Trump News


PREMO Member

I Am Told Someone From DC Called Fani Willis on Friday and Demanded She Indict Trump on Monday to Cover Up Weiss “Screw Up” (VIDEO)

The entire process has been abusive.

The Fulton County Clerk posted Trump’s charges online BEFORE the grand jury had deliberated.

Newt Gingrich said the person who called Fani Willis demanded she bring the grand jurors in on Monday afternoon and indict Trump later that evening.

“I am told by a reliable source that Friday evening that somebody from Washington called the District Attorney from Atlanta and said ‘you have to indict on Monday – we have to cover up all the mistakes we just made with Weiss,’ and she said apparently, ‘my jurors aren’t coming back until Tuesday,’ and they said ‘you didn’t hear me, you have to indict on Monday,’ and she said, ‘They’re not going to be here before noon…this means it’s going to be 8 or 9 or 10 o’clock at night!'” Newt told Charlie Kirk.

Charlie Kirk asked Newt Gingrich who made the phone call to Fani Willis.

“We don’t know,” Newt Gingrich said. “And I’m telling you upfront, this is hearsay, but it’s from a person who has remarkably good sources.”

“I totally believe it though because that would explain why they leaked and they messed up on the clerk documents, why [Fani Willis] was exhausted and why they had the 11 pm press conference!” Charlie Kirk said.


PREMO Member
Former President Donald Trump's indictment by a grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia (In Midnight Presser, Fulton DA Fani Willis Calls Trump's Election Integrity Team a 'Criminal Enterprise') brings to 91 the number of criminal charges he faces in four separate jurisdictions. Even though the former president is arguably more popular than the current resident of the Oval Office, he's tied with Biden in general election polling, and he's the clear frontrunner for the Republican nomination; see NEW: Quinnipiac Poll Shows Trump Holding Massive Lead Ahead of the Pack—Including DeSantis.

I fully expect former president Trump to be convicted and go to prison (Today's Supreme Court Cases Show Why President Trump Is Very Likely to End up in Prison); the establishment, left and right, is pulling out all the stops.

Even if former president Trump somehow avoids prison, he may very well be barred from running for president.

How is this possible? The best TDS-infected legal minds have concocted a theory that if not successful nationwide, it could disqualify Trump from receiving votes in a minimum of the 20 states with a Democrat holding the position of secretary of state.



PREMO Member

GA State Senator Demands Emergency Session to Investigate Fulton County DA Fani Willis

Georgia State Sen. Colton Moore (R) wants Gov. Brian Kemp to declare an emergency session to investigate Fulton County DA Fani Willis.

Willis is the one who brought charges against President Donald Trump, including a RICO charge. A grand jury indicted him this week.

Moore wrote on Twitter:

As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis.
America is under attack. I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents.

The letter states:

We, the undersigned, being duly elected members of the Georgia House of Representatives and Georgia Senate, and comprising 3/5 of each respective house, pursuant to Article IV, Section II, Paragraph VII(b), hereby certify to you, in writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in our opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state, requiring a special session to be convened under that section, for all purposes, to include, without limitation, the review and response to the actions of Fani Willis.



PREMO Member

Trump Can Prove It

By Matt Kane

Establishment politicians and mainstream media have fought harder than on any other issue to convince the public that voter fraud is a conspiracy theory. But unconstitutional changes to state election laws, unsupervised ballot drop boxes, voting machine errors, mathematically improbable voter turnout, and other examples of outright voter fraud that were denied a chance to be presented in court between the 2020 election and Biden's inauguration can't simply be chalked up as coincidental. All those things occurring simultaneously make the fraud seem coordinated.

In response to the most recent indictments, Trump's attorneys indicated they finally have a platform to "fully re-litigate every single issue that occurred during the 2020 election," of which there were many. The most important issue in America may finally get its due.

Trump's 2016 victory was fueled by flipping the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania from blue to red. Pennsylvania and Michigan had not voted for a Republican in a general election since 1988, while Wisconsin hadn't voted for one since 1984. Those three states delivered Trump the necessary electoral votes to become president. It also sent a signal that blue strongholds were no longer a "given" after the people of those states were fed up with delivering victories for politicians who never went on to deliver results for them.

