Trans Shooters And Reactions


Why is it classified as white?

Because it fits the narrative.

What defines hispanic?

The last name Escalante and Moreno are fairly good indicators.

Hispanic means your heritage is tied to spain somehow - which includes spanish europeans and latin americans. Hispanic and Latino are pretty interchangable.

In other words, there's no way this bitch is a Non-Hispanic caucasian, although it's possible she identifies as white as well as female.
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PREMO Member

Megachurch Shooter, an Alien Who Should Have Been Deported, Likely Voted in 2020 Election

By now, you're aware that on Sunday afternoon, a deranged woman brought her young son and an AR-15 into Joel Osteen's Lakewood megachurch and opened fire. After the smoke cleared, the shooter, Genesse Ivonne Moreno, 36, had been killed by two off-duty officers. A 57-year-old man had taken a round in the leg; he was treated at a medical facility and released. And Moreno's seven-year-old son had been shot in the head. The boy remains in critical condition with a poor prognosis.

It's unclear whether Moreno herself shot her child, but then, there are a lot of confusing details still up in the air about this case. The woman had suffered from schizophrenia and had multiple past arrests, and yet, mainstream news sources are reporting that she was able to buy guns legally. For example, CNN stated, "The shooter used an AR-15 with a 'Palestine' sticker on it during the attack, which she legally purchased in December, police said. She also had a .22 caliber weapon in her bag that was not used, according to a federal law enforcement source."

In a Facebook post, Moreno's former mother-in-law, Walli Carranza, blamed lax Texas gun laws for the tragedy — a claim other news sites took the opportunity to quote.


Additionally, although it's not necessarily a disqualifier in Texas, Moreno had been arrested numerous times — including for illegal possession of a weapon, for which she served two days in the Fort Bend County Jail. Houston-based energy executive and political analyst Don Hooper compiled her mugshots in a tweet, along with the year of each arrest:



PREMO Member

Please Submit Your Identity for Approval: LGBTQ Nation Tries Denying Trans Shooter's Identity

As The Daily Signalsummarized, 'A woman who used male aliases shot two people at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston on Sunday, according to police. Two off-duty police officers fatally shot the suspect, whose gun reportedly bore the word “Palestine,” after she had opened fire in the megachurch.'

Now, for activists who love nothing more than to make long-dead historical figures trans on far less evidence, this should be sufficient. However, LGBTQ Nation argues not once, but in two separate articles the evidence simply isn't there

They demand, 'The right-wing claims originate from reports that the 36-year-old shooter, Genesse Ivonne Moreno, also used the male alias Jeffrey Escalante in the past, The Houston Chronicle reported. Right-wingers have increasingly blamed public shootings on the “mentally ill” trans identities of the shooters.'

Now you may notice a slight contradiction here, as they insist the shooter was not trans, they indignantly whine that 'right-wingers' love to accuse trans shooters of being, well, trans.

'The shooter used a male alias, but police say there's no indication that she's trans.'

The police did not say that. The police said: 'She utilized both male and female names but, through all of our investigation to this point — talking with individuals, interviews, documents — Houston Police Department reports she has been identified this entire time as female: she/her,'

Since when do LGBTQ activists take the word of police identification on records to determine gender identity?

The Human Rights Campaigninsists that the name a person uses should be the only name referenced. 'Proper names and pronouns used by the transgender person should be used by others, regardless of their legal name or gender marker on identification documents.'

They also note in a report of a transgender murder, 'Unfortunately, police and multiple media outlets continue to misgender and misname Scurlock -- even after being made aware of her transgender identity. Government agencies, media and others denying someone’s identity is unfortunately emblematic of the callous and disrespectful treatment that transgender individuals too often face in our society. Misgender of transgender victims of violence can also embolden anti-trans violence by reinforcing the prejudice at the heart of the attacks.'

Finally, other LGBTQ outlets have already reported the trans identity of the shooter.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
If they'd treat this as the mental illness it is, instead of the political voter pool Democrats want it to be, they might be able to get a handle on these crazies.


