I have a question about u-turns and Maryland law.
At the intersection of Chancellors Run and 235 - if the cars leaving Chancellors are in the left hand turn lane there is an arrow that looks to me like you should just turn left, but instead of doing that I see some cars make a u-turn to go right back on Chancelors.
So I wondered, there was a car in front of me yesterday that was turning into Chancellors from 235 (at the yield). He nearly got creamed. He had a yield and did pause to look but it was at the turn lane that would have been on the opposite side of 235. The car that was leaving Chancellors to turn back on to Chancellors really flipped that corner quickly. Who would have been at fault?
At the intersection of Chancellors Run and 235 - if the cars leaving Chancellors are in the left hand turn lane there is an arrow that looks to me like you should just turn left, but instead of doing that I see some cars make a u-turn to go right back on Chancelors.
So I wondered, there was a car in front of me yesterday that was turning into Chancellors from 235 (at the yield). He nearly got creamed. He had a yield and did pause to look but it was at the turn lane that would have been on the opposite side of 235. The car that was leaving Chancellors to turn back on to Chancellors really flipped that corner quickly. Who would have been at fault?