Saturday Murphy got taken back to tri-county. :sad:
Thursday evening I sent Brent to get the kids while I went to pick up some chairs for the kitchen table. He called me and said that Muphy had gone ape$hit. He had one of Noah's toys and Brent went to take it from him and was scolding him in the process. He went off on Brent to the point that Brent had to throw a blanket over him to get him into a crate. Then even while in the crate he was going balistic.
Friday, my CWS day I was home alone with the kids. Again Murpy had something that didn't belong to him and after Thursday's episode I sure wasn't going to try to remove it from his mouth. I got the shaker can and shook it at him and told him "No". He got down on top of it and looked at me and growled with all the hair on his back standing on end. He wasn't budging. So I went into the kitchen and got a piece of meat out of the fridge and threw it into his crate. He was going nuts again so I put a couple towels over his crate to calm him down. He was going so nuts that he knocked the towels off and when Mily walked by (in route to the back door paying no attention to him) he was growling and barking at her.
Seems as if as the days went on his attitude got worse. The more comforatable in the house he felt the more dominant he got?
Saturday morning when Brent got home it was back to tri-county.