Train Wreck!


:Jeepin' in NC:
sarahblk said:
That...or she's a complete idiot
I caught the last half and hour. OMG...Poor thing.

I really think she should have had a whole shirt on and brushed her hair. The gum was too much...I could not focus all I heard was "Smack Smack Yeaaaahhhh Smack Smack Uhhuh"

I did feel bad when she started to cry, because I know real women do the same things, Our kids fall out of high chairs, we almost fall with our kids in our arms. Other than that, she drove me NUTS


curiouser and curiouser
Pregnant pop diva Britney Spears may follow in the steps of Hollywood couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and have her baby in Namibia.

"Deputy Tourism Minister Leon Jooste confirmed that he received a telephonic enquiry from Spears' office to have her second baby born in Namibia," the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) said Friday.

What the heck? :killingme There's something wrong with that girl. :lmao::crazy:
The DJ on Sirius Hits was talking about it this afternoon. He called her white trailer trash.

Do you take offense to this Nomo? :snacks:
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Well-Known Member
BTW-where was K-Fed, or whatever the pluck he's called.. :whistle:
How could Matt sit there; watch her chew her gum, flick it around her mouth and not say, "Spit it out will ya"!

Actually she looked like a young Tammy Faye Baker..

Gimme a break..this young woman has made a lot of money being in the spotlight.. she's exploited herself and the media when it served her...she even admitted she "loved the money"...with that comes responsibility as a public figure, which she has disregarded. If she wants privacy..she shouldn't seek it and exploit it and she should conduct herself as a parent.. and that means knowing to cover her baby's head with sunscreen and a hat..and oh yeah...know which way the friggin car seat goes... this is a life.. a little baby.. not her "accessory" of the day... God help the next little baby...they both deserve sooo much more than what they are in for with a Dad that they have and a selfish mom.
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I bowl overhand
You can take the trash out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the trash..

The aprt about driving with dad.. "We're COUNTRY".. Yeah, dad's car didn't have an airbag that would crush a babies skull either.

You THINK if she wanted to get out of the limelight, get rid of the Paparazzi REALLY wanted it, she wouldn't be doing interviews in the first place, keeping her name in the forefront of celebrities..

But if I knew I was going to be on TV, and after all the incidents with her kid, I would have presented myself MUCH better then she did.. she could have learned a LOT from Anna Nicole's dressing up for court.

She's nothing more then white trash with money.. proves money doesn't give you class.


Well-Known Member
Quote:She's nothing more then white trash with money.. proves money doesn't give you class.

LMAO! White Trash with Money-Toby Keiths new album title!


Somdmommy said:
I caught the last half and hour. OMG...Poor thing.

I really think she should have had a whole shirt on and brushed her hair. The gum was too much...I could not focus all I heard was "Smack Smack Yeaaaahhhh Smack Smack Uhhuh"

I did feel bad when she started to cry, because I know real women do the same things, Our kids fall out of high chairs, we almost fall with our kids in our arms. Other than that, she drove me NUTS
OMG all I caught was a clip on Headline News with her smacking her gum like a freakin' cow chewing her own cud and I just wanted to reach through the TV and smack her!!!


I just read the damn transcript... That's 20 minutes of my life I will never get back.... why did I keep reading....:banghead:


Well-Known Member
Oh laudy-

just when you think it can't get worser-PopTart is posin nude!
Harper's Bazaar has a dark haired Britney on the cover of their August issue.
A naked baby Sean Preston makes a cameo in one of the photos, clutched in his mother's arms. A naked K-Fed, thankfully, did not make the cut.
Post note:
In a poll conducted by Us Weekly, 87% of respondents said they had less respect for Spears after her sitdown with Matt Lauer. Meanwhile, the New York Post reported that the NBC crew filming the interview was so startled by Spears' disheveled appearance when they arrived that they thought they had the wrong day. :yikes:
As a result of the backlash, Spears apparently decided to prove that with the help of a little airbrushing, she can be the same Britney we once knew and loved. Except, you know, pregnant.


Nickel said:
I'd look that good too if I had professionals doing my hair/makeup/bronzing/airbrushing. JMO. :shrug:

Good. You have your opinion and I have mine. Big deal she's a star. I don't see why people are downing her. She just wants to be a Mom and be left alone. Is that so much to ask for? I don't think so.. :flowers:


Lem Putt
Nickel said:
And the belly. :lmao:
C'mon now. Pregnant bellies are sexy. It's the non-pregnant ones that are :barf:

The disgusting thing about her is her unwashed zit covered face and greasy hair, and her gum chawing "I'm country!" excuse for being stupid.


:Jeepin' in NC:
I think she looks great. Pregnant women are awesome.

She looks much better than she did in that interview, yeah I know he had the pro's doin her up but what the hell.