Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’


Well-Known Member
Look at all this fact checking in this article! Amazing how it contrasts with the articles about the evil Democrats.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Look at all this fact checking in this article! Amazing how it contrasts with the articles about the evil Democrats.

There are actually video and photos of the evil Democrats. All you tards have is "anonymous sources".

Now go ahead and insist that I show you the videos and photos because you're too freaking lazy to google the chit yourself.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
There are actually video and photos of the evil Democrats. All you tards have is "anonymous sources".

Now go ahead and insist that I show you the videos and photos because you're too freaking lazy to google the chit yourself.
Look up? If he watched any television or read a paper in teh last 10 years he'd know.

He reads into and hears what he wants to hear.


Well-Known Member
There are actually video and photos of the evil Democrats. All you tards have is "anonymous sources".

Now go ahead and insist that I show you the videos and photos because you're too freaking lazy to google the chit yourself.

:lol: What an absolute snowflake you are. Mad because I hit home or what?

Look up? If he watched any television or read a paper in teh last 10 years he'd know.

He reads into and hears what he wants to hear.

Kyle, we all know you only "read" two sites. Fox News and Babylon Bee.


Well-Known Member

Hissy, if you knew a tenth as much as you think you do, you might have been educated and intelligent.

Alas... naught.

If anything, people on this forum flock to your intellect. Your in-depth and fact-filled non partisan posts clearly reflect a superior intellect no one can match. Well, maybe Gilligan can. He tells us all how awesome and smart he is so there's no real surprise there. But you, YOU! I bow to thee.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

(a) Interesting screed. Given Trump's (b) consistent attacking of Gold Star relatives, his refusal to visit grave sites in Europe, his consistent inability to understand the military is not his personal play thing, and his personal dodging of the draft, the article is completely believable.

(c) Donald Trump has no redeeming qualities.
(a) By "screed," I assume you mean your post?

(b) Enjoying Movie #2?

(c) "I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message."

--- End of line (MCP)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If anything, people on this forum flock to your intellect. Your in-depth and fact-filled non partisan posts clearly reflect a superior intellect no one can match. Well, maybe Gilligan can. He tells us all how awesome and smart he is so there's no real surprise there. But you, YOU! I bow to thee.

This post probably made sense to you in your head.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
So this morning on MSDNC super bigot Joy Reid was on with Mika the crazed Russian mail order bride when lo and behold there appeared an anti Trump ad that referred to the alleged utterance. Less than 24,12 hours after the The Atlantic dropped that road apple of an article. Talk about some (too) quick production and broadcasting. How'd they do that you think? Inquiring minds need to know.



Well-Known Member
All your snark aside, I make no such claim, but neither do I pretend to be the "all knowing, pompous ass, authority on every ####ing subject" as you do.

Snark? I didn't make the claim that I know everything either, dumbass. You did. You're the prick who constantly calls me a pompous ass because you can't fathom someone using the god damned internet to back their own claims while at the same time you complain that my posts are too many words. You even made up a name for me because I hurt your feewings somehow. Yea...I'm one with "snark". :lol:

If you think providing links and having a differing opinion is being a pompous ass, then you need to step out of your bubble and stop being a snowflake. The world doesn't have to agree with you. Instead of calling people names, try making a point once and awhile.

You whine and complain about absolutely everything. There isn't a single post by you where you don't make a smart ass comment, or put someone down, or are generally being an absolute dickhead. You reap what you sow, but can't handle that so you make up names and project your own shortcomings on someone else because you aren't man enough to face them. You're a lazy prick who gets what they give out and can't handle it. Poor thing.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member




Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Snark? I didn't make the claim that I know everything either, dumbass. You did. You're the prick who constantly calls me a pompous ass because you can't fathom someone using the god damned internet to back their own claims while at the same time you complain that my posts are too many words. You even made up a name for me because I hurt your feewings somehow. Yea...I'm one with "snark". :lol:

If you think providing links and having a differing opinion is being a pompous ass, then you need to step out of your bubble and stop being a snowflake. The world doesn't have to agree with you. Instead of calling people names, try making a point once and awhile.

You whine and complain about absolutely everything. There isn't a single post by you where you don't make a smart ass comment, or put someone down, or are generally being an absolute dickhead. You reap what you sow, but can't handle that so you make up names and project your own shortcomings on someone else because you aren't man enough to face them. You're a lazy prick who gets what they give out and can't handle it. Poor thing.

Yeah, meltdown alert.....

