Trump News


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Shadow Billionaire Funding Sexual Assault Suit Against Trump Is LinkedIn’s Founder

Hoffman’s identity as the shadow funder for Carroll was disclosed in “last-minute” correspondence between lawyers for both sides.

According to the Daily Beast, Hoffman is not just bankrolling Democrats but also dead set on weakening Trump’s position as the de facto leader of the Republican Party:

Hoffman is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur who founded the professional social network LinkedIn. In recent years, Vox also identified him as a major Democratic donor who has made it his mission to loosen Trump’s control over the Republican Party.
According to Insider, Hoffman’s distaste for Trump’s authoritarian and anti-democratic tendencies has even strained his personal relationship with another Silicon Valley staple, Peter Thiel, who has conversely fashioned himself as a bankroller of right-wing causes.

Trump’s team of lawyers, led by Amina Habba and Joe Tacopina, are now pushing to delay the trial, which is slated to begin in a matter of weeks, in light of the news that Hoffman is behind the suit.

Habba and Tacopina claimed in a letter to the federal judge overseeing the case that Carroll perjured herself, citing an October deposition in which she claimed no one else was funding her lawyers.


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Trump Lawyers Granted Deposition of Rape Accuser Amid Claims of Ties to Democrat Funding, Questionable Credibility

U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, ordered that Trump’s attorneys, Joseph Tacopina and Alina Habba, can question Carroll on an apparent inconsistency in her sworn testimony in pre-trial depositions about how she funded her defamation lawsuit against Trump.

It came after Trump’s attorneys learned days ago that—contrary to Carroll’s sworn statements in an Oct. 14, 2022, deposition that no one else is paying her legal fees—prominent Democrat donor, LinkedIn Founder Reid Hoffman, is funding at least some of her legal fees.

This apparent inconsistency “might prove relevant to the question of plaintiffs credibility, in view of the deposition testimony” of Carroll, the judge wrote in his Thursday order.


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Michael Cohen Seeks to Revive Lawsuit Against Trump, Barr for Alleged Retaliation

Michael Cohen, a former attorney of former President Donald Trump, has asked an appeals court to revive an earlier lawsuit that sought damages from Trump and Trump administration officials, after claiming he was imprisoned in retaliation for publishing a book criticizing Trump.

“The head of the executive branch wielded his power to have one of his critics silenced, thrown back into prison, and kept in conditions dangerous to his health,” Cohen’s lawyers wrote in a 30-page brief filed with the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan on Monday.

Cohen was Trump’s attorney from 2006 to 2018 and was a vice president of the Trump Organization. He was sentenced to three years in prison in 2018 for federal charges related to campaign finance violations. He reported to prison in May 2019.


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Sorry, Nicolle! WaPo Reporter Tells Wallace: No Evidence Linking Trump To Proud Boys Violence

Wallace then took the giddy speculation to Washington Post investigative reporter Carol Leonnig, that given the Justice Department's success in obtaining seditious conspiracy convictions in regard to January 6th:

"Questions are now gonna have to deal with, as to whether or not they can prosecute Trump for the same crimes."

Wallace's "I hope I hope I hope" hung clearly in the air.

But that's when Leonnig punctured poor Nicolle's balloon. She began by sympathizing with Wallace's view of Trump, saying that in the debate in which he told the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by," Trump:

"Recognized that these extremist factions really were the voice of a certain group of people that he needed on his side. And he wasn't going to cut them back, and he wasn't going to reject them."

But then came Leonnig's blow to Nicolle's dreams:

" I know, and I think many of the people on your panel know, that prosecutors do not have evidence in hand linking the effort of Enrique Tarrio, Stewart Rhodes, and other lieutenants of theirs, to Donald Trump. They do not have the smoking-gun evidence that shows that Donald Trump was directing an effort to violently overthrow the government. "

And if that weren't deflating enough for Nicolle, Leonnig then delivered an unsubtle slap at Wallace for substituting her hopes and dreams for reality:

"Let's be careful about what we know and what we don't know."



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Trump Hijacks CNN, Steamrolls Kaitlan Collins in New Hampshire Townhall: ‘You Are a Nasty Person’

“Do you have any regrets about your actions on January 6?” she asked, as Trump walked through exactly how that day went, beginning with a peaceful rally.

“I said, walk peacefully and patriotically, you know, many different things. In fact, I brought a list of things — I don’t want to bore the audience, but we can go sentence after sentence after sentence of things,” he said, noting that Democrats, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) — whom Trump referred to “Crazy Nancy” — refused his offer for additional security.

“I offered them National Guard, I said. We’ll give you soldiers. We’ll give you a National Guard. We’ll give you whatever you want. And they turned me down. Yeah. And in fact … she turned me down in writing. They turned me down,” he said, as Collins continued to argue with him. That prompted Trump to show receipts, literally pulling out pieces of paper and reading exactly what he wrote that day and at what time — a move the audience visibly enjoyed and cheered for.

