Trump FAIL #1...


I went to school with a chick from England I argued with all the time; it is an article of faith among many Brits that England won WWI and II with nary any help from us when the reality is nothing like that. At all.

It's far different talking to someone who wasn't alive to experience it than it is someone who actually went through it. From the perspective of the citizens, the raids on England were unprovoked, regardless of the boneheaded moves by Chamberlain and Churchill. Certainly they COULD have won had they honored their promise to Poland; but the attacks on England were still an attempt to invade and occupy.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's far different talking to someone who wasn't alive to experience it than it is someone who actually went through it. From the perspective of the citizens, the raids on England were unprovoked, regardless of the boneheaded moves by Chamberlain and Churchill. .

Battle of Britain is generally understood to have begun in July of 1940.

Dunkirk happened in May and June.

Are you honestly trying to say Londoner'ers thought the blitz was unprovoked???

Houston, we have a problem, here. There is NO way ANYONE in the UK was unaware of Englands attempt to fight, again, on the continent and, just as impossible that ANYONE did not know about Dunkirk.

And, guess what? England had bomber Germany six times before Hitler ordered the first bombing of England. And, guess what else? Churchill started the bombing of civilians.

You don't know this because you're content with the version of history we've all been fed. That should not prohibit you from wanting to know HOW we were lied to.

None of this excuses Hitler. The point, the entire point, is that we see Churchill for who he was. Especially those who complain about the media and truth. :buddies:

black dog

Free America
And another thing; We all have a talent or two. Do what you're good at, I say. :diva: And I do my level best around here to keep it on topic and NOT hit below the belt.

I don't recall Larry me being the one here who posted his poor business skills and then in the true liberal way to blame their bad business decisions on everything else but the poor decisions that you made.
Just like the ranting response you posted earlier, it's the stereotypical liberal response to curse, rant and attack instead of a response taking responsibility like a adult.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't recall Larry me being the one here who posted his poor business skills and then in the true liberal way to blame their bad business decisions on everything else but the poor decisions that you made.
Just like the ranting response you posted earlier, it's the stereotypical liberal response to curse, rant and attack instead of a response taking responsibility like a adult.

Back to my original point: #### you. I stated, without equivocation, it was my failings.

#### you, #######. :buddies:


I don't recall Larry me being the one here who posted his poor business skills and then in the true liberal way to blame their bad business decisions on everything else but the poor decisions that you made.
Just like the ranting response you posted earlier, it's the stereotypical liberal response to curse, rant and attack instead of a response taking responsibility like a adult.

Fail to see what Larry's (or anyone's) business practices has to do with any of these discussions. I know Larry can defend himself, but I just wanted to jump in and say your comments were way out of line.


Battle of Britain is generally understood to have begun in July of 1940.

Dunkirk happened in May and June.

Are you honestly trying to say Londoner'ers thought the blitz was unprovoked???

Houston, we have a problem, here. There is NO way ANYONE in the UK was unaware of Englands attempt to fight, again, on the continent and, just as impossible that ANYONE did not know about Dunkirk.

And, guess what? England had bomber Germany six times before Hitler ordered the first bombing of England. And, guess what else? Churchill started the bombing of civilians.

You don't know this because you're content with the version of history we've all been fed. That should not prohibit you from wanting to know HOW we were lied to.

None of this excuses Hitler. The point, the entire point, is that we see Churchill for who he was. Especially those who complain about the media and truth. :buddies:

Is it fair to say that following the invasion of Poland, Britain was meeting their promise to come to Poland's aid if Germany invaded them; and subsequently Britain declared war on Germany? Once war is declared, are they not at war? Now, rather than go into Poland (like Poland believed they would) to provide military protection, Britain attempted to cut off munitions supplies by bombing their main munitions depots. It was a futile attempt. But it seems they got Germany's attention. In any event, Germany drew first blood.

It still disputed whether Hitler wanted world domination, limit it to Europe, or limit it to Russia. But given their occupation of nearly all of Europe, and their declaration of war against the US, it's pretty clear to me what his intentions were. Lebensraum (breathing room) was the Nazi's purpose through Rassenkampf (racial conflict) - a belief in world racial dominance; they intended to either eradicate certain races or enslave them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Fail to see what Larry's (or anyone's) business practices has to do with any of these discussions. I know Larry can defend himself, but I just wanted to jump in and say your comments were way out of line.

I'm surprised you can even breath with your nose stuck so far up Larry's ass.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Is it fair to say that following the invasion of Poland, Britain was meeting their promise to come to Poland's aid if Germany invaded them; and subsequently Britain declared war on Germany? Once war is declared, are they not at war? Now, rather than go into Poland (like Poland believed they would) to provide military protection, Britain attempted to cut off munitions supplies by bombing their main munitions depots. It was a futile attempt. But it seems they got Germany's attention. In any event, Germany drew first blood. .

I wish you'd go do a little reading on your own. This needs context that is best if you make up your own mind.


My view, the facts show, the war guarantee to Poland by England and France was a purely political move, heavily pushed by Churchill to screw Neville. England did NOT have the arms and men and ability to do a damn thing about Danzig. Nothing. The Brits and French did NOT tell the Poles this. Poland got their backs up over what had historically always been German AND per the provisions in Versailles, it was due to go back to Germany, peacefully as per the democratic wishes of the people. Poland was assured of help that was NOT possible. Churchill wanted war. He wasn't alone but he was a leader. Even THE leader. Lord Halifax said, at the time, England did NOT consider the guarantee binding. Some said it was cynical and even criminal to promise to do what could NOT be done. Some blamed Poland for reading too much into it.

From Germany's standpoint, well, again, please do some reading. What you and I were taught as kids was the propaganda of the winners. This does NOT make Hitler good but, man, you gotta have context, from the betrayals of Germany by the allies between the wars to the double and dirty dealing leading up to it and during it. The selling out of allies at the end.

I'm an America, through and though and, to me, the truth matters. :buddies:

black dog

Free America
Fail to see what Larry's (or anyone's) business practices has to do with any of these discussions. I know Larry can defend himself, but I just wanted to jump in and say your comments were way out of line.

And I will say , I fail to see where the missing or not missing bust of MlK or Churchill has anything to do with WW2.


And I will say , I fail to see where the missing or not missing bust of MlK or Churchill has anything to do with WW2.

That's fair. But taking cheap personal shots at people is not.

Larry is trying to make the point that putting Churchill's bust out there like he's a hero shows a lack of understanding of history - the history Larry has decided is the truth.

The one thing that can't be discounted is that Churchill is a hero among Brits; and that speak much louder than any history book.