Trump supporter attacks 3 liberals after "heated political discussion "in DC


Well-Known Member
Except for the part where not only do we read about violent progbots every single day in the news, many of us have actually encountered them in person. God knows they're all over social media. So their reputation precedes them and it is not hard at all to imagine the mindless bots being triggered by the sight of a Trump hat and becoming unhinged and abusive.

Way to jump to conclusions. I bet you wouldn't want anyway saying the same about you.

It's so easy to assign blame based on ones political view. Let's see when video or witnessses have weighed in.


Well-Known Member
So you not understand how quotes work? I was quoting a news sourcing. I didn't witness the event in question so how could I assign blame?

What a little twit you are. There was 3 of them, 1 of him. They thought they had the upper hand until he kicked their asses. Problem should have been solved, but wait, now the 3 change the story to being the innocent victim and idjits like you believe it. UFB Can't wait to see the video of that and how your kind weasels a way to reassign the blame.


Well-Known Member
"Police arrested Travieso on three counts of felony assault with significant bodily injury. The police report listed the incident as a suspected hate crime based on "anti-political" motivation.
He appeared in court on Monday and pleaded not guilty to three simple assault charges, according to William Miller, spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C.
The interaction began inside of the Grillfish restaurant when one of the three victims commented aloud on the man’s red hat, and an argument ensued.
After the conversation subsided, Travieso left the restaurant and got into an Uber with his family, according to court documents. But he got out of the vehicle at a stop light to engage with the victims again.
Police say he straddled one man and pounded him in the face about 20 times. The other two victims tried to stop him, but Travieso punched them as well.

1 dude whipped 3 beta libs. That sums up your lib party right there - weak, beta babies.


Well-Known Member
It has been my experience that a man does not get in a cab (uber) and leave, and then stop the cab and get out to knock the snot out of someone who is no longer harassing him.

It is my opinion that the snowflake would not shut up and continued to beg for his can of Whoop ass to be opened for him.

He got his wish and should disappear into the ether and keep his mouth shut, but being the POS that he is he now claims to be a victim.


The interaction began inside of the Grillfish restaurant when one of the three victims commented aloud on the man’s red hat, and an argument ensued.

So, what I'm getting out of this is, a few liberal douche-wads tried to #### with a guy having dinner, got their asses handed to them for it - and now that guy is the bad guy and people like you are jizzing in their pants over it.

One of the three "victims"

:lmao: Maybe he should have kept his ####ing mouth shut.


Power with Control
I read a lot of comments, and one of the best was

"how do you lose a three on one fight?"

And whole lot of "Well, they were just exercising their first amendment rights". I would love to hear from other patrons in the restaurant. Seems they should do a better job of getting patrons to not harass other patrons over clothing choices. The left has taken this idea that you can verbally harass anyone anywhere anytime that they disagree with.


I bowl overhand
Maybe but we don't know that from the story but there is a lot of advocating violence against the people who were assualted and victim blaming.

What if all they said was "hey we are indoors you should take off your Trump hat"?

Not likely but just as possible as all the other scenarios you guys have made up to justify why it was okay for him to react violently.

Kind of missed the whole "Hate Crime" didn't you??

Why is a hate crime when a Conservative punches a Liberal.. but when a Liberal tries to kill a conservative with a bike lock it's just assault??


PREMO Member
I read a lot of comments, and one of the best was

"how do you lose a three on one fight?"

well the initial engagement was one v one .... then the wife tried to step in, she got smacked then the other dude stepped in he got smacked


Well-Known Member
I read a lot of comments, and one of the best was

"how do you lose a three on one fight?"

And whole lot of "Well, they were just exercising their first amendment rights". I would love to hear from other patrons in the restaurant. Seems they should do a better job of getting patrons to not harass other patrons over clothing choices. The left has taken this idea that you can verbally harass anyone anywhere anytime that they disagree with.

So it's verbal harassment when some says I don't like your Trump hat but when you said I hate your pussy hat its free speech? Moron