Trump just can't help himself


Well-Known Member
Intelligence Community Inspector General says that's not true.

"The Office of the Inspector General issued a four-page news release in which it made clear that the whistleblower complaint focused on Trump's July 25 call with the Ukrainian president was processed under procedures put in place in May 2018.

The inspector general wrote that under the statute, a complainant is not required to have firsthand knowledge of the matter they are referring. However, the anonymous author of the Aug. 12 complaint wrote that they had both firsthand information and information from others about the subject."
So here's my answer to the IG:
Was the rule in place in 2016?...2015?...2014?...2013?...No?

Then it's a new rule change!!...Quit playing semantics!!


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Intelligence Community Inspector General says that's not true.

"The Office of the Inspector General issued a four-page news release in which it made clear that the whistleblower complaint focused on Trump's July 25 call with the Ukrainian president was processed under procedures put in place in May 2018.

The inspector general wrote that under the statute, a complainant is not required to have firsthand knowledge of the matter they are referring. However, the anonymous author of the Aug. 12 complaint wrote that they had both firsthand information and information from others about the subject."

Rule changed in filed in Aug... Why that's practically a lifetime. ;-p


Well-Known Member
Intelligence Community Inspector General says that's not true.

"The Office of the Inspector General issued a four-page news release in which it made clear that the whistleblower complaint focused on Trump's July 25 call with the Ukrainian president was processed under procedures put in place in May 2018.

The inspector general wrote that under the statute, a complainant is not required to have firsthand knowledge of the matter they are referring. However, the anonymous author of the Aug. 12 complaint wrote that they had both firsthand information and information from others about the subject."
It would seem the salient point you are trying to make is that the information was both FIRST HAND and second hand.

What was the first hand knowledge?


Well-Known Member
Do you think your initial post in the thread, wherein you stated that Trump assumes "he's important enough to start a civil war" is an accurate representation of what was said?

I got your notification and question the first time.

You don't have to keep asking after it's clear I ignored you then.


Well-Known Member
I got your notification and question the first time.

You don't have to keep asking after it's clear I ignored you then.

And this is why you CAN'T answer...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I got your notification and question the first time.

You don't have to keep asking after it's clear I ignored you then.

Why would you ignore a question? You're the one who mocked what you thought Trump said (it was actually a quote from someone else, he just shared it). One would think you could answer a simple question regarding YOUR opinion.


Well-Known Member
One would think you could answer a simple question regarding YOUR opinion.

One would think that, but then again, it's the politics forum of No one's mind is being changed here and the "this is a discussion forum, let's discuss" line is not applied equally to the 'tards who regularly add absolutely nothing to threads.

If you want this to be a discussion forum where people opinions are debated based on their merits, then facilitate a platform where political differences aren't mocked or the basis for calling for the death, rape, or injury of the person posting them.

The reality is, the only people who care about having a discussion are buried beneath a mountain of hate and juvenile posts that are rarely related to the topic at hand. Don't be upset with me for joining the fray.


Well-Known Member
Why would you ignore a question? You're the one who mocked what you thought Trump said (it was actually a quote from someone else, he just shared it). One would think you could answer a simple question regarding YOUR opinion.

Probably because he doesn't want to get dragged down the rabbit hole with strawmen and endless arguments and questions about the minutiae


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
One would think that, but then again, it's the politics forum of No one's mind is being changed here and the "this is a discussion forum, let's discuss" line is not applied equally to the 'tards who regularly add absolutely nothing to threads.

If you want this to be a discussion forum where people opinions are debated based on their merits, then facilitate a platform where political differences aren't mocked or the basis for calling for the death, rape, or injury of the person posting them.

The reality is, the only people who care about having a discussion are buried beneath a mountain of hate and juvenile posts that are rarely related to the topic at hand. Don't be upset with me for joining the fray.

Um...yeah... I hope you feel better after that nonsensical screed.

Real question: do you honestly expect to get on a forum and spew misinformation and have nobody challenge it?


Well-Known Member
the "this is a discussion forum, let's discuss" line is not applied equally to the 'tards who regularly add absolutely nothing to threads.
It would be worth your while to reread this a few times until it dawns on you why I would treat you differently.


Well-Known Member
Um...yeah... I hope you feel better after that nonsensical screed.

Real question: do you honestly expect to get on a forum and spew misinformation and have nobody challenge it?

It's not nonsensical. Look around. What does Kyle add? CPUSA? Gilligan? Christ, just look at their recent posts. Just look at this thread. Post #2,4,6,7,8, 17, and 20 relate, how, exactly? And it's not like those types of posts are new. Did I miss where you challenged them. They happen in literally EVERY thread transporter posts in and CPUSA has admitted that her life goal is to follow me a round and post AOC memes in "every thread" of mine. My issue isn't with the 65 year old with a 7 year old sense of humor, I can ignore them. My issue is your criticisms not being equal.

I fully expect to be challenged and I suspect that because I generally answer with a semi-intelligent response, that's why both you and T_P chastise me for not replying. However, what I'm saying is that challenging is not reciprocated to anyone on "your side" and I don't feel like replying. Simple as that.

When you folks start giving a crap about the misinformation posted here daily by "thread fillers", then maybe I'll give it a shot. Until then, I've got stuff to do.

I'll say it again, if you want this to be a discussion forum where people opinions are debated based on their merits, then facilitate a platform where political differences aren't mocked or the basis for calling for the death, rape, or injury of the person posting them.

It would be worth your while to reread this a few times until it dawns on you why I would treat you differently.

Why should I be treated differently? Where's your 42,599 questions for the folks that regularly add nothing to discussions?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member

Actually I do discuss things... With Sam, Psy, BD, Gilligan, STI, Vrai and others all the time.

I dont' discuss anything with the SOMD Douch-Bag Brigade, of which you are the, no doubt, self-appointed President!

Oh come on..he's just misunderstood.

