Train Wreck!


Sleep Deprived
Anyone catch the Britney Spears interview last night? I can't tell if she is agood actress or really that big of a redneck. Chewing gum, bra hangin out of shirt, frosted blue eye shadow, fried hair...she looks rough. Was it an act?


New Member
I saw the commercial when she was crying her eyes out and said

“we are just people.”

What was she talking about? Fill me in because it wasn’t a priority to see it but I do think she is on the edge of having a nervous breakdown if she isn’t already in that state of mind.

Most of us have jobs that allow us to hang low on bad days, or days we just don’t feel like dealing with people. When you are famous, your bad days are highly publicized.


Southern Beyotch
sarahblk said:
Anyone catch the Britney Spears interview last night? I can't tell if she is agood actress or really that big of a redneck. Chewing gum, bra hangin out of shirt, frosted blue eye shadow, fried hair...she looks rough. Was it an act?

I didn't see it but they were talking about it on the radio this morning. They said initially they didn't believe her but they felt bad for her when she did the "ugly cry." They said you can't fake the ugly cry. :lmao:


The Other White Meat
Pandora said:
I saw the commercial when she was crying her eyes out and said

“we are just people.”

What was she talking about?

She's tired of the paparazzi not giving her any privacy. You know, she's a cute gal and all, but that's about it. She's a hillbilly from Louisiana, and somebody thought she could sing because she's got a cute face.


Sleep Deprived
I know her reasoning for doing was to get the media to back off...pretty much a plea to them.

She choose this life style...if she doens't want to be in the public eye don't make trips to Starbucks. She's a millionaire send someone there for you.

It think the whole crying thing was probably hormones.

She also didn't seem very convincing when she saying how wonderful her marriage was.
She really could have made herself look a little bit more presentable last night. I feel kind of sorry for her because of the way people follow her around. And she was obviously never coached in how to speak for an interview because her answers would just kind of drift or didn't make sense.
sarahblk said:
She also didn't seem very convincing when she saying how wonderful her marriage was.

For real and I'm willing to bet money she doesn't scrub her own toilets likes she swears she does because if I had that much money I know I wouldn't be doing it.
This part cracks me up...:lol:

Lauer: What do you see in him? What is it about Kevin that makes you love him?

Spears: He’s very simple. Women complicate everything. He’s so simple. His simplicity and just he’s like a boy. He just, you know, and he cares. He cares so much and his—his heart is awesome. He has a really big heart and I love that.


Sleep Deprived
wxtornado said:
She's tired of the paparazzi not giving her any privacy. You know, she's a cute gal and all, but that's about it. She's a hillbilly from Louisiana, and somebody thought she could sing because she's got a cute face.
I’m just glad I’m not her publicist. She can’t speak, looked like crap, etc. but then again maybe that was the idea.


Southern Beyotch
workin hard said:
She really could have made herself look a little bit more presentable last night. I feel kind of sorry for her because of the way people follow her around. And she was obviously never coached in how to speak for an interview because her answers would just kind of drift or didn't make sense.

:yeahthat: Reading the transcriprt is even worse, b/c she doesn't sound intelligent whatsoever.


Sleep Deprived
kwillia said:
Spears: He’s very simple. Women complicate everything. He’s so simple. His simplicity and just he’s like a boy. He just, you know, and he cares. He cares so much and his—his heart is awesome. He has a really big heart and I love that.

:killingme That's what I'm talking about..


Sleep Deprived
ememdee19 said:
:yeahthat: Reading the transcriprt is even worse, b/c she doesn't sound intelligent whatsoever.

Watching it was so much better because you got the gum chewing and southern accents.


Southern Beyotch
Lauer: When you were driving with Sean on your lap did it—clearly...

Spears: That driving incident, i did it with my dad. I’d sit on his lap and I drive. We’re country. That’s what you know what I mean? It’s not—

Lauer: But what happened though that crossed from a paparazzi incident to next day it’s in the newspapers and you’ve got all these legitimate people weighing in saying, “You know what? That’s dangerous.” And she put her child at risk? You saw the questions that were being asked, “Is Britney a bad mom?” It’s not like, “Did Britney record a bad song? Is Britney wearing a bad outfit? Is Britney in a bad marriage?” “Is Britney a bad mom?” I mean—

Spears: That’s America for you.

Lauer: Yeah, but as a mother, that has to hit pretty close to home.

Spears: Uh-huh. Yeah, it makes you really strong.



Yo Gabba Gabba
ememdee19 said:
I sat on my daddy's lap and drove when I was a kid too. On my dirt driveway, with no one else around. And my dad holding the wheel too. And I was like 6 years, not 6 months old.

What an idiot.