Trump News


PREMO Member
📈📈 Speaking of great free speech news, CNBC reported a remarkable development yesterday under the headline, “Meta lifts Trump's Facebook and Instagram restrictions ahead of election.” The sub-headline added, “Meta said Friday it will remove any previously imposed penalties and restrictions on former President Donald Trump’s social media accounts, effective immediately.”

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President Trump has been cooling his heels in Facebook jail ever since January 6th, 2021, for spreading misinformation. Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta denies censoring anybody for their political views, only misinformers, like crazy antivaxxers who claim the covid shots don’t stop transmission. Dummies.

Anyway, the ongoing censorship of the Republican Party’s presidential candidate was the best proof of all that political censorship does exist. But Meta has apparently reconsidered, changed its mind, evolved, or pivoted, whatever you want to call it. And now, having served his three-year digital sentence, Trump is a free man:

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At this point, why should President Trump post anything on Facebook? Meaning, who cares. But it’s still an interesting development, coming just before the convention, and amidst the Biden Regime Change sideshow.

I’ll take this as a win. Not because Facebook has finally removed President Trump’s account restrictions, but because Meta acknowledged in its statement a “responsibility to allow political expression.”

Who knew? Meta’s admission of a duty to “allow political expression” is by itself significant progress. They may regret admitting the existence of that duty. We shall see.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 According to unofficial reports, President Trump promptly arrived for his 9:00am tee time yesterday morning, despite being 78 years old, despite being shot the night before, and despite the inexplicable mystery of how Jeffrey Toobin is still working at CNN. (But I digress.) After golfing, Trump boarded a plane and flew to Milwaukee to attend the Republican National Convention. So, it is now undeniable that President Trump is tough. Allow me a quick moment to point out some other Trumpian qualities.

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Trump has unmatched business skills. He might be the greatest problem-solving entrepreneur American has yet conceived. As evidence, they tried to sue the former President into a bottomless pit of bankruptcy oblivion with a massive, unpayable, history-making civil fine arising from a 30-year-old novel legal theory of defamation. So Trump created a new social media platform, took it public, and paid the fine — an unprecedented maneuver that was even more impressive and historic than the fine. Problem solved.

The former President also has an unmatched strategic mind. They tried to throw him in jail for over a hundred years on a creatively prosecuted witch hunt over the way his bookeeper coded a few legal expenses in Quickbooks. So Trump took an entirely different case to the Supreme Court, and got one of the most historic high court decisions, a decision that changed the nature of the Presidency itself. That decision probably solved his jail problem.

And most indefinably, he’s lucky. When all else failed, they tried to kill him, starving his Secret Service detail of resources just before the shooter struck. Trump turned his head at precisely the right second and survived with a graze (although a bystander wasn’t so fortunate).

At this perilous time in world history, with World War III looming, with the economy in free fall, and with the dollar on the international chopping block, what sane person wouldn’t want the country’s best business mind, most strategic thinker, top problem solver, and let’s be honest, luckiest man alive? How, absent profound mental illness, could anyone prefer a guy whose idea of problem-solving is calling Ukraine’s martial law leader “President Putin?”



Well-Known Member
Breaking News!

The DNC is now demanding Trump wear large prosthetic ears during all rallies
to compensate for their assassins being bad shots.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
🔥🔥 According to unofficial reports, President Trump promptly arrived for his 9:00am tee time yesterday morning, despite being 78 years old, despite being shot the night before, and despite the inexplicable mystery of how Jeffrey Toobin is still working at CNN. (But I digress.) After golfing, Trump boarded a plane and flew to Milwaukee to attend the Republican National Convention. So, it is now undeniable that President Trump is tough. Allow me a quick moment to point out some other Trumpian qualities.

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Trump has unmatched business skills. He might be the greatest problem-solving entrepreneur American has yet conceived. As evidence, they tried to sue the former President into a bottomless pit of bankruptcy oblivion with a massive, unpayable, history-making civil fine arising from a 30-year-old novel legal theory of defamation. So Trump created a new social media platform, took it public, and paid the fine — an unprecedented maneuver that was even more impressive and historic than the fine. Problem solved.

