Trump News


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Law enforcement calls into question low news media crowd estimate for Trump's Georgia rally

However, according to the Banks County Sheriff's Office Facebook page, there were 17,000 attendees at the Saturday rally.

Video footage captured by Real America's Voice shows a large crowd at the moment the rally started.

Georgia Public Broadcasting receives money from federal and state taxpayers as well as private donors. A 2017 article in the Atlanta Constitution-Journal estimated GPB got a little more over 50 percent of its funding from taxpayers.

The story about the rally, titled "Trump's Republican revenge tour falters in Georgia," written by Fowler and Riley Bunch, at times reads more like an opinion piece.

The reporters wrote in their story, "Three separate counts of the [2022] election, including a full hand count risk-limiting audit, confirmed that President Joe Biden narrowly defeated Trump more than 500 days ago, but Georgia is a state that he has remained obsessed with seeking revenge on those who wronged him."


PREMO Member

Were You Better Off with Trump?

Far from the mere opinion of the "fringe minority" for whom I try to speak, a majority of the American people agree that the 2020 election was not on the up-and-up (a consensus that, while ignored by the mainstream corporate press, has only grown over time among Democrats, independents, and Republicans).

Here's the kicker, though: whether you believe that 2020 election fraud speaks for itself or you have absolute faith in "our precious democracy" because we've got a voucher, President Trump's 2020 performance was better than any Republican's in history. That's his undeniable baseline regardless of how much NeverTrumping the NeverTrumps trumpet. And a little over a year since O'Biden was installed in office, Donald Trump has only become more popular. His favorability rating tops every national political figure. He's leading potential primary opponents by forty points. And he's beating President Braindead head-to-head by four points. At the same time, 71% of Americans believe that the country is now headed in the wrong direction.

Now, with all of that said, America will be asked repeatedly over the next two-plus years:

When trying to pay for gas, food, and other bare necessities, were you better off with Trump?

If trying to keep America out of foreign wars is important to you and your family, were you better off with Trump?

If you are worried about the future your children will inherit, were you better off with Trump?

If you are shocked by rampant censorship and "cancel" culture, were you better off with Trump?

If you are concerned about millions of illegal aliens destroying local communities, were you better off with Trump?

If you just desperately want America to be America again, were you better off with Trump?

You don't have to be Nostradamus to know how tilted toward Trump's favor those answers are going to be. At some point, no matter how many institutions conspire to prevent his victory, the people clamoring for his return will be too much for the Expert Class to hide or overcome. The country will be asked in Reaganesque fashion, "Are you better off today after four years of Biden?" And Americans will answer by decisively re-electing President Trump in 2024.


PREMO Member
The duo of Bob Woodward and Robert Costa magically obtained the records and ran a front page story in The Washington Post that sought to breathe life into a theory that the full record was being withheld or that Trump sought to obscure his calls on January 6th.

But it turns out all of that noise was over... nothing — according to CNN.

Their story Friday morning announced "Official review of Trump phone logs from January 6 finds record is complete." While mainstream pundits and Democrats (but I repeat myself) speculated that President Trump was using burner phones or engaged in a cover up, it turns out there was actually nothing out of the ordinary in the White House switchboard call log for January 6th.

CNN explains:

According to multiple sources familiar with Trump’s phone behavior and the White House switchboard records, the January 6 log reflects Trump’s typical phone habits. He mainly placed calls through the switchboard when he was in the residence but rarely used it when he was in the Oval Office. The fact the log does not show calls on January 6, 2021, from the Oval Office is not unusual, said the sources, because Trump typically had staff either place calls directly for him on landlines or cell phones. Those calls would not be noted on the switchboard log.
The six pages of White House switchboard logs for January 6, 2021, are complete based on an official review of White House records, according to a source familiar with the matter. There are no missing pages and the seven-hour gap is likely explained by use of White House landlines, White House cell phones and personal cell phones that do not go through the switchboard.

So yet another "smoking gun" used to assert wrongdoing turns out to be less than a water pistol. But the reality of what the call log turned over to the January 6th committee actually shows — and what it simply cannot show — didn't stop "#TrumpCoverUp" from trending on Twitter or liberal talking heads from saying the gap in the call log was some sort of damning revelation. It turns out it's just how the White House runs, and more an indictment of its outdated procedures that are unable to track modern presidential communications than of Trump.

What's more, CNN explains that the practice of placing calls directly — either by the president or their aides — from the Oval Office is not some Trump-era practice designed to circumvent records, unless President Obama was attempting to cover up his communications too:

A former White House staffer who served in the Obama administration told CNN that if then-President Barrack Obama wanted to make a call to someone from the Oval Office, he would normally ask an aide seated nearby to dial the person. The aide would then call the number and hit transfer to connect the caller to the President.
That call would not go through the White House switchboard and therefore would not be recorded on the White House switchboard log, the former staffer said.



PREMO Member

Judge rules NYC illegally canceled Trump’s contract to run Bronx golf course

Donald Trump is back in the Bronx.