'You are a nasty person': Trump scolds Kaitlan Collins in wild CNN town hall where he mocked E. Jean Carroll sex abuse claims as 'hanky panky' and her 'cat named vagina', defended January 6 rioters and constantly REFUSED to say he lost to Biden

  • Trump blasted CNN's Kaitlan Collins under her aggressive questioning
  • He slammed E. Jean Carroll, the verdict and the judge in the case
  • The 70-minute town hall was filled with fireworks and confrontations
  • Who is Kaitlan Collins? The CNN anchor interviewing Donald Trump

"This is what she does': Trump slaps back at Kaitlan Collins when she says he only built '52 miles of new wall' - as he claims migrants are sleeping in Central Park and end of Title 42 will be a 'day of infamy'

  • The ex-president falsely claimed that he had completed his border wall project
  • His comments come amid the expiry of Title 42, an emergency coronavirus law to kick out migrants
  • Trump said Thursday would be 'a day of infamy' with a surge in asylum-seekers crossing

Fact Check: CNN’s Kaitlan Collins Claims ‘More Than 200 Mass Shootings in 2023’

VERDICT: False, as long as one adheres to the standard definition of a mass shooting as an incident in which four or more individuals were killed by one attacker in one incident.

On May 7, 2023, Breitbart News noted that President Joe Biden made the same claim as Collins, and on May 8, 2023, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre repeated it.

Such claims have become popular with the left because they rely on outlets like the Gun Violence Archive (GVA) for their mass shooting tally. The GVA departs from the long-accepted standard for a mass shooting, which is four or more killed by one person in one incident, instead defining a mass shooting as an incident in which four or more people are wounded. There need be no fatalities.

Using the GVA methodology, drive-by shootings become mass shootings, a targeted gang shooting in which four people are wounded is a mass shooting, a triple homicide in which a fourth victim is merely injured is a mass shooting, and a shooting where four people have superficial wounds is a mass shooting. This broadened category of mass shootings allows the left to swell the number of reported mass shooting incidents.

Breitbart News noted that the Hill relied on GVA’s numbers and reported over 600 mass shootings in the U.S. last year.

‘A Trump Infomercial’: Backlash Erupts Against CNN for Hosting the Former President

CNN AUDIENCE APPLAUDS as President Trump Promises to Pardon January 6 Political Prisoners Early On in His Administration

Tapper: Town Hall Audience Laughing at Trump’s Comments on E. Jean Carroll ‘Offensive’

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Trump Takes CNN Anchor To The Mat In 2024 Town Hall

Anchor Kaitlan Collins repeatedly pushed back on what Trump said — coming back at him with retorts such as “that’s not accurate” — at junctures all throughout the event at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire, an early-voting state. Tensions reached a peak when the journalist pressed Trump on the controversy over his handling of classified documents, rejecting his comparison to President Joe Biden’s own issues with squirreling away sensitive records upon leaving office.

“You’re a nasty person, I’ll tell ya,” Trump quipped through some crosstalk. That comment, like several others, was met with laughter and cheers in the audience.



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📈 Trump appeared on a CNN “Voter Town Hall” last night and did the impossible: gave liberals something even more horrifying to consider than the idea of Tucker moving to Twitter. Anguished liberals wept over CNN’s downfall, and angrily accused the reliably woke network of literally spitting in Democracy’s face.

Libs were even madder at CNN than they were at President Trump:

I could go on, and on, and on. It was a LOT, it was lefty outrage multiplied by virtue-signaling with an exponent of shock and surprise. Let’s just say American leftists were more rattled than Carmen Miranda’s favorite maracas.

Earlier this week, when someone asked Trump WHY he was going on CNN, he said producers made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. I think part of what Trump got from CNN was the right to pick the crowd. The town hall crowd laughed at Trump’s jokes, applauded his strong points, and cheered him on as he pushed back against snide interviewer Kaitlan Collins, who acted more like an annoyed debater or maybe a small, neatly-dressed, starving hyena.

And Trump was a well-fed honey badger.

President Trump never conceded an inch of ground. When Collins asked him to deny that the 2020 elections were stolen, Trump instead called them “rigged” and said “I think that, when you look at that result and when you look at what happened during that election, unless you’re a very stupid person, you see what happens.”

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With the dust still settling from the rowdy event, Darcy clutched his pearls into diamonds as he fired off the newsletter proclaiming this at the top: “It's hard to see how America was served by the spectacle of lies that aired on CNN Wednesday evening.”

He touted the performance of his colleague Kaitlan Collins by calling her “as tough and knowledgable [sic] of an interviewer as they come. She fact-checked Trump throughout the 70-minute town hall.”

After rattling off Trump’s transgressions, Darcy lamented that “CNN aired it all.” He was disgusted by what CNN allowed to happen on stage in front of the world. “Yes, some news was made … But for most of the night, the nation's eyes were transfixed on Trump's abuse of the platform that he was given,” he decried.

