Train Wreck!


Lem Putt
Jeepinmpd said:
Good. You have your opinion and I have mine. Big deal she's a star. I don't see why people are downing her. She just wants to be a Mom and be left alone. Is that so much to ask for? I don't think so.. :flowers:
If you were a Mom that just wanted to be left alone, would you go onto a national quasi-news program? Or would you just shut the door and tell them to leave you alone?

Is there a possibility that she is doing her best to keep herself in the spotlight by doing stupid things while there are cameras around, just so she gets some press?

Maybe she's a little bit smarter than we think. Maybe she realizes that K-fed will never amount to more than a 'roid on her big azz. Maybe she realizes that she can't afford to be forgotten.


:Jeepin' in NC:
Jeepinmpd said:
Good. You have your opinion and I have mine. Big deal she's a star. I don't see why people are downing her. She just wants to be a Mom and be left alone. Is that so much to ask for? I don't think so.. :flowers:

She's a person, and she's a mother.

Maybe she did her own make-up and dressed herself for that interview (when do you think the last time that was **15 years old**)
The gum chewing I could have done without, and maybe she could have dressed like a real pregnant woman.

She looks very good on that cover, and the way I see it is she just wants people to know she is a human.

Interview~~Look like ####
Cover~~Looks like *The Britney*

Its all about the make-up, hair, lighting and airbrush touch ups!


:Jeepin' in NC:
MMDad said:
If you were a Mom that just wanted to be left alone, would you go onto a national quasi-news program? Or would you just shut the door and tell them to leave you alone?

Is there a possibility that she is doing her best to keep herself in the spotlight by doing stupid things while there are cameras around, just so she gets some press?

Maybe she's a little bit smarter than we think. Maybe she realizes that K-fed will never amount to more than a 'roid on her big azz. Maybe she realizes that she can't afford to be forgotten.
Yeah I think she could be doing it for the press, but when they follow you everwhere and dont care if they run you off the road or blind you with their flash. Going on Tv and crying is all you have left.

Watch "Paparazzi" Good movie!!


MMDad said:
If you were a Mom that just wanted to be left alone, would you go onto a national quasi-news program? Or would you just shut the door and tell them to leave you alone?

Is there a possibility that she is doing her best to keep herself in the spotlight by doing stupid things while there are cameras around, just so she gets some press?

Maybe she's a little bit smarter than we think. Maybe she realizes that K-fed will never amount to more than a 'roid on her big azz. Maybe she realizes that she can't afford to be forgotten.

In the interview she made a plead to be left alone by the paparazzi so she could raise her babies as normal as possible. Maybe she likes the attention. I don't know. I'm just saying I think shes pretty and is trying to be normal. Yeah the gum was tacky, and she could have washed her hair. I just think she wanted people to see her differently? She has done some stupid stuff, I'm sure we all have. I'm not trying to argue, I just wanted to give my opinion.


curiouser and curiouser
Jeepinmpd said:
In the interview she made a plead to be left alone by the paparazzi so she could raise her babies as normal as possible.
And yet she then proceeds to pose nude for Bazaar? :confused: She's playing the public like a fiddle.


Nickel said:
And yet she then proceeds to pose nude for Bazaar? :confused: She's playing the public like a fiddle.

:ohwell: Maybe she is. Hell if I know :lol:


Lem Putt
Nickel said:
And yet she then proceeds to pose nude for Bazaar? :confused: She's playing the public like a fiddle.
:yay: You get it.

Anybody who wants to disappear from the public eye can do so. She doesn't want to.


MMDad said:
:yay: You get it.

Anybody who wants to disappear from the public eye can do so. She doesn't want to.

Maybe she's just looking for character witnesses when she takes K-Fed to court for child support. :shrug:


MMDad said:
:yay: You get it.

Anybody who wants to disappear from the public eye can do so. She doesn't want to.

I get it as well. I have seen the light.... Kinda :lol: