Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Anonymous sources being quickly debunked, lying about something they claimed happened two years ago. Total bs. Yr quite the sucker, Tranny.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Anonymous sources being quickly debunked, lying about something they claimed happened two years ago. Total bs. Yr quite the sucker, Tranny.
Exactly what it is.

Fabricated bull#### to drive a wedge between loyal Americans and the Pres.

It won't work any better than the Russian bull####, the impeachment, the Ukraine #### or any other lie they've used.

It's all desperation. :bawl: Tranny :bawl:



PREMO Member
‘I was there’: Sarah Sanders calls ‘total BS’ on The Atlantic story accusing Trump of saying American cemetery in France is ‘filled with losers’

Also, as we told you late Thursday, “the Associated Press confirmed The Atlantic’s piece based on unnamed sources by finding a different unnamed source who was apparently intimately familiar with all of it.”

In other words, there’s a lot of “unnamed sourcing” going on here, which usually spells out two letters in the minds of many: BS.

Former Trump press secretary Sarah Sanders was there and she’s not having any of it:

So there’s a named source going up against The Atlantic’s unnamed sources, not that they’ll care to lend it any more credence.

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When you can't win on the merits of your ideas and facts................................................ LIE!


Well-Known Member
Because you weren't listening I've heard it quite a few times during both Gulf wars.
It's like one of those words they learn, overuse for a time and then you never hear it again. The years following Sept 11th they kept using the word sacrosanct almost every 3rd word. I haven't heard it in the news for years now.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

Interesting screed. Given Trump's consistent attacking of Gold Star relatives, his refusal to visit grave sites in Europe, his consistent inability to understand the military is not his personal play thing, and his personal dodging of the draft, the article is completely believable.

Donald Trump has no redeeming qualities.

WTF is wrong with you? Your Leftist masters cite "anonymous sources" and so far three people who were actually there said this is bullshit.

Is there no lie too obvious for you to spew it on the internet like some fake news spigot?

Trump must be a more awesome President than I thought if you people can't talk policy and have to make up a bunch of crap to snark at him.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think publishers who knowingly peddle lies and garbage should be shut down. And the editors beheaded.

I am so tired of this crap and I'm beyond tired of the moronic Trump haters who gobble this crap up.


Well-Known Member
Because you weren't listening I've heard it quite a few times during both Gulf wars.
Heard back in the 60s, when my father told the story of his grandmother going to France in 1933 to visit her son's grave.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'd like to know what punishment The Atlantic will face for publishing this outright lie, specifically written to attack our President.

I would also like to know what punishment Twitter will face for allowing it to go viral on their platform.


Well-Known Member
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

Interesting screed. Given Trump's consistent attacking of Gold Star relatives, his refusal to visit grave sites in Europe, his consistent inability to understand the military is not his personal play thing, and his personal dodging of the draft, the article is completely believable.

Donald Trump has no redeeming qualities.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know what punishment The Atlantic will face for publishing this outright lie, specifically written to attack our President.

I would also like to know what punishment Twitter will face for allowing it to go viral on their platform.
Ooh!!! This is an easy one....



Well-Known Member
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

Interesting screed. Given Trump's consistent attacking of Gold Star relatives, his refusal to visit grave sites in Europe, his consistent inability to understand the military is not his personal play thing, and his personal dodging of the draft, the article is completely believable.

Donald Trump has no redeeming qualities.
See, what I heard him say was, "Snowflakes who STILL support the Democrat know, the Party of slavery, Jim Crow, & the KKK....are losers & suckers"

Donald Trump has NO snowflake qualities