I wanna be a SMIB
greenbag13 said:Very true....
The next person has had a relationship with a penguin.....
I guess that me, bytheway....the penquin was great!
The next person is playing hookey from work.
greenbag13 said:Very true....
The next person has had a relationship with a penguin.....
baileydog said:I guess that me, bytheway....the penquin was great!
The next person is playing hookey from work.
forever jewel said:False. I was at work by 6am this morning
The next person hates cold weather!
sugarmama said:FALSE! I LOVE it!!!
The next person is SO excited for the 4 day weekend!!
forever jewel said:TRUE! Although I do have lots of hw to do...but a four day weekend is still great!!!!
The next person is eating Quizno's for dinner.
jaybeeztoo said:False.
The next person is all jacked up
Ecphora said:False, maybe this weekend though
Next person has big plans for the weekend
greyhound said:All depends on your definition of BIG.
The next person is looking forward to happy hour tomorrow!!!!
forever jewel said:False. Almost 21...a little over a month left
The next person is seeing "The Departed" this weekend
jaybeeztoo said:False
The next person is having hamburgers for dinner.
forever jewel said:False.
The next person is on the phone for a few minutes.
greenbag13 said:True, but after 2 minutes my butt got numb and I fell off the phone.
The next person is wondering why they are up at 1 in the morning reading meaningless posts such as this one.....
MDTerps said:Flase, I was sleeping
The next person is at work today
forever jewel said:False.
The next person is going to the gym this morning.
jaybeeztoo said:False.
The next person is going to the Sotterley Wine Festival today.
Nupe2 said:False (going tomorrow)
The next person just fired up their computer.
jaybeeztoo said:False (been fired up)
Next person just ate lunch.
(maybe we'll see you tomorrow at the fest)
Nupe2 said:False (getting ready to now though)
Next person is wondering what to have for dinner tonight.
(look for you there!)
forever jewel said:False, ate already! Leftover chinese
The next person is seeing The Departed tonight