Trump FAIL #1...


Well-Known Member
This is non sense. Churchill wasn't a drinker 'of his day'. He was a DRUNK. Churchill's more vicious dictates, as I mentioned, including the Anthrax plot, were REJECTED by subordinates who knew how mad he was. Who are we to say, you ask? From the end of the battle of Britain on, England was no longer under any threat of invasion and they never were. Hitler begged them for peace. He wanted England to be as was. He STOPPED his men at Dunkirk so that they may escape as a gesture to STOP, we, (Germany) have no quarrel with you. It is propaganda to say England was ever under threat form invasion. Hitler could NOT have done it had he wanted to. The same lie holds that we'd be speaking German had we not got involved. Pure non sense.

Further, Russia defeated Germany. England played little more than a very minor role.

Don't you ever wonder how the world would be today had Britain and France protected their national interests and let Hitler go kill communism? Aren't you at least a little curious?

If they had done that one thing is pretty certain, there wouldn't be an Israel today because there wouldn't be enough Jews to start it.
And probably after he had finished with Russia he would have taken Europe.

I often wonder what would have happened if Japan had taken their naval power to Europe and helped Germany defeat England instead of attacking Pearl Harbor.
But Roosevelt made it such an easy shot for them they just couldn't refuse.

All of this BS over Trump putting Churchill's bust back in the WH, when he only did it to get in Obama's face. BFD.


It is propaganda to say England was ever under threat form invasion. Hitler could NOT have done it had he wanted to. The same lie holds that we'd be speaking German had we not got involved. Pure non sense.

Further, Russia defeated Germany. England played little more than a very minor role.

Don't you ever wonder how the world would be today had Britain and France protected their national interests and let Hitler go kill communism? Aren't you at least a little curious?

You go on and read your books that keep you informed of how evil the west has been. I have an aunt who lived in England during the many bombing raids from Nazi Germany. You can look back with 20/20 hindsight and say they were never in any real threat of invasion; this dismisses the fear they lived in at the time. Whether they could or couldn’t suffer from an invasion, doesn’t mean they didn’t believe they could; and the Nazis sure gave it a try. Again, what do you expect England to do, sit back and take the bombings and say “They’ll never breach our high walls”, and not defend themselves? You can call Churchill all the names you want, but they were doing what they felt necessary to defend themselves from a known EVIL trying to take over all of Europe.

And how can you say “had France protected their national interests”? They were invaded and occupied by Germany; unprovoked. What’s this silly belief Hitler only had an interest in eradicating communism and that his only target was Russia? The Nazis were on a global march to do one thing: create the master race. Eradicating communism was only one part of that pursuit. I’m curious to know why you seem to be ignoring that most important fact.


Well-Known Member
He's your employee and he's using a bust of a man who didn't make England great again. He lead it to ruin. That what you want inspiring our guy? Not me.

He probably doesn't give a #### about Churchill and just told them to put back whatever was there before the MLK bust. And I'm pretty sure those aren't the types of busts that inspire Trump to begin with, so it doesn't matter who it is.


Well-Known Member
Sam, read it for yourself. Or stay with what you're supposed to think.

I've read a BIT about Dunkirk. My take is *similar* to yours - just a nuanced difference.

I think he KNEW a slaughter would embolden the British.
I think he also thought the British didn't want to fight, and would run back to their island with the tails between their legs if he let a lot of them go.

He then spent a 3-4 month campaign of bombing the ever living crap out of them to try and force them to end their war with Germany.

For a guy whose message was, hey, got no qualms with you, stay out of this, he had a strange way of selling it.

black dog

Free America
Oh, good one. Here's mine; #### you. walk in my shoes, then judge me you stupid, pussy mother ####er. #### you. I don't judge ANYONE around here on anything but what they write.

#### you. Sincerely.

As I mentioned, and you couldn't be bothered, those thoughts are not mine. Those books are not mine. I CAN read. I CAN think. For myself.

Drone. #### you.

