Trump won’t help Puerto Rico


Well-Known Member
That doesn't answer the question at all. I'm not asking if you "need" an AR, or your fear that it might get stolen, I'm asking if you can be trusted with one? If you had one; are you more inclined to commit mass murder?

If you own a car are you more likely to run someone over despite your best intentions?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I don't think you understand what arming yourself better then the other side means.

It may be a quagmire but they are nowhere nearly as well armed

I'm not expecting any Tallybons to show up on the island. Desperate and starving unprepared lefties scavenging for food after the NORK EMP attack..another matter entirely.:razz:


Well-Known Member
So, you admit that banning assault weapons would not result in putting an end to mass murder, it would only reduce the number a madman with a gun could kill.

What you call stupid is written in the constitution; that same constitution that protects your right call me all the names you want. But there lies the problem... The founders never intended for our military to be more armed and powerful than the people. It seems our schools and historians have brainwashed the people into believing we are subject to the government rather than the other way around.

I'm sorry you believe that just because the government is well armed that they are a threat to you. Why are you so paranoid? Why do you feel the only way to defend yourself is to arm yourself?

Why do you keep moving the goal posts of every argument? Do you have nothing better to do then argue to the point where everything is meaningless?

You brought up the 2nd amendment and the well armed militia. I pointed out that it is futile to try to out arm yourself against the most powerful military in the world and now you change the argument to school s and historians brainwashing people?

You really need to examine what you are arguing about and why? It seems you have a fundamental problem with the way our country functions. If that is the case feel free to find one that functions better for you.


Well-Known Member
What difference does it make if a strike isn't called, but the trucks aren't moving.

"What difference does it make"....where have I heard those words before???

You said there was a strike and that was the reason trucks aren't moving. Trucks are moving, supplies are moving (albeit, slowly due to obvious vast devastation on the island) and there was no strike.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I'm sorry you believe that just because the government is well armed that they are a threat to you. Why are you so paranoid? Why do you feel the only way to defend yourself is to arm yourself?

Why do you keep moving the goal posts of every argument? Do you have nothing better to do then argue to the point where everything is meaningless?

You brought up the 2nd amendment and the well armed militia. I pointed out that it is futile to try to out arm yourself against the most powerful military in the world and now you change the argument to school s and historians brainwashing people?

You really need to examine what you are arguing about and why? It seems you have a fundamental problem with the way our country functions. If that is the case feel free to find one that functions better for you.

why do you think the 2nd amendment was written? or the first or the third.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
why do you think the 2nd amendment was written? or the first or the third.

Sappy learned that Jefferson was being paid "by the word" and wanted to fill the parchment so he would have Ale money for the weekend.


If you own a car are you more likely to run someone over despite your best intentions?

I am going to take your deflective answer as: no you wouldn't be more inclined to commit mass murder if you owned an AR. So the obvious follow-up question to that is (which I'm sure you have been avoiding because you knew where I was going with this)... What makes you think the 99.9% of American would suddenly become more inclined to commit any sort of murder if they owned an 'assault rifle'? The vast majority of gun owners are just like you, responsible Americans with absolutely no intention to harm any innocent person regardless of what weapon they won. I would not more commit murder if I had a RPG than I would if I had a bb gun. Law-respecting Americans, that have done some study of the constitution, know the danger of having a government that can disarm us. The French are virtually completely disarmed, and yet terrorists managed to get automatic weapons into that country and commit mass murder. Brits are banned from having bombs, but terrorists managed to get bombs into the country and kill 22 people.

I'm at a point where I almost welcome you libs getting your way and banning guns and see the results. Then call for more bans, only to learn that it doesn't prevent these killings. Your answer to every problem is to have the government come in and limit innocent Americans' lives to answer for an extreme few nut cases. And when you've managed to ban every firearm, we'll still have nut cases that will get their hands on weapons to kill in mass numbers.


I'm sorry you believe that just because the government is well armed that they are a threat to you. Why are you so paranoid? Why do you feel the only way to defend yourself is to arm yourself?

This sort of denial that we could ever have another Hitler in this world is astounding. It seems you, and so many others, have learned nothing from history.

“To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them.” – George Mason


Well-Known Member
I am going to take your deflective answer as: no you wouldn't be more inclined to commit mass murder if you owned an AR. So the obvious follow-up question to that is (which I'm sure you have been avoiding because you knew where I was going with this)... What makes you think the 99.9% of American would suddenly become more inclined to commit any sort of murder if they owned an 'assault rifle'? The vast majority of gun owners are just like you, responsible Americans with absolutely no intention to harm any innocent person regardless of what weapon they won. I would not more commit murder if I had a RPG than I would if I had a bb gun. Law-respecting Americans, that have done some study of the constitution, know the danger of having a government that can disarm us. The French are virtually completely disarmed, and yet terrorists managed to get automatic weapons into that country and commit mass murder. Brits are banned from having bombs, but terrorists managed to get bombs into the country and kill 22 people.

I'm at a point where I almost welcome you libs getting your way and banning guns and see the results. Then call for more bans, only to learn that it doesn't prevent these killings. Your answer to every problem is to have the government come in and limit innocent Americans' lives to answer for an extreme few nut cases. And when you've managed to ban every firearm, we'll still have nut cases that will get their hands on weapons to kill in mass numbers.

Then what happened in Australia? It clearly shows you are wrong. The decided that the risks were not worth the reward after an atrocity and the results since then have proven them right and you wrong. They have not had a gun massacre since

Why are we one of the few nations in the world where this happens over and over and one of the nations in the world with the most lax gun control laws?


Well-Known Member
This sort of denial that we could ever have another Hitler in this world is astounding. It seems you, and so many others, have learned nothing from history.

“To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them.” – George Mason

We have one now. And All i see is you telling people to fall in line and respect our president.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
We have one now. And All i see is you telling people to fall in line and respect our president.


What time do the trains with democrats and socialists depart for Dachau and Treblinka?


I pointed out that it is futile to try to out arm yourself against the most powerful military in the world and now you change the argument to school s and historians brainwashing people?

You really need to examine what you are arguing about and why? It seems you have a fundamental problem with the way our country functions. If that is the case feel free to find one that functions better for you.

I have examined this for years. I give huge attention to what our founders wanted in writing our constitution. You apparently believe it has no relevance. If want to place these kinds of limits on guns, amend the constitution. "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" is clear and holds no limits on what kind of arms we can keep and bear, regardless of whether you believe they never knew assault weapons would exist or not.


Well-Known Member
Then what happened in Australia? It clearly shows you are wrong. The decided that the risks were not worth the reward after an atrocity and the results since then have proven them right and you wrong. They have not had a gun massacre since

Why are we one of the few nations in the world where this happens over and over and one of the nations in the world with the most lax gun control laws?

Australia does have shootings. Are you simply ignoring simply shootings and only worried about mass shootings?


We have one now. And All i see is you telling people to fall in line and respect our president.

Well, that's a pretty uninformed opinion there. I have never said any such thing. I have been hugely critical of Trump, you just choose to glaze right past that. But, if you fear Trump is Hitler, then you should want to be well armed for when he decides to stand himself up as our Fascist dictator.