A state Supreme Court judge ruled Friday that the city did not have the right to cancel Trump’s contract to run the Ferry Point Golf Course. Mayor Bill de Blasio had nixed the deal after the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, arguing that Trump would not be able to attract golf tournaments.

In her decision and order filed on Friday, Justice Debra James said there was nothing in the contract that required a tournament — only that the city would share in any proceeds. That means either Trump gets to continue to run the course, or the city needs to pay him to leave. Trump’s son Eric said they’ll stay.

“The judge didn’t buy their nonsense and this is a well-reasoned and appropriate decision and we look forward to running the best golf course for years to come,” Eric Trump said.


PREMO Member
🔥 According to The Hill, Democrats have a new hope! A hope for saving what is shaping up to be catastrophic midterm political losses, and you’ll never guess what it is. It’s President Trump. Again.

The Hill ran an article yesterday headlined, “The Memo: Democrats Hope Trump Will Save Them From Midterm Disaster.” Here are the three reasons they think Trump could help shift the elections in their favor:

1- He’ll back losing candidates like Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker.

2- The threat of a presidential run in 2024 will make dems mad and fired up.

3- The J6 Committee will release a stinker report accusing President Trump of sedition or insurrection or crimes or something.

As evidence, the article notes that yesterday, Representative Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.) — the head of House Democrats’ campaign arm — shot out a terrifying fundraising email that began: “Trump hinted he’ll run for President if Republicans retake the House.” The frightening prospect of more mean tweets helps squeeze cash out of democrat voters, apparently.

As more evidence, the Hill reported that in an interview with The Washington Post yesterday, Representative Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), who is on the J6 Committee, leaked that the forthcoming report will be “profuse in setting forth crimes that have not yet been alleged.” Profuse! With un-alleged crimes! In other words, the democrat-only Committee plans to throw the book at Trump. It’ll be a million times bigger than Watergate! Or so they hope.

But The Hill seemed skeptical about the J6 report, noting that issues like inflation are more likely to stand out to folks instead of whose fault the Capitol riot was. The Hill also noted that polls suggest most people have already made up their minds about the “insurrection,” so the Committee’s awesome report might not move the needle at all.

Finally, The Hill noted that Terry McAuliffe already spent millions last November linking Governor Younkin to Trump, but Younkin was elected in a red landslide anyway.

The article ends saying, “for now, it looks like Trump is the most inviting target.” Meaning, the Democrats don’t have any better ideas. Are you surprised that’s the best idea from the party that is still hoping cloth masks will somehow stop a nano-scale aerosolized virus from spreading?



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The Hill ran an article yesterday headlined, “The Memo: Democrats Hope Trump Will Save Them From Midterm Disaster.” Here are the three reasons they think Trump could help shift the elections in their favor:

1- He’ll back losing candidates like Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker.

2- The threat of a presidential run in 2024 will make dems mad and fired up.

3- The J6 Committee will release a stinker report accusing President Trump of sedition or insurrection or crimes or something.
In other words the same #### as before.

Point, Cry and Accuse.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Walker is a loser - but I think Oz probably is. PA is actually turning red according to party registrations - but Oz isn't a good candidate.

Also, Trump is dropping subtle hints he might NOT run in 2024. But he likes to jerk the left around anyway.


PREMO Member

Supreme Court declines to hear New York challenge to Trump-era cap on SALT deductions

In the case, New York v. Yellen, Janet Yellen, in her official capacity as secretary of the Treasury, is being sued by New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Maryland. The states initially sued Yellen's predecessor, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and the IRS when the Trump tax cut of 2017 – of which the SALT cap is a part – went into effect.

The states argued that the SALT cap was unconstitutional – though that argument gained no judicial traction. In 2019, a federal district court ruled against the states, as did the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in 2021.

Some economists have argued that capping the SALT deduction invigorates economic growth by leveling pressure against high-tax states (like Connecticut, Maryland, N.J., and N.Y.) to lower their tax rates and balance their budgets. It also prevents, to a certain extent, a subsidization of high-tax states by individual in lower tax-states.

More Trump Winning


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

Supreme Court declines to hear New York challenge to Trump-era cap on SALT deductions

In the case, New York v. Yellen, Janet Yellen, in her official capacity as secretary of the Treasury, is being sued by New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Maryland. The states initially sued Yellen's predecessor, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and the IRS when the Trump tax cut of 2017 – of which the SALT cap is a part – went into effect.

The states argued that the SALT cap was unconstitutional – though that argument gained no judicial traction. In 2019, a federal district court ruled against the states, as did the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in 2021.

Some economists have argued that capping the SALT deduction invigorates economic growth by leveling pressure against high-tax states (like Connecticut, Maryland, N.J., and N.Y.) to lower their tax rates and balance their budgets. It also prevents, to a certain extent, a subsidization of high-tax states by individual in lower tax-states.

More Trump Winning
And Frosh losing.


