Trump won’t help Puerto Rico


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Now you are saying the strike didn't happen. You can't even keep your own lies straight.

Where did I say that, slug? Quite the opposite. It was clear as crystal that zero trucks rolled and the union boss was loudly declaring why not in the days immediately after the storm. And...the containers were piling up and not one single truck in sight..which is what prompted all the attention to begin in the first place! You know..locals upset about it..posting videos and pics on FB..

Sorry moron. Go back to telling more lies. It's what you do best...and often.


Well-Known Member
Well, I missed it. Entertain me.

Let me ask you this too... Just a hypothetical, since I know assault rifles scare you to death and you'd never have one, but... If I gave you an AR are you responsible enough to not go around murdering people with it?

You should feel free to go back and see my post on the subject.

Again with your stupid analogies? Then why don't we hand nukes to every country on earth? Its the person after all that kills people not the nuke right?

I've shot many Ar's in my day but no I don't feel the need to own one. They are killing machines and though they are fun to shoot at targets or pumpkins once in a while i am willing to forego that small thrill for the safety of my fellow Americans. Being a patriot means sacrafiing for the good of our country and your fellow man sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Where did I say that, slug? Quite the opposite. It was clear as crystal that zero trucks rolled and the union boss was loudly declaring why not in the days immediately after the storm. And...the containers were piling up and not one single truck in sight..which is what prompted all the attention to begin in the first place! You know..locals upset about it..posting videos and pics on FB..

Sorry moron. Go back to telling more lies. It's what you do best...and often.

And it's pretty apparent the clown backed it is also apparent from the other things posted from PR that some truckers decided to roll anyway and other idle trucks were simply commandeered.

Sounds like the trucks got out when they needed to and no strike occurred


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I've shot many Ar's in my day but no I don't feel the need to own one. They are killing machines and though they are fun to shoot at targets or pumpkins once in a while i am willing to forego that small thrill for the safety of my fellow Americans. Being a patriot means sacrafiing for the good of our country and your fellow man sometimes.

:lmao::lmao::lmao: You a peach, Sappy.

Keep on sacrafiing on, kid.

I must admit, however, that knowing you don't own any firearms is somehow comforting.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member

Sounds like the trucks got out when they needed to and no strike occurred

No sounds like they finally started rolling well after they were first needed. You know..when the containers were piling up and none were being moved. But you go on and make up some more lies...


Well-Known Member
No sounds like they finally started rolling well after they were first needed. You know..when the containers were piling up and none were being moved. But you go on and make up some more lies...

But I thought you said that was when the infrastructure wasn't there for those trucks and thats why our brilliant leader hadn't lifted the Jones act yet?

I love how no matter what happens you've got an excuse that doesn't include making Trump culpable for anything.


You should feel free to go back and see my post on the subject.

Again with your stupid analogies? Then why don't we hand nukes to every country on earth? Its the person after all that kills people not the nuke right?

I've shot many Ar's in my day but no I don't feel the need to own one. They are killing machines and though they are fun to shoot at targets or pumpkins once in a while i am willing to forego that small thrill for the safety of my fellow Americans. Being a patriot means sacrafiing for the good of our country and your fellow man sometimes.

A revolver is a killing machine. So, you're saying that if you owned an assault rifle, this country would be less safe?


Well-Known Member
A revolver is a killing machine. So, you're saying that if you owned an assault rifle, this country would be less safe?

The shooter could not have killed and injured that many people with a revolver. End of story

Yes. That would mean there is one more AR that could be stolen and misused.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
But I thought you said that was when the infrastructure wasn't there for those trucks and thats why our brilliant leader hadn't lifted the Jones act yet?

I love how no matter what happens you've got an excuse that doesn't include making Trump culpable for anything.

Trump is definitely responsible for the success of the relief operations, yes. If he had not so quickly sent in that much military support the locals would still be sitting around waiting.


Well-Known Member
..but not the same video.

Fail. ;-) Did you read the descriptions in Spanish I posted earlier? did not. Keep that shovel busy, kid.

And it's pretty apparent the clown backed it is also apparent from the other things posted from PR that some truckers decided to roll anyway and other idle trucks were simply commandeered.

I read the descripton and it contradicts everything else. There was no strike and your non-existent Facebook video isn't exactly solid proof of the contrary.

The only apparent thing is your lack of ability to believe facts while gobbling up bull#### stories pushed by right wing news sources proven to be false.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Apparently your reading comprehension isn't very good. I Said I don't own an AR

I was hoping you own nothing more lethal than a claw hammer, frankly. You are the sort that people want to weed out using mental health criteria.

I've yet to see an AR jump and kill anyone yet.


Well-Known Member
Trump is definitely responsible for the success of the relief operations, yes. If he had not so quickly sent in that much military support the locals would still be sitting around waiting.


What a delusional moron you are. Do you even read the paper? or watch any news other than Fox?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
The only apparent thing is your lack of ability to believe facts while gobbling up bull#### stories pushed by right wing news sources proven to be false.

Only problem with that failed supposition is....I didn't get any of it from "right wing news sources". It was all directly from people I know..or their family..that live in PR. ;-) Sorry kid.


Well-Known Member
I read the descripton and it contradicts everything else. There was no strike and your non-existent Facebook video isn't exactly solid proof of the contrary.

The only apparent thing is your lack of ability to believe facts while gobbling up bull#### stories pushed by right wing news sources proven to be false.

Even when faced with the facts these idiots just try to change the conversation or deny having said the very thing they said moments ago.

No wonder we have an idiot for a president.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member

What a delusional moron you are. Do you even read the paper? or watch any news other than Fox?

You should get out more; the extent of the military relief effort ordered by Trump has been very widely reported. You poor ting...


Well-Known Member
Only problem with that failed supposition is....I didn't get any of it from "right wing news sources". It was all directly from people I know..or their family..that live in PR. ;-) Sorry kid.

Just like all the people that know you from around town and my lectures and all the people I know in PR. For some who never leaves the computer ou really get around a lot.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Just like all the people that know you from around town and my lectures and all the people I know in PR. For some who never leaves the computer ou really get around a lot.

Slow down..wipe the spittle from your keyboard and screen, and try again. Maybe something coherent will result.....though I'm not holding out much hope for that.