This is why you're always accusing everyone of being so angry - you're projecting. Just like a good little Leftist.

It's only a matter of time before all you cultists implode - literally - when your wiring overheats from contradictory programming. You should set up a webcam.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, meltdown alert.....

This is why you're always accusing everyone of being so angry - you're projecting. Just like a good little Leftist.

It's only a matter of time before all you cultists implode - literally - when your wiring overheats from contradictory programming. You should set up a webcam.

Yea, Vrai. I'm not taking into account the years of Kyle and I's interactions.

I'm totally projecting. :dork:

It's really amazing that you "moderate" this forum and have seemingly no idea what actually happens here or why someone would even have an opinion like mine. I mean, this forum is filled with happy-go-lucky, level-headed adults willing to discuss policy issues using facts and data. This forum certainly isn't a place where those who the "moderator" agrees with are given a pass. This forum certainly isn't a place where nasty and disparaging remarks are called out uniformly. No, no. That's not the case at all, is it? It's always everyone else that's the problem, and it's always the Democrats and those you disagree with. There's a reason that you know I'm a Libertarian (and have been my entire 9+ years on here) yet join in on the "your Democrat/leftist/progbot buddies". There's a reason you get so damned defensive when asked basic questions.

I appreciate that you respect me enough to expect something from me that you don't expect from yourself, nor none of your pals on here, but you can quit acting like you moderate some sort of forum that values adult discussion.

If only Democrats are the nasty ones, what are your excuses?

You whine like a little bitch...go catch COVID and be done with this cold, cruel world already...
I certainly hope Karma is making you or many of your loved ones to suffer in this life...
You deserve nothing less...
If I may ...

To slit your own throat? Severing both carotid arteries? Bleeding out on the floor of your mother's basement? One can only wish.
Sorry but these NUT CASE fruit loops do NOT need to be operating billion dollar equipment or have peoples lives entrusted to them. Let them kill themselves on their time and not when someone is counting on you.
Ug. This guy, am I right? Why was he so lucky to survive cancer?
You really need to go #### yourself, queerboy.
If they have a Democrat Governor they are a filthy disgusting corrupt libprog state filled with shitbags who should be set on fire.
It must REALLY suck to be you, Tranny
Why don't you just end your life of misery already?
Or maybe it's OUR life of misery FROM you that I want to end...
Either way, it's in your the right thing, will ya?
You poor little retard
I know you are a failed human being. I understand why that hurts you. Not everyone succeeds in life.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Yea, Vrai. I'm not taking into account the years of Kyle and I's interactions.

I'm totally projecting. :dork:

Yeah, you are projecting.

You're an insufferable asshat and douche to almost everyone here, so suck it!



If I may ...
If I may ...

Yea, Vrai. I'm not taking into account the years of Kyle and I's interactions.

I'm totally projecting. :dork:

It's really amazing that you "moderate" this forum and have seemingly no idea what actually happens here or why someone would even have an opinion like mine. I mean, this forum is filled with happy-go-lucky, level-headed adults willing to discuss policy issues using facts and data. This forum certainly isn't a place where those who the "moderator" agrees with are given a pass. This forum certainly isn't a place where nasty and disparaging remarks are called out uniformly. No, no. That's not the case at all, is it? It's always everyone else that's the problem, and it's always the Democrats and those you disagree with. There's a reason that you know I'm a Libertarian (and have been my entire 9+ years on here) yet join in on the "your Democrat/leftist/progbot buddies". There's a reason you get so damned defensive when asked basic questions.

I appreciate that you respect me enough to expect something from me that you don't expect from yourself, nor none of your pals on here, but you can quit acting like you moderate some sort of forum that values adult discussion.

If only Democrats are the nasty ones, what are your excuses?
Ya know the difference there Chrissy boy? We only use words to convey our disgust. We do not actually go out and cause physical harm to others nor destroy the property of others. That is a huge difference. If there are those that cannot stomach such "nasty and disparaging remarks" here, then they should either reframe their thoughts so as not to purposefully offend the intelligence of others, or leave.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It's really amazing that you "moderate" this forum and have seemingly no idea what actually happens here or why someone would even have an opinion like mine. I mean, this forum is filled with happy-go-lucky, level-headed adults willing to discuss policy issues using facts and data. This forum certainly isn't a place where those who the "moderator" agrees with are given a pass.

You really seem to have a problem with Moderators?

Here, MDShooters... Where else Hissy?