PREMO Member

Tennessee Venue Cancels ‘Trans Day Of Vengeance’ After Daily Wire Article

A “Transgender Day of Vengeance” outside of Nashville, scheduled for Easter Sunday the week of the anniversary of the mass killing of schoolchildren by a transgender terrorist, has been cancelled following the exposure of the event in The Daily Wire.

Organizers did not apologize for the optics of calling for “vengeance” near the anniversary of the Covenant mass murder, but rather claimed that they were victims.

“Event Canceled. Due to misleading headlines from right wing news sites, we have received many threats. … We will be having a make up show at a later date and a new venue. … We decided the threat was too great, and we don’t want to risk anyone’s safety,” Boro Fondo, a festival group that sponsored the event, said on Instagram.

Organizers did not respond to a text message asking for specifics or evidence of any threats.


PREMO Member

Trans Antifa Member Arrested for Bombing at Alabama Attorney General's Office

We guess the "Trans Day of Vengeance" has turned into an ongoing event.

You're probably familiar with the post hoc, ergo proptor hoc fallacy: Because one thing happened after another thing, it must have been the cause. Erick Erickson noted its use by NBC News to report on a trans Antifa member who bombed the Alabama attorney general's office.

The motive has not been released, but Kyle Benjamin Douglas Calvert placed stickers on state buildings "advocating for various political ideologies" the night of the explosion, including stickers promoting antifa, anti-police and anti-Immigration and Customs Enforcement sentiments.

This reporting is erroneous. President Joe Biden has assured us that Antifa is just an idea.

Andy Ngo and Libby Emmons report for The Post Millennial:

A trans person with links to Antifa was arrested and charged with the February detonation an improvised explosive device, a nail bomb, outside the Alabama attorney general's Montgomery office.
Kyle Benjamin Douglas Calvert, 26, of Irondale, Alabama, was indicted on Wednesday and charged with malicious use of an explosive and possession of an unregistered destructive device.

A detention memo from a US attorney's office stated, "That device had the characteristics of an IED, and Calvert added a substantial number of nails and other shrapnel to increase its destructive capability."
The explosion was outside the office of Attorney General Steve Marshall on February 24, in the early hours of the morning, at approximately 3:42 am. Surveillance footage showed an individual wearing dark clothes, a mask, and goggles near the statehouse.



Well-Known Member

Tennessee Venue Cancels ‘Trans Day Of Vengeance’ After Daily Wire Article

A “Transgender Day of Vengeance” outside of Nashville, scheduled for Easter Sunday the week of the anniversary of the mass killing of schoolchildren by a transgender terrorist, has been cancelled following the exposure of the event in The Daily Wire.

Organizers did not apologize for the optics of calling for “vengeance” near the anniversary of the Covenant mass murder, but rather claimed that they were victims.

“Event Canceled. Due to misleading headlines from right wing news sites, we have received many threats. … We will be having a make up show at a later date and a new venue. … We decided the threat was too great, and we don’t want to risk anyone’s safety,” Boro Fondo, a festival group that sponsored the event, said on Instagram.

Organizers did not respond to a text message asking for specifics or evidence of any threats.
Trannies seem to be more and more a clear and present danger for society and especially for children.


Well-Known Member
Remember, Gays and Lesbians: YOU are at least partly to blame for accepting these fruit-loops into your little gang.


PREMO Member
'Go out and buy a gun. If you try to stop me from going into a woman's bathroom, it'll be the last mistake you ever make. Yeah I'm that person, and I stand by every #&$^% word of it.'

Raving lunatic trans activist gets mad that people took the above quote to be him threatening violence. Weird huh. He complains that he got, 'a lot of people hating me for absolutely no reason whatsoever.'


Well now he's on a new mission to sue anyone who ever 'defamed,' him, including a list of rightwing and conservative celebrities like Tim Pool, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, and of course, Chaya Raichik, which he refers to as a chia pet, for some reason.

He demands, 'People calling me a 'pedo,' as long as I can find out who you are and where you live, you're gonna get in trouble, you're gonna get a knock on your door for that.'

Regarding using the women's restroom, 'No one has ever #&%^$ stopped me. No one. No one will ever $&$^#* stop me.'

'If you're gonna slander and defame my character and my name, you're gonna owe me a %^$&# check in the long run, and I'm gonna get that #^$&% check.'

Very stable, lovely person.

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