In addition to "Hillary Clinton's blue wall," Arizona and Georgia were also viewed as potential swing states that Trump needed to retain as previous Republican nominees did to have any chance at victory. Twenty sixteen made it clear that those states would again decide the 2020 election. Suspiciously, after America was forced to anxiously await the results for days following election night, those five states all "flipped" to Biden despite Trump outpacing his record 2016 turnout by even greater margins.


Well-Known Member
Former President Donald Trump's indictment by a grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia (In Midnight Presser, Fulton DA Fani Willis Calls Trump's Election Integrity Team a 'Criminal Enterprise') brings to 91 the number of criminal charges he faces in four separate jurisdictions. Even though the former president is arguably more popular than the current resident of the Oval Office, he's tied with Biden in general election polling, and he's the clear frontrunner for the Republican nomination; see NEW: Quinnipiac Poll Shows Trump Holding Massive Lead Ahead of the Pack—Including DeSantis.

I fully expect former president Trump to be convicted and go to prison (Today's Supreme Court Cases Show Why President Trump Is Very Likely to End up in Prison); the establishment, left and right, is pulling out all the stops.

Even if former president Trump somehow avoids prison, he may very well be barred from running for president.

How is this possible? The best TDS-infected legal minds have concocted a theory that if not successful nationwide, it could disqualify Trump from receiving votes in a minimum of the 20 states with a Democrat holding the position of secretary of state.

20 states he would probably lose in anyway, so he can still run and win.

GA State Senator Demands Emergency Session to Investigate Fulton County DA Fani Willis

Georgia State Sen. Colton Moore (R) wants Gov. Brian Kemp to declare an emergency session to investigate Fulton County DA Fani Willis.

Willis is the one who brought charges against President Donald Trump, including a RICO charge. A grand jury indicted him this week.

Moore wrote on Twitter:

The letter states:

I don't know much about Governor Kemp but I do know

Trump Can Prove It

By Matt Kane

Establishment politicians and mainstream media have fought harder than on any other issue to convince the public that voter fraud is a conspiracy theory. But unconstitutional changes to state election laws, unsupervised ballot drop boxes, voting machine errors, mathematically improbable voter turnout, and other examples of outright voter fraud that were denied a chance to be presented in court between the 2020 election and Biden's inauguration can't simply be chalked up as coincidental. All those things occurring simultaneously make the fraud seem coordinated.

In response to the most recent indictments, Trump's attorneys indicated they finally have a platform to "fully re-litigate every single issue that occurred during the 2020 election," of which there were many. The most important issue in America may finally get its due.

Trump's 2016 victory was fueled by flipping the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania from blue to red. Pennsylvania and Michigan had not voted for a Republican in a general election since 1988, while Wisconsin hadn't voted for one since 1984. Those three states delivered Trump the necessary electoral votes to become president. It also sent a signal that blue strongholds were no longer a "given" after the people of those states were fed up with delivering victories for politicians who never went on to deliver results for them.

In addition to "Hillary Clinton's blue wall," Arizona and Georgia were also viewed as potential swing states that Trump needed to retain as previous Republican nominees did to have any chance at victory. Twenty sixteen made it clear that those states would again decide the 2020 election. Suspiciously, after America was forced to anxiously await the results for days following election night, those five states all "flipped" to Biden despite Trump outpacing his record 2016 turnout by even greater margins.

he is a sorry excuse for a Republican

Trump Can Prove It

By Matt Kane

Establishment politicians and mainstream media have fought harder than on any other issue to convince the public that voter fraud is a conspiracy theory. But unconstitutional changes to state election laws, unsupervised ballot drop boxes, voting machine errors, mathematically improbable voter turnout, and other examples of outright voter fraud that were denied a chance to be presented in court between the 2020 election and Biden's inauguration can't simply be chalked up as coincidental. All those things occurring simultaneously make the fraud seem coordinated.

In response to the most recent indictments, Trump's attorneys indicated they finally have a platform to "fully re-litigate every single issue that occurred during the 2020 election," of which there were many. The most important issue in America may finally get its due.

Trump's 2016 victory was fueled by flipping the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania from blue to red. Pennsylvania and Michigan had not voted for a Republican in a general election since 1988, while Wisconsin hadn't voted for one since 1984. Those three states delivered Trump the necessary electoral votes to become president. It also sent a signal that blue strongholds were no longer a "given" after the people of those states were fed up with delivering victories for politicians who never went on to deliver results for them.

