Trespassing on For Sale Property?

Trespasses on Property For Sale?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 12 28.6%

  • Total voters


Do you think it's trespassing if an occupied property is up for sale?


24/7 Single Dad
FYI - If you're on someone else's property it's ALWAYS trespassing if you don't have permission to be there.



If your property is up for sale, would you consider it trespassing if someone were to walk through your yard to check out the property?

The reason I'm asking for everyone's opinion is because my father-in-law thinks it's okay to walk on someone's property if it's up for sale - in other words, trespassing laws no longer apply. I totally disagree with this and I consider it trespassing regardless of whether or not the property is advertised for sale or rent.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If your property is up for sale, would you consider it trespassing if someone were to walk through your yard to check out the property?

The reason I'm asking for everyone's opinion is because my father-in-law thinks it's okay to walk on someone's property if it's up for sale - in other words, trespassing laws no longer apply. I totally disagree with this and I consider it trespassing regardless of whether or not the property is advertised for sale or rent.

In my view, in a civilized society, if someone walked up on my for sale property without knocking on the door first to ask permission, that is not OK.

If I am not home, I can't see getting worked up over someone taking a walk around. In other words, if I drove up and your father in law was walking around the house, came up to me and apologized and said no one was home, hoped I didn't mind, that's fine.

If he's in the tub using my back brush and has my rubber ducky, we have a problem.


In my view, in a civilized society, if someone walked up on my for sale property without knocking on the door first to ask permission, that is not OK.

If I am not home, I can't see getting worked up over someone taking a walk around. In other words, if I drove up and your father in law was walking around the house, came up to me and apologized and said no one was home, hoped I didn't mind, that's fine.

If he's in the tub using my back brush and has my rubber ducky, we have a problem.

This is true and I think I wouldn't be pissed off if someone knocked on the door first before walking around instead of just driving up and walking around at their own leisure.


I'll admit, that while looking for a rental, sometimes we would drive by the place before calling the owner to see if it was worth it. If the place was empty we would try to take a peek through the window at the empty house.

Never would consider doing that if it was occupied though.


Power with Control
Occupied? Not okay without premission, not in my opinion. Now is it trespassing? Sure is. Me, if I want to look around, I will only do that if I know its not occupied.


Loving My Life...
Some people can't read.. The last house we lived in was for sale.. Numbers posted to call for an appointment, yet they still drove back to the house while passing a No trespassing sign!! (You could see the house without passing the sign) :ohwell: At least no one got shot...


Power with Control
So, that's what it's all about, eh? No left foot in? No left foot out? No...

When you're burning in hell, Sir, and wondering what you did to deserve the extra large demon with the extra pointy flaming spear, remember this moment.


Well-Known Member
When I was going to buy, the real estate agent printed a list of many, many houses. She told us to take a drive by and see if we wanted to look further or cross it off the list. That's how we started. We eliminated over 1/2 the list just by driving by. A few of the houses were unoccupied and we did get out and take a longer look. Some we chose to do walk thrus, some not. I think it saved the real estate agent alot of wasted time going to houses we weren't interested in seeing, even from a just a driveby.

I think the operative word here is occupied. No, I don't think you should do a look around when the house is occupied.


USMC 1983-1995
If I go onto your property and you're there and I peak in the window and you're naked, and I stare a while, you'll be arrested for indecent exposure:evil: