Yep to a lefty that means spending Gov Cheese .... never would an Elitist stoop to getting their hands dirty, they stay safe in their gated communities with their armed guards
I do think it’s the way many of them think - that “we” is something different.
I’ve used this example often but it illustrates it perfectly.
We had a situation in our office that when events like birthdays or funerals or weddings or births happened, it strangely would take the collective office by surprise and there was no gift or card from them.
So they created a “sunshine fund”. Every week, everyone would pitch in a certain amount and the job fell to one person to make sure a gift or card or flowers were delivered. I didn’t like it at all; it was highly impersonal. I didn’t want a gift pulled from some “fund”. It repulsed me. I told them I would not participate. But I also told the person in charge that I WOULD give on my OWN.
And I was justified. I saw a supervisor lose her father - and they did NOTHING. I saw the timekeeper who famously did no work except do her work for a Bible degree get a party when she got the degree.
It was because the people kicking in didn’t give a crap where the money went - THEIR responsibility was covered with a weekly payment. It would say thank you or congratulations from all of us even if they had NO IDEA how it was spent. THEY were being generous.
Oddly enough I got the reputation as a miserly tightwad who refused to be generous. Only the person in charge knew that my private donations to the fund exceeded everyone else’s by two to one. And I insisted they not be told. Bible says to give in secret. I didn’t want thanks - I wanted them to have something nice.
Because I believed that I should do it myself, I got branded as a stingy jerk. Only two people knew I was doing more than the rest - because I knew I couldn’t trust the collective to be fair to everyone.