You Sir, can be a arrogant pompas a$$, it's OK to be a a$$hole, but you tend to take other people's turns.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Oh, good one. Here's mine; #### you. walk in my shoes, then judge me you stupid, pussy mother ####er. #### you. I don't judge ANYONE around here on anything but what they write.

#### you. Sincerely.

As I mentioned, and you couldn't be bothered, those thoughts are not mine. Those books are not mine. I CAN read. I CAN think. For myself.

Drone. #### you.

Good little progbot. Let the hate flow through. :patshead:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I've read a BIT about Dunkirk. My take is *similar* to yours - just a nuanced difference.

I think he KNEW a slaughter would embolden the British.
I think he also thought the British didn't want to fight, and would run back to their island with the tails between their legs if he let a lot of them go.

He then spent a 3-4 month campaign of bombing the ever living crap out of them to try and force them to end their war with Germany.

For a guy whose message was, hey, got no qualms with you, stay out of this, he had a strange way of selling it.

I grant he HOPE to not enrage them. That, I point out, is NOT top of the list of concerns with someone who intends to invade you and take you over. And the bombing was Hitler losing his cool at their obstinatance and lack of interest in reconsidering just how many Englishman they wanted to die to defend the Poles.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If they had done that one thing is pretty certain, there wouldn't be an Israel today because there wouldn't be enough Jews to start it.
And probably after he had finished with Russia he would have taken Europe. .

That is a breath taking example of what bothers me; most of us simply do NOT know our history. God god man!!! Churchill wasn't far behind Hitler in his disdain for Jews. This is NOT difficult stuff.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You Sir, can be a arrogant pompas a$$, it's OK to be a a$$hole, but you tend to take other people's turns.

And another thing; We all have a talent or two. Do what you're good at, I say. :diva: And I do my level best around here to keep it on topic and NOT hit below the belt.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
All of this BS over Trump putting Churchill's bust back in the WH, when he only did it to get in Obama's face. BFD.

Why lose the opportunity to learn a little. Someone FAR wiser than me said that intelligence isn't in what you know. It's in being willing to question what you think you know.

Plus, Dubbya was a known Churchill fan and I make the assumption that he's wonder WWWD, What Would Winston Do, and if you look at Bush's Iraq policy, bad wars, there IS reason for concern. That Trump may not know jack shot about Trump and not care, is a net GOOD in this case and if all it is, is what you suggest, as petty as that would be, it's far preferable to contemplating The Donald as just another dope who buys into the pop culture illusion of Winston.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You go on and read your books that keep you informed of how evil the west has been. I have an aunt who lived in England during the many bombing raids from Nazi Germany. You can look back with 20/20 hindsight and say they were never in any real threat of invasion; this dismisses the fear they lived in at the time. Whether they could or couldn’t suffer from an invasion, doesn’t mean they didn’t believe they could; and the Nazis sure gave it a try. Again, what do you expect England to do, sit back and take the bombings and say “They’ll never breach our high walls”, and not defend themselves? You can call Churchill all the names you want, but they were doing what they felt necessary to defend themselves from a known EVIL trying to take over all of Europe.

And how can you say “had France protected their national interests”? They were invaded and occupied by Germany; unprovoked. What’s this silly belief Hitler only had an interest in eradicating communism and that his only target was Russia? The Nazis were on a global march to do one thing: create the master race. Eradicating communism was only one part of that pursuit. I’m curious to know why you seem to be ignoring that most important fact.

You get pissed at me ALL the time for seizing on a point you make while leaving out analysis you might do later in a post. Well, we're even, you do it, too. Equality.

I STATED, without equivocation, that Winston was good for England IN the fire.

A fire he helped create.

As for England, again, if you'd read all I write. I did a review of what was going on vis a vis Churchill, Hitler and Chamberlain. politics, filthy politics was being played and Churchill helped keep England out of a war they COULD have won, and stopped Hitler when he was small and weak and vulnerable AND he lead the charge into a war they could NOT win when it was well past too late.

I went to school with a chick from England I argued with all the time; it is an article of faith among many Brits that England won WWI and II with nary any help from us when the reality is nothing like that. At all.