False.greyhound said:False
The next person is cooking something in a crockpot.
The next person is reheating something in a dutch oven.
False.greyhound said:False
The next person is cooking something in a crockpot.
Angel said:False.
The next person is reheating something in a dutch oven.
forever jewel said:dutch oven!
The next person just ate homemade bread her roommate made
Nicole_in_somd said:False
The next person is up late at night on the internet
forever jewel said:False.
The next person is watching the Today show.
lillymay said:False.
The next person is going to make an appointment with their therapist.
jaybeeztoo said:False (I ain't nuts )
The next person is making breakfast.
lillymay said:False.
The next person is going to lick someone's face!
peaches said:False-already ate.
The next person knows whats for dinner tomarrow
True.greyhound said:False...I don't even know what is for dinner tonight.
The next person is hungry.
Angel said:True.
The next person is watching Orange County Chopper.
Nicole_in_somd said:Does video count? If yes then true
I think Mikey is HOT
the next person will be taking tomorrow off.
Too early to tell, so far so good.....forever jewel said:Nicole, like the avatar!
The next person had a wonderful day today!!!
Just brushed!greenbag13 said:Too early to tell, so far so good.....
The next person has food stuck between their teeth......
CandyRain said:Just brushed!
The next person is making .
forever jewel said:False, not at the moment...but in a few minutes I will
The next person is eating a piece of toast.
False (I'm a lover, not a fighterlillymay said:False! I hate toast.
The next person is going to confront someone today.
mainman said:False (I'm a lover, not a fighter
The next person needs to shave her back.
janey83 said:Uhh false.
The next person is wearing heels.