Towelheads are upset


Well-Known Member
Ok Ok Tiki...

that's what I get for post after I should have gone to bed!
Try the newer revised English.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Well forgive me for not judging people before I meet them or am looking down the sight of a gun at them. I trust the news to report things accurately less than a rope bridge across the Grand Canyon. I've been to the Middle East 3 times and met many great people there, so I'll believe what I know and you can believe whatever.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's make this PERFECTLY clear...

rocknroll said:
muslims are over 1/5 of the population of the earth

some of them are bad just like some americans are bad

anyone who blames muslims in general for 9/11

or suicide bombings

or whatever

is just racist, plain and simple

What would have happened if, say, 19 Klansmen would have, pre 9/11, hijacked a few Egyptian Air commercial flights and crashed them into Mecca and/or Medina at the time of maximum human exposure, like that annual pilgrimage thing they do. What if they'd declared war on Islam a few years ahead of time? Publicly?

What would the reaction of nearly ALL Americans had been? How about most of the people of the world, including the Chinese and, for crying out loud, the French?

Wanna buy a vowel?

UNIVERSAL condemnation. Instantaneous. Overwhelming. Money and sympathy and regrets would have POURED in to alleviate the suffering. Sean Penn would be there overnight. We'd fall all over ourselves for years trying to make it right and, in the mean time, every and anyone involved with the Klan or even suspected of being with them, would be locked up and prosecuted for any and everything. Jaywalking, spitting on the sidewalk, inciting hate crimes, so on an so forth.

So, get this straight; The ONLY people on this planet who can take charge of and control and wipe out Islamofacism are...Muslims.

If they CHOOSE to stand idle or stand with the CLEAR ideas, intentions and motives of Osama and his ilk and what they say the book says and means, if they sit on their hands while their religion becomes a laughing stock of Klansian proportions, destined to irrelevance and universal condemnation and relegation to the dustbin of history, then they and they alone are to blame.

No one else can stop it. No one else can fix it. No one else can save it.

We can only fight that which attacks us.


Routinely Derailed
MMDad said:
Many Muslims don't wear "turbins" or turbans. In Saudi Arabia, they wear a grament called a Ghutra, which translated into english is "towel". He was being very precise in his wording.
Some folks wear turbines. They go really FAST. :jet: :lmao:


How easily some of you forget what has happened in the past by these religous zeolots that your defend. They murder, it is THAT simple!

If the muslem community really wanted to stop the terrorist from achieving their deadly goals, then they could. Apathy is just as bad as commiting the acts.


I'm Rick James #####!
Bustem' Down said:
Well forgive me for not judging people before I meet them or am looking down the sight of a gun at them. I trust the news to report things accurately less than a rope bridge across the Grand Canyon. I've been to the Middle East 3 times and met many great people there, so I'll believe what I know and you can believe whatever.

Let me clear something up for you. You're not the only person on this forum who's been to the middle east.

I had the "can't we all just get along" attitude the first time I visited the middle east. I was excited at the opportunity to meet new people and experience a new culture. The people I met had a very direct and effective method for curing me of that way of thinking.


vraiblonde said:
One man (Pat Robertson) speaks for all Christians and every nutty word he utters results in blanket condemnation of Christianity. Yet thousands of Muslims are somehow an anomaly and not representative of Islam.

This is an amazingly interesting observation.

vraiblonde said:
That's the mindset I'd like to have explained.

Don't hold your breath!


Chairman of the Board
I'm kind of amused by the reaction of so many Muslims to the cartoons. They're offended by a number of reasons, one of which is that it's blasphemy to even depict Mohammed in an image - along with the other revered prophets. But the main thing that is bothering them is that most of the cartoons paint ALL Muslims as terrorists. This infuriates them.

So, out of anger over being depicted as terrorists - they burn buildings and riot.

I wish they understood how STUPID that is.

Actually what gets me is the repeated occurrence of this - and the unlearned "lesson".

How is it that in the West, Christian symbols are often portrayed in very insulting depictions - a Christ in a bottle of p!ss, the Virgin Mary covered in dung - and it is *art*? Christians get ANGRY - not violent - and they're considered "intolerant" for being offended?

I've said it before - let these same artists try their trade on MUSLIM imagery - and see what happens.

I'm only nominally a Christian - not really one, in truth - but I'm convinced that the reason Christianity gets singled out for ridicule is - there are no serious consequences. No fatwas. riots, jihads. I mean, these Muslim images were *TAME* in comparison to the stuff we routinely hear about Christianity.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Of course...

rocknroll said:
#### you mike

#### you mmdad

and #### all you other racists

...this includes people who hijack planes of those not like them and kill thousands not like them and hack the heads off of people not like them, yes?

And all who support them?


Larry Gude said:
...this includes people who hijack planes of those not like them and kill thousands not like them and hack the heads off of people not like them, yes?

And all who support them?

Don't forget the number of people JUST LIKE THEM that they do the samething to.....


Lem Putt
rocknroll said:
#### you mike

#### you mmdad

and #### all you other racists

:cartwheel :thewave: :party: :alkies: Mike, we won! Coward boy can't debate, so he goes off to pout. The rest of you need to :poke: him a little more so you can get named as he throws some #'s at you!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
tikipirate said:

I love your website! It mobs of thousands! Is there a mirror site in the English language?
I have one thing to say to you:

Who do you think you are - MC GRAMMAR?????

I've been waiting for a week to use that. :cartwheel