Okay, covid was the big shut down, dingbat. And Trump didn't invent the budget fight - the government "shut down" a number of times before him because Congress couldn't get a budget together. History is a thing and it's pretty easy to find it with a simple search.
You people, I swear.
When a Democrat is in office - and Congress shuts down the government - the press and the left blame Congress (twice under Clinton, once under Obama).
When it's a Republican in office - and Congress shuts down the government - the press and the left blame THE PRESIDENT (twice under Trump, although the first one was over a weekend, so hardly anyone noticed - and the second happened around the holidays when half of us went home anyway. Started on a weekend, three federal holidays - barely noticed).
The "longest shutdown in history" - some 35 days - was over 5 billion bucks for a border wall that Nancy and Chuck refused to budge on. When you consider how much that is CHUMP CHANGE compared to what they spend now - it's obscene. But it was Congress who shut down the government. They wouldn't support a border wall for 5 billion MEASLY bucks.
Of course - they WANT one, now.