Darcy even called Licht out by name. “CNN and new network boss Chris Licht are facing a fury of criticism — both internally and externally over the event,” he stated, airing their laundry and leaving it an open-ended question of how Licht would respond to criticism.



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Justice Department secures court order blocking Trump deposition in Strzok and Page lawsuits

In a win for the Justice Department, a federal judge on Friday blocked a May 24 deposition of former President Donald Trump in connection with a pair lawsuits filed by former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The order from U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson was in response to a Justice Department motion filed on Thursday urging her to reconsider an earlier ruling that said that Trump and FBI Director Christopher Wray could be deposed in the lawsuits, without specifying the order of depositions. Government attorneys argued that Wray's deposition, which has not been scheduled, could make Trump's unnecessary.

In her order Friday, Berman Jackson referred to her February ruling that Trump and Wray could be deposed for no more than two hours and limited to a “narrow set of topics” in lawsuits Strzok and Page brought against the Justice Department and the FBI in 2019.


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Earlier this month the judge issued a protective order and blocked President Trump from posting about the Stormy Daniels ‘hush payment’ case on his social media.

The judge also barred Trump from viewing evidence in the Stormy case unless his lawyers are present.

Trump was charged with 34 criminal counts of falsifying business records and conspiracy in March.

Trump was placed under arrest ahead of his arraignment after a Manhattan grand jury indicted him on junk charges related to ‘hush payments’ to porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy centerfold Karen McDougal.

Juan Merchan, a far-left New York Supreme Court judge who previously donated to Joe Biden, threatened Trump with a gag order back in April.

The judge on Tuesday will personally order Trump not to publicly share any details about the Stormy Daniels case.



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Trump Critics Need to Stop Complaining about 'Baggage'

By Rajan Laad

The criticisms that some conservative critics of President Trump have is that he had too much "baggage."

The "baggage" is Trump's confrontational style, his "mean" social media posts, and the myriad "scandals" during his administration. They complain that Trump's "baggage" makes him impossible to defend. They complain that Trump often invites trouble.

In Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, they think they have their ideal candidate: someone who purportedly stands for the MAGA agenda but is devoid of "baggage."

So does the "baggage" make Trump a target?

The eminent thinker and military historian Victor David Hanson enumerated the "baggage" that President Trump doesn't have but the Democrats do.
1) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by destroying federally subpoenaed emails and devices in order to hide evidence.
2) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by sending classified government communications on her own, through an unsecured home-brewed server.
3) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by hiring a foreign national, who is prohibited from working on presidential campaigns, to compile a dossier to smear her presidential opponent.
4) Trump did not violate federal campaign laws, as did Hillary Clinton, by hiding her payments (as "legal services") to Christopher Steele through bookkeeping deceptions.
5) Trump did not, as did Bill Clinton, use a crony to search out a high-paying New York job for a paramour in order to influence her testimony before a special counsel.
6) Trump did not, as did Bill Clinton, receive a $500,000 "honorarium" for speaking in Moscow while his wife, our secretary of state, approved a longstanding and lucrative desire of the Kremlin for North American uranium to be sold to a Russian consortium.
7) Trump did not, as did Obama, promise Putin that he would be "flexible" on "missile defense" if during his own reelection bid Putin in return would give him "space". That quid pro quo arrangement led to the U.S. abandonment of key joint missile defense systems with Poland and the Czech Republic, and, reciprocally, less than two years later a Russian invasion, mostly unopposed by the United States, of eastern Ukraine and the Crimea.
8) Trump did not boast publicly, as did Joe Biden, that he used U.S. foreign aid monies as leverage to have the Ukrainian government fire a prosecutor who may have been looking into the Biden family's efforts to sell influence to corrupt Ukrainian interests.
9) Trump did not, as the Bidens did, set up a family consortium to leverage monies from Ukraine, Russia, and China, on their shared expectations that he might soon run for and be elected president and become compromised. Trump is not mentioned, as is Joe Biden, in family business communications as a recipient of a 10 percent commission on such payoffs.
10) Trump did not, unlike Biden, remove presidential papers—without any authority to declassify them—and leave them scattered and unsecured in a garage and various residences and offices.
11) Trump did not, as did private citizen and former Secretary of State John Kerry, meet clandestinely while out of the office with Iranian officials to help them resist current U.S. policy toward Iran—or what the Boston Globe characterized as "unusual shadow diplomacy" to "apply pressure on the Trump administration from the outside.
12) Trump did not, unlike Biden patronizingly call Obama "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
13) Trump did not, unlike Biden dismiss two black journalists, respectively with the putdowns "you ain't black" and "junkie."
14) Trump did not, unlike Biden refer to two prominent people of color as "boy."

If the "baggage" made them targets, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and others would have been targeted by the media, probed by agencies, and destroyed. Instead, they are lauded as model politicians and unifying figures.
So what makes Trump a target?