The former President also has an unmatched strategic mind. They tried to throw him in jail for over a hundred years on a creatively prosecuted witch hunt over the way his bookeeper coded a few legal expenses in Quickbooks. So Trump took an entirely different case to the Supreme Court, and got one of the most historic high court decisions, a decision that changed the nature of the Presidency itself. That decision probably solved his jail problem.

And most indefinably, he’s lucky. When all else failed, they tried to kill him, starving his Secret Service detail of resources just before the shooter struck. Trump turned his head at precisely the right second and survived with a graze (although a bystander wasn’t so fortunate).

At this perilous time in world history, with World War III looming, with the economy in free fall, and with the dollar on the international chopping block, what sane person wouldn’t want the country’s best business mind, most strategic thinker, top problem solver, and let’s be honest, luckiest man alive? How, absent profound mental illness, could anyone prefer a guy whose idea of problem-solving is calling Ukraine’s martial law leader “President Putin?”

That golf cart has a beefed-up suspension because of his...

wait for it...

MAGA balls!!!


PREMO Member

Was Secret Service tied to effort to strip Trump of security detail? Records requests seek answers

While the bill went nowhere in the Republican-controlled House, Fitzpatrick has questions about how the writing of the bill came about, including how involved USSS staff were in crafting it – if at all– just months before the agency’s “apocalyptic security failure” in protecting Trump from the assassination attempt, as critics have called it. The former president survived, Trump and others argue, because he turned his head at the exact time the bullet would have hit it, missing his brain by an estimated millimeters and grazing his right ear instead.

The Center Square asked Thompson’s office if he or his staff sought the input of Secret Service staff to craft the bill. It also asked if he still holds the position that if Trump were sentenced to prison in the future, that he and his family should be stripped of USSS security detail. His office has yet to respond.

Eight other House Democrats cosponsored his bill: Troy Carter of Louisiana, Barbara Lee of California, Frederica Wilson of Florida, Yvette Clarke of New York, Bonnie Watson Coleman of New Jersey, Jasmine Crockett of Texas, Joyce Beatty of Ohio, and Steve Cohen of Tennessee.

After the assassination attempt, Thompson said his bill would not have impacted Trump’s USSS security detail at the rally. He told a local Mississippi news outlet, “My bill would not have affected the Secret Service’s presence during this tragic event. It aims to clarify lines of authority when a protectee is sentenced to prison and is in the custody of another law enforcement agency,” the congressman said. “That does not apply to the former President.”


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 President Trump received some more good legal news yesterday. The Hill reported the story under the headline, “Judge won’t dismiss Trump’s defamation suit against ABC, Stephanopoulos.

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In a 21-page ruling issued yesterday, U.S. District Judge Cecilia Altonaga rejected several defenses ABC and anchor George Stephanopoulos had raised against Trump’s lawsuit, including that they were protected by a fair reporting privilege. President Trump seemed happy:

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Trump’s lawsuit alleged ABC’s anchorman defamed him. Stephanopoulos repeatedly stated on-air that President Trump was found “liable for rape” in the stale, thirty-year-old lawsuit brought by advice columnist, card-carrying cat lady, and one-letter first named E. Jean Carroll.

But the jury had found Trump liable for sexual abuse, not rape. They actually found him not guilty of rape.

For some reason for which ABC’s lawyers must someday answer, Stephanopoulos repeatedly and stubbornly refused to correct the record when given the chance. So Trump sued him. If the network’s lawyers ever wake up from their legal coma, they will advise ABC to settle. Now that the judge has denied dismissal, Trump’s team is entitled to discovery and the case will proceed to trial.

ABC lacks good options at this point. Under federal rules, the denial of a motion to dismiss is generally not appealable until after trial. So now, they’re on the Trump train till it reaches the final station, unless they buy their way off.

ABC did not respond to requests for comment. The delicious irony of giant media companies refusing to give statements when they are in the news is a dish best served warm with a side of vanilla syrup.



PREMO Member
Passports were't "stolen", you liar.

22 CFR § 51.7 - Passport property of the U.S. Government.​

§ 51.7 Passport property of the U.S. Government.
(a) A passport at all times remains the property of the United States and must be returned to the U.S. Government upon demand.

(b) Law enforcement authorities who take possession of a passport for use in an investigation or prosecution must return the passport to the Department on completion of the investigation and/or prosecution.


NOT My Tweet Dummy ...

So was the job of the FBI to confiscate the passports ?

You are playing semantic word games
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