PREMO Member

Deceptive Edits: Audio Contradicts Piers Morgan, Shows He Warped Trump Interview Ending in Promo

A 30-second promotional clip that Morgan released on Wednesday afternoon seemed to show Trump flying off the handle and walking out mid-interview as a righteous Morgan asked him tough questions about his views on the 2020 election. But the full story seems to indicate that Morgan’s team deceptively edited the clips together to make it as nasty as possible for Trump—and to drive up the ratings for Morgan’s new show. Morgan’s new show, Piers Morgan Uncensored, launches next week on Talk TV, a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.


Well-Known Member

Deceptive Edits: Audio Contradicts Piers Morgan, Shows He Warped Trump Interview Ending in Promo

A 30-second promotional clip that Morgan released on Wednesday afternoon seemed to show Trump flying off the handle and walking out mid-interview as a righteous Morgan asked him tough questions about his views on the 2020 election. But the full story seems to indicate that Morgan’s team deceptively edited the clips together to make it as nasty as possible for Trump—and to drive up the ratings for Morgan’s new show. Morgan’s new show, Piers Morgan Uncensored, launches next week on Talk TV, a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.
This is certainly not hard to believe. More likely it is just confirmation of Morgan's tactics.


PREMO Member

A year after disappearing, federal informant in Trump probe found dead at L.A. high school

Broeksmit, the son of Deutsche Bank executive Bill Broeksmit, handed off a trove of confidential documents to federal authorities who were investigating the troubled financial institution, according to a 2019 profile in the New York Times. His father had killed himself in 2014, and Valentin Broeksmit went on to share his father's files with numerous journalists and government investigators, including a trip to an FBI office in Los Angeles, the newspaper reported.

Forensic News Network journalist Scott Stedman said he was one of the journalists who received documents from Broeksmit, which highlighted the bank's "deep Russia connections." Broeksmit was reported missing in 2021, but Stedman said they talked in January.

"It is very sad," Stedman wrote on Twitter. "I don’t suspect foul play. Val struggled with drugs on and off."


PREMO Member

Informant in federal probe into Trump Deutsche Bank relationship found dead

An informant who aided federal investigators with key documents and information about the German financial company Deutsche Bank and aided in a probe into former President Trump’s dealings with the bank was found dead in Los Angeles County on Monday.

Valentin Broeksmit, 46, was confirmed deceased by the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner. His cause of death at this moment is under investigation.

His body was found in the early morning hours on Monday at Woodrow Wilson High School, according to the Los Angeles Times. There was no evidence of foul play, police told the outlet.

Broeksmit was reported as missing by the Los Angeles Police Department in April 2021 and last seen driving a 2020 red Mini Cooper, which was later recovered without Broeksmit inside.


PREMO Member
Esper claims he stopped Trump from putting a bunch of troops on the border to stop illegal aliens. Well, with several million illegals wandering north, putting a bunch of troops on the border to stop illegal aliens is sounding pretty good right about now.

Esper claims he stopped Trump from sending in troops to get serious and suppress the 2020 Democrat riots. Well, I was part of the Army response to the LA Riot and we ended that nonsense in three days. The 2020 rioting went on all summer. Great call, dude.

Esper claims he stopped Trump from helping the Mexican government fight the drug cartels by blowing up drug labs. Well, with 100,000 Americans dead from fentanyl a year, if we have to fight a foreign enemy maybe it should be the enemy next door that’s literally killing 100,000 Americans a year instead of the foreign policy establishment’s villain du jour over in Whogivesadamnistan.

Esper claims that he bravely opposed the idea of taking al-Baghdadi’s head, dipping it in pig’s blood, and marching it around to show the ISIS scuzzes the wages of sin because this was “a war crime.” Well, there is the whole problem about the Muslim mass murderer not being a lawful combatant and therefore not being covered by the Geneva Convention, but whatever. Why ruin a good anecdote where he thinks he’s the hero with, you know, facts?



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Trump Crowned MAGA King After Pulling Rittenhouse's AR-15 From Stone

ANTIOCH, IL—Former President Donald J. Trump was crowned MAGA King shortly after pulling the legendary rifle of Kyle Rittenhouse from a stone. According to legend, the AR-15 rifle had been placed in the stone by Rittenhouse himself where it could lay dormant until a hero worthy of ruling America could pry it from its slumber.

A plaque at the base of the stone reads, "Whoso pulleth out the rifle from this stone, is right wise Ultra-MAGA King born of all America.”

According to sources, politicians and celebrities from all over the country have ventured to Antioch to try and pull the rifle from the stone, but even the strongest and mightiest have failed. When Trump arrived early Friday morning he discovered a weary Dwayne Johnson who had been unable to retrieve the rifle.

"No one can move the gun," witnesses heard Johnson say. "Maybe no one is meant to rule."

Trump valiantly said, "Stand aside, Rock. You're a great wrestler, maybe the best ever, but how you treated Vin Diesel was terrible. Disgraceful, really. You don't care about family."
