Again. No, it isn't me. I don't know how to prove that to you, nor do I care. PE, Gilligan, and Prch were among a handful of people who I really cared about knowing that it wasn't me and guess what OTR? None of them believed you to begin with. All the crap you wrote about me, the pies I made, all happened two years ago. Prch was, at times, over my house when he ate them, even took a cake home to his mother. No poison, no crazy, all in the spirit of being friends with them.
You're basing everything you say about me on what SMC79 has posted. I'm NOT her and it seems to me that SMC79 has gotten herself a pretty sweet deal in that she can continue to bash everyone unrestricted because she isn't getting the blame, I am; thanks in large part to you. And as far as bringing it, I don't know even know what you mean by it. I haven't posted on the forum, nor posted to you in nearly two years. You started calling me by my first name, you said you knew where I lived, you told people you looked at my face book (bet that put you to sleep). Your words made me feel like I was being stalked, so much so that I talked to a friend who is also a cop. He of course couldn't do anything, but I did print copies of your pertinent posts, took down my facebook, and passed along your forum name to my family, boyfriend, and neighbors based on his advice. You were starting to make me feel like an episode of SNAPPED, Southern Maryland style. I don't even know what I ever did to you other than ignore you at a Meet and Greet I didn't want to be at. When your dog died, I was the very first person, who joined in that toast, I was even the one who encouraged everyone to join in. My private posts to you contained nothing derogatory. You want to know why? Because up until recently, I have absolutely nothing against you.