie the CAT in Maine)...we would have a week of mourning and investigations, speeches, and remembrance services---over there? Next to nothing. Oh yeah, Mubarrak visited the hospital and plans to hand out 5000.00 checks to the survivors....and that about wraps it up folks, there is nothing more to see here, move along.

People accuse me (and others) of painting with too broad of a brush--but we are not characterizing 50-100 people: Its mobs of thousands in multiple countries.

Did you hear they made two arrests in London over the weekend: Fanatical mobs with signs threatening murder and praising the WTC terrorists and damning our way of life...who was arrested?
Two Brits who brought cartoons to counter-demonstrate.
Yeah,...arrest the cartoon carriers: they are the real threat to society.
Who is running Britain? Benny Hill?
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What's fascinating to note is that the American Left loathes Christianity because they're afraid they might accidentally see a Nativity at Christmastime. Yet they vigorously defend the Muslim faith, whose members commit violent acts in the name of their God.

One man (Pat Robertson) speaks for all Christians and every nutty word he utters results in blanket condemnation of Christianity. Yet thousands of Muslims are somehow an anomaly and not representative of Islam.

That's the mindset I'd like to have explained.
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I love your website! It mobs of thousands! Is there a mirror site in the English language?

'He obviously didn't see the news reports of Egyptions crying and mourning the loss of the people on the ferry. The crowds of people mobbing the harbor trying to get information from thier government like we do when there is a plane crash. He immediatly attacks them for something that is actually comeing from another country.

I find it humorus that the same news sources that lie about our president and the war and slant so left, suddenly become undeniable fact when ic concerns moslems.'

'People accuse me (and others) of painting with too broad of a brush--but we are not characterizing 50-100 people: It mobs of thousands in multiple countries.

Did you here they made two arrests in London over the weekend: '<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->