In addition to "Hillary Clinton's blue wall," Arizona and Georgia were also viewed as potential swing states that Trump needed to retain as previous Republican nominees did to have any chance at victory. Twenty sixteen made it clear that those states would again decide the 2020 election. Suspiciously, after America was forced to anxiously await the results for days following election night, those five states all "flipped" to Biden despite Trump outpacing his record 2016 turnout by even greater margins.
Establishment politicians and the mainstream media are the biggest part of the problems we have in America today.
The media does not report the news they create it and mostly with untruths or half truths, and the politicians are more worried aboiut keeping their soft jobs than they are about the state of America.


PREMO Member
If he is convinced of a crime, especially one the Democrat leaders also regularly commit, and he goes to prison, the left will be orgasmic. Their lives will be complete, but will their quality of life really improve?

Will getting Trump an inmate number make Hillary Clinton president? Will it take one criminal off the street in New York City, Chicago, or San Francisco? Will it convince one fleeing employer to move back to those cities? Will it improve our position in the world? Will it make groceries affordable for Americans, secure our border, or free our citizens from fentanyl? The answers are all “no.” The goal is not to improve anything. It is to get Trump. That sets the Democrats up for disappointment.

Depression will set in when Trump, even if convicted of something, lives free for the rest of his long life while his appeals against the bogus convictions succeed one at a time. Democrats will say the judicial system is rigged against them. They will blame Justice Clarence Thomas. Do they really think a former president will go to prison for minor process crimes? The First Amendment wrecks most of these charges without breaking a sweat.

No matter how many politicians and networks say otherwise, Trump has not been charged with sedition or insurrection. Democrat operatives have indicted him for having a big mouth and refusing to admit defeat. His state of mind and prosecutors’ disparate treatment of others who acted similarly will be front and center at his trials and in the court of public opinion.

Trump will ask why Clinton can mishandle secret documents and willfully destroy evidence, but Trump faces criminal prosecution for his classified documents. Why can Biden scatter classified documents all over his houses and Chinatown, but Trump cannot have materials at his home? Why can Democrat senators and congressmen make calls to arms that resulted in, or at least supported, deadly riots all over our country and hold up the First Amendment as a complete defense, but Trump cannot?

Why can Clinton author a book and go on a promotional tour claiming Trump stole her presidency, but Trump cannot call an election rigged? Clinton, one of the least popular presidential candidates ever, will be on trial by analogy.



PREMO Member

The disqualification of Donald Trump and other legal urban legends

Constitutional urban legends often have an even more immediate appeal and tend to arise out of the desperation of divided times. One of the most popular today is that former President Donald Trump can be barred from office, even if he is not convicted in any of the four indictments he faces, under a long-dormant clause of the 14th Amendment.

This 14th Amendment theory is something that good liberals will read to their children at night. It goes something like this: Donald Trump can never be president again, because the 14th Amendment bars those who previously took federal oaths from assuming office if they engaged in insurrection or rebellion. With that, and a kiss on the forehead, a progressive’s child can sleep peacefully through the night.

But don’t look under the bed. For as scary as it might sound to some, Trump can indeed take office if he is elected…even if he is convicted. Indeed, he can serve as president even in the unlikely scenario that he is sentenced to jail.

Democrats have long pushed this theory about the 14th Amendment as a way of disqualifying not only Trump but also dozens of Republican members of Congress. From some, it is the ultimate Hail Mary pass if four indictments, roughly 100 criminal charges and more than a dozen opposing candidates fail to get the job done.


Just sneakin' around....
So, thinking out loud here, a 'what if'.

Trump was elected President. The Dems hated that, and made sure a Dem got elected in the next election, and it's been a disaster of a Presidency. No part of the American Dream was left negatively unaffected. So now the people are sick of the current leadership, and Trump gets elected in 2024. Things start to get back on track, but you know the Dems will be seething. Come 2028, the Dems make sure another Democratic party leader is instilled just to get rid of Trump. Can we expect them to double-down and make things twice as bad as they made the current Presidency due to nothing more than TDS? I can see it happening. Should we be preparing now for the years after 2028?


