Trump Administration


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Democrats PANIC Over Trump Order To "Seize Control" Of Federal Agencies, Trump Asserts FULL Control​



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Back on January 16th, four days before Trump was sworn in, the New York Post ran an op-ed titled, “Biden booted me off a nonpartisan board — precedent for Trump to clean house now.” Those following the careful planning underlying the Trump 2.0 revolution will enjoy this clip from Glenn Beck’s recent interview with former Trump 1.0 Press Secretary Sean Spicer. In the clip, Sean explains how in 2021, Trump-aligned legal groups roped the Biden Administration into a judicial decision greasing the Slip N Slide for Trump’s current Deep State purge.

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CLIP: Sean Spicer tells Glenn Beck how America First Legal recruited him to help create crucial caselaw for Trump (12:59).

In 2021, Spicer was (obviously) no longer serving as Press Secretary, but Trump had appointed him to two positions, including as a member of the Naval Academy Visitor’s Board. In September 2021, with only three months left in his Congressionally-defined term, Biden sent Spicer an email notifying him that he’d been fired. He thought, well, that’s that.

It turned out that Joe Biden made history by firing all Trump’s appointees to nonpartisan service academy boards before their statutory three-year terms ended. It was unprecedented. It had never happened before.

Then Spicer got a call from America First Legal. They asked him to join a lawsuit intended to force Biden to argue he has the absolute authority to fire anyone in the Executive Branch, including appointees to boards with statutory terms.

The District Court dismissed the case, interpreting the statute in a way that allowed Biden to fire Spicer despite this three-year term. They appealed. In the meantime, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled, in a parallel case (Severino v. Biden), that a presidential appointee in a similar position was removable at will by the President.

And it was done.

The law firm, America First Legal, is a conservative legal advocacy organization founded in April 2021 by former Trump administration officials. Until July of last year, America First Legal was a member of the advisory board for Project 2025, which is widely believed to provide the template for Trump’s plan to drain the Swamp.

In other words, drawing a few obvious inferences, Trump began working on this plan immediately after Biden took office in 2021.

While corporate media was busy calling Biden’s historic 2021 firings a routine housecleaning, President Trump’s legal teams were already laying a legal landscape for his second term. Spicer’s case wasn’t about getting his job back—it was about setting a legal precedent to let Trump clean house on day one of his second term.

Biden fired Spicer, AFL sued, and the far-left DC courts predictably ruled Biden could fire termed federal employees at will. Now Trump can fire them at will, too.

This wasn’t just a lawsuit; It was a strategic booby trap—forcing Biden’s own DOJ to argue on the record that the President has unlimited authority to remove Executive Branch appointees, even those with statutory terms. They fell right into the trap.

I suspect that, as things go on, we’ll find more examples of how Trump took the Democrats’ worst excesses during the painful Biden years and turned things around on them. They thought they were cleaning house. Instead, they were clearing the runway for Trump. That is why the Democrats are in disarray.



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EXCLUSIVE: The @FTC is asking Americans and Big Tech employees to share examples of political censorship during a public comment period.

These requests for public comment are often a precursor for formal investigations and legal action.

A senior FTC official told @DailyCaller

“In case there was any doubt, Big Tech is on notice. We do not intend to take our foot off the gas any time soon. The days of censorship and monopolies are over.”



PREMO Member
Ronald Reagan famously advised, “when you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.” Yesterday, Trump didn’t just turn up the heat—he cranked it up to solar flare. Yesterday, the long march back through the institutions progressed at warp speed. The Wall Street Journal ran a story headlined, “Trump Is Planning to Take Control of the Postal Service, Officials Say.” Far from being bogged down in all the lawfare, the President’s team continues boldly advancing into new territory where no President has gone before.

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You may not know this, but the 250-year-old Postal Service is referred to as a “quasigovernmental” agency, whatever that means. As far as I can tell, it means that we pretend that the USPS is supposed to run like a business, but actually hemorrhages money faster than that girl in The Omen who projectile vomits blood. Profits never happen, but Congress keeps clucking its tongue and ruefully approving billions more dollars while the USPS keeps moving fewer and fewer ballots, I mean mail, and hiring more and more people.

In 2024, the Journal reported the USPS lost $9.4 billion dollars. In one year.

According to leakers, President Trump is preparing to issue an executive order, possibly this week, to fire the members of the Postal Service’s governing board and put the agency under the direct control of the Commerce Department. Democrats tried to cue outrage, but there’s a lot going on this week. Representative Don Beyer (D-Va.) squealed, “Nobody voted for this. It is brazenly illegal, unconstitutional and corrupt.”

But that was just the latest of the Swamp’s problems. They were typing up their latest lawsuits when a new executive order dropped and they spilled their Vente mochas into the keyboard. The USPS takeover was nothing. Yesterday, President Trump made things much, much worse.
