Just wanted to give a follow up on my fiance's court case. We ended up not going before the judge because we overheard the State's Attorney talking to another person about a similar case which involved an accident in the same area. State's Attorney said no matter how long, how far, etc., it is illegal to drive on the shoulder for any reason. You are supposed to slow down in the slow lane and put your blinker one, then turn into the entrance, only crossing over the shoulder.
SO...he requested community service (8 hrs). No $135 (or whatever) fine, no points. Just a $25 community service fee. At least we won't be paying for the point on insurance for the next 3 years or so!
Good to know, because I see people do this all the time in this area, it was just habit to do is as well, just never got caught I guess. I just hope me making the turn from the slow lane from now on doesn't cause an accident, especially if baby is on board!