PREMO Member
Can we expect them to double-down and make things twice as bad as they made the current Presidency due to nothing more than TDS?

Biden is a shell, other individuals are ' running ' the country, and their VISION is a green dystopian nightmare .... keening and wailing about the existential threat posed by Global Warming Climate Change ... all just an Authoritarian POWER GRAB to control the masses ... Marxism, Socialism, Communism, all a power grab, wielding the levers of power, controlling ' favored ' businesses, while all others are curtailed or crushed


PREMO Member
Accusing Trump and his co-defendants of “corrupt practices” within the state’s RICO statute is on par with accusing Mr. Trump and his associates of “colluding” with Putin to steal the 2016 election. “Colluding” has a negative connotation but not a legal sanction attached to it. In the present instance, District Attorney Willis has focused on the general rather than the specific. Given the likely partisan makeup of a Fulton County jury, it will be easier to believe Trump and his fellow defendants had a “corrupt aim.” Bluntly, there exists the distinct likelihood Mr. Trump will be convicted for being Mr. Trump; and his associates will be convicted for supporting him in disputing the election.

This will not prove the RICO charge’s elements, but it will suffice for a partisan jury to convict them of the charge, as well as smoothing the way for them to indict him on the underlying crimes allegedly committed in furtherance of the “conspiracy.” After all, one could reason, if the defendants committed the big crime, they likely committed the smaller ones. Should anyone doubt the partisan nature of the indictments, recent history is replete with the Democrats politicizing justice to advance their own corrupt aims from Russia-gate to Hunter Biden’s attempted plea deal, ad nauseum.

Ultimately, should Mr. Trump win the GOP primary, he and his campaign staff/co-defendants will be hamstrung throughout the 2024 campaign. Moreover, future dissent against election outcomes will be chilled, which is what the Democrats covet as they continue to erode election integrity laws throughout the country. And, of course, it will further the Democrats craven weaponization of government against the Republican-Populist movement. “Ambitious charging,” indeed, by local District Attorney Willis.

Doubtless, the ultimate resolution of these nakedly political prosecutions will not be determined by juries but by federal and state appellate courts. But what of the ultimate arbiter of all – the American people?



PREMO Member
🔥 It was the mugshot heard ‘round the world. The democrats shattered historic records again yesterday, arresting a former United States President on ridiculous process crimes for the fourth time, and this time they got their mugshot. I hope they like it. Although President Trump marked the occasion by returning to Twitter after a two-year hiatus, in which he used the mugshot, I am NOT reprinting it here. You can easily find it if you want it.

His mugshot may disappoint some of his political enemies. In the photo, Trump confronts the camera in front of a bland gray backdrop, his eyes meeting the lens in an intense, defiant, and almost angry glare. He should be angry. He’s wearing a smart blue suit, crisp white dress shirt, and bright red tie. His shoulders are bravely squared, his head tilted slightly toward the camera as if to say, I’m coming. Fulton County’s sheriff digitally added its logo above Trump’s right shoulder.

Per reports, and probably owing to prior arrangements with Secret Service, Trump’s entire booking process took under 20 minutes, start to end. He was released on $200,000 bail.

Reactions were strong. For one example, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene joined Trump in spirit, tweeting her own mugshot-style pic:


Dinesh D’Souza announced that in memorial of the historic occasion, he would post his movie proving election crimes in Georgia, 2,000 Mules, for free on Twitter for a week:

image 2.png

Meanwhile, democrats are busy creating collectible mugshot stamps and planning to propose a national holiday.

Apart from exciting the democrat base, it’s hard to see what advantage they’ve gained. And they may not be able to ultimately afford the cost. Four indictments and four arrests create four precedents for arresting and charging other officials. And there are a bunch of officials who are sitting squarely in those crosshairs.

I’m looking at you, Bob Peters.



PREMO Member
🔥 The Atlantic ran an angry story about Trump’s mug shot yesterday, but promptly and hilariously swapped headlines soon after being mercilessly mocked online. Here’s the current headline as it sits today:

image 3.png

Here’s what the headline was, before they stealth-edited it, under relentless heckling:

image 4.png

That original headline sounded more like something a group of catty, high-school mean girls said about the new transfer student from a posh high school in Beverly Hills. Classic.

And, the mug shot was “supposed to be an exercise in humility?” According to whom? I always thought mug shots were standard, everyday criminal-justice documentation procedures. I guess I didn’t get the memo.

Oh wait, democrats hoped the mug shot would be a “lesson in humility,” meaning they hoped it would humiliate President Trump and teach him a lesson.

The Atlantic’s story was a rambling, pseudo-intellectual, unintelligible mess, tediously meandering on and on about the Greek goddess Medusa and using mirrors or something. I couldn’t follow it. The bottom line was the Atlantic schizophrenically seemed to be simultaneously warning its readers not to seek out the Trump mugshot, just don’t even look at it, even while realizing that its readers desperately wanted to see Trump in a mugshot, so badly that they were going to look anyway.

Dear Megan: Trump derangement syndrome can be dangerous if untreated. The mental illness should be treated with powerful psychotropic drugs and a long vacation from social media. Or an extended stint in a convent, either way.

Of course, unable to help itself, never mind its readers, like a lifelong OCD hand washer, the Atlantic’s article began with a picture of the mugshot itself. So. By the time you got the warning, it was already too late. That, and the mocking, must be why they swapped headlines to “The Mug Shot Is a Warning,” which was my original take on it, too.

It is a warning.

Anyway, the Georgia indictment is off to a great start! Wokecompetence.



PREMO Member
The Left has made Trump into the ultimate outlaw. Trump already had a certain appeal — to men especially — with his globe-trotting magnate lifestyle, his golden real estate towers and huge private jet, and his drop-dead wife with smoldering eyes and a sexy accent. Then he became president, defeating the establishment in the process.

So the establishment came gunning for him, throwing every kind of politicized legal attack at him they could cobble together.

But they forgot that they had literally spent generations training their captive demographic supporters not to trust the system, especially not law enforcement. Whoops.

Trump is now the first presidential candidate who’s ever been badass enough to have his own mugshot. You can’t buy that kind of street cred. And not just any mugshot — it’s the fiercest portrait of righteous rage in the face of persecution in just about ever. It’s a total slay, as the kids say these days.

And the memes! It’s like 2016 all over again.



PREMO Member

‘Trump is a brother now’: Did Trump’s black support just SKYROCKET overnight?

As Trump turned himself in on Thursday, “Blacks for Trump” also lined the street outside of the Fulton County jailhouse. The organization’s founder, Maurice Symonette, spoke to Rolling Out about the group showing up to the jail to support the former president.

“Why are you all out here in Atlanta to support Trump?” the media outlet asked Symonette.

“I’m out here today because Trump is being treated like, what they would call, a n*****,” he responded.

“So why do you think Trump is being treated like a black man?” the reporter asked.

“Because he’s a Gentile. Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Ham is the father of all Africans. He’s the one who had the children of Israel in slavery. Japheth is the father of all white Gentiles, Genesis 10: 1-5. Shem is the father of all the black Hebrew Israelites, which is us. I’m not a Hebrew Israelite like the ones who be cussing white people out and calling them the devil,” he replied.


PREMO Member
Now the word is in that just since Trump's booking on Thursday evening, he's already raised $7.1 million. On Friday alone, Trump raked in $4.18 million, making it the most in a day in his campaign so far. Part of that was fueled by people buying merchandise from the website. That included all kinds of products with the fierce mugshot on it, including t-shirts, posters, bumper stickers, and mugs.

The campaign has also raked in almost $20 million in the past three weeks, according to the report. Organic money has just "skyrocketed." the campaign said.

Donald Trump Jr. was also selling mugshot merchandise for his father's legal defense fund.

Supporters like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga) posted pictures of themselves with the mugshot logo or posted pictures of the mugshot as their profile, to rally support for Trump.

Could there be any bigger mistake than what Democrats have done here? It's pretty hilarious that their obsession to get Trump and shame him has helped to get millions to the Trump campaign, that they've fed the campaign and the legal defense of the man they so despise.

This is likely to continue to backfire on the Democrats. Some on the left wanted a scalp. But they may find the "scalp" they got wasn't Donald Trump, but it's their chances in the election, as they do get more and more frantic over not knocking Trump out of the election and make more and more desperate moves. When people see what they believe is blatant targeting it only drives more people away from Biden and toward the side that wants to bring us back to justice and the rule of law, not the